Jirachi (DX 9). Wobbuffet (LM 28). Space Center is not shutting off Wobbuffet's Stages of Evolution Poke Body.
Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: EX Series
Battle started between TyraniBoah and JakeGearhart!
Coin flip result: TAILS
JakeGearhart will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
[TyraniBoah]: round 2
Put Girafarig onto bench
[JakeGearhart]: :)
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy (RS 105) to Machop.
Put Machop onto bench
TyraniBoah played Celio's Network.
Put [Machoke (PK 33)] to Hand
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
Put [Celio's Network (RG 88)] to Played Supporter
Machop used Knuckle Punch
Machop did 10 damage to Rayquaza ex
Celio's Network (RG 88) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
JakeGearhart played Energy Removal 2.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Fighting Energy (RS 105) was discarded
JakeGearhart played Rocket's Admin. .
Put 4 cards to Deck
Put 5 cards to Deck
JakeGearhart has shuffled deck.
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
JakeGearhart drew 6 cards
TyraniBoah drew 6 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86)] to Played Supporter
Put Rayquaza ex onto bench
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Rayquaza ex.
Battle Frontier is now in play.
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
TyraniBoah played Rocket's Admin. .
Put 6 cards to Deck
Put 3 cards to Deck
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
JakeGearhart has shuffled deck.
TyraniBoah drew 6 cards
JakeGearhart drew 6 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Fighting Energy (RS 105) to Machop.
Machop used Knuckle Punch
Machop did 10 damage to Rayquaza ex
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
JakeGearhart played Energy Removal 2.
Coin flip result: TAILS
JakeGearhart played Holon Adventurer.
Chimecho (HP 37) was discarded
JakeGearhart drew 3 cards
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Played Supporter
Put Wynaut onto bench
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Rayquaza ex.
Rayquaza ex used Special Circuit
Rayquaza ex did 30 damage to Machop
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
TyraniBoah played Celio's Network.
Put [Machoke (PK 33)] to Hand
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
Put [Celio's Network (RG 88)] to Played Supporter
Machop evolved into Machoke
Attached a Heal Energy (DX 94) to Machoke.
Machoke already has full health.
Machop used Knuckle Punch
Machop did 10 damage to Rayquaza ex
Celio's Network (RG 88) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Rayquaza ex.
JakeGearhart played Holon Transceiver.
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Hand
JakeGearhart played Holon Adventurer.
Wynaut (LM 71) was discarded
JakeGearhart drew 3 cards
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Played Supporter
Rayquaza ex used Special Circuit
Rayquaza ex did 30 damage to Machoke
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
Fighting Energy (RS 105) was discarded
Machop retreated.
Machoke is now active
Machoke evolved into Machamp
Attached a Double Rainbow Energy (EM 87) to Machamp.
Machamp used Brick Smash
Overzealous +30
Double Rainbow Energy -10
Machamp did 60 damage to Rayquaza ex
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Rayquaza ex.
Rayquaza ex used Special Circuit
Rayquaza ex did 50 damage to Machamp
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
Put Machop onto bench
Machamp used Brick Smash
Overzealous +30
Double Rainbow Energy -10
Machamp did 60 damage to Rayquaza ex
Rayquaza ex was knocked out
Lightning Energy (HP 108) was discarded
Lightning Energy (HP 108) was discarded
TyraniBoah took one prize card.
TyraniBoah took one prize card.
Rayquaza ex is now active
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
Put Stantler onto bench
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Stantler.
JakeGearhart played Rocket's Admin. .
Put 5 cards to Deck
Put 5 cards to Deck
JakeGearhart has shuffled deck.
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
JakeGearhart drew 6 cards
TyraniBoah drew 4 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86)] to Played Supporter
Rayquaza ex used Special Circuit
Rayquaza ex did 50 damage to Machamp
Machamp was knocked out
Double Rainbow Energy (EM 87) was discarded
Heal Energy (DX 94) was discarded
JakeGearhart took one prize card.
Machop is now active
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
TyraniBoah played Celio's Network.
Put [Machoke (PK 33)] to Hand
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
Put [Celio's Network (RG 88)] to Played Supporter
Machop evolved into Machoke
Attached a Double Rainbow Energy (EM 87) to Machoke.
TyraniBoah played Windstorm.
Battle Frontier (EM 75) was discarded
Machoke used Steady Punch
Coin flip result: TAILS
Double Rainbow Energy -10
Machoke did 0 damage to Rayquaza ex
Celio's Network (RG 88) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
Battle Frontier is now in play.
JakeGearhart played Holon Adventurer.
Holon Mentor (DS 93) was discarded
JakeGearhart drew 3 cards
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Stantler.
JakeGearhart played Warp Point.
Machop is now active
Stantler is now active
Stantler used Push Away
Stantler did 20 damage to Machop
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Machop was knocked out
JakeGearhart took one prize card.
Machoke is now active
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
Machoke used Steady Punch
Coin flip result: HEADS
Double Rainbow Energy -10
Stantler is weak to FIGHTING
Machoke did 40 damage to Stantler
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
JakeGearhart played Energy Removal 2.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Rayquaza ex.
Stantler used Screechy Voice
Machoke is now confused
Stantler did 10 damage to Machoke
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
Machoke evolved into Machamp
Machoke (PK 33) is no longer confused
Machamp used Derail
Double Rainbow Energy -10
Stantler is weak to FIGHTING
Machamp did 60 damage to Stantler
Stantler was knocked out
Lightning Energy (HP 108) was discarded
Lightning Energy (HP 108) was discarded
TyraniBoah took one prize card.
Rayquaza ex is now active
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
Put Stantler onto bench
JakeGearhart played Holon Researcher.
Holon Transceiver (DS 98) was discarded
Put [Rayquaza ex (DF 97)] to Hand
JakeGearhart has shuffled deck.
Put [Holon Researcher (DS 95)] to Played Supporter
Put Rayquaza ex onto bench
Rayquaza ex used Sky-high Claws
Rayquaza ex did 70 damage to Machamp
Holon Researcher (DS 95) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
Put Jirachi onto bench
TyraniBoah played Mr. Briney's Compassion.
Put [Machamp (LM 9), Machoke (PK 33), Machop (HL 64), Double Rainbow Energy (EM 87)] to Hand
Jirachi is now active
Jirachi (DX 9)'s ability is blocked.
Put [Mr. Briney's Compassion (POP2 8)] to Played Supporter
Put Machop onto bench
Machop evolved into Machoke
TyraniBoah played Rare Candy.
Attached a Double Rainbow Energy (EM 87) to Machoke.
Mr. Briney's Compassion (POP2 8) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 19 begins
JakeGearhart drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy (HP 108) to Stantler.
JakeGearhart played Rocket's Admin. .
Put 3 cards to Deck
Put 2 cards to Deck
JakeGearhart has shuffled deck.
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
JakeGearhart drew 4 cards
TyraniBoah drew 3 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86)] to Played Supporter
Wynaut has used Baby Evolution
Wynaut evolved into Wobbuffet
Rayquaza ex used Special Circuit
Rayquaza ex did 30 damage to Machoke
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 20 begins
TyraniBoah drew 1 card
Battle Frontier (EM 75) will be discarded as Space Center (DX 91) is played.
Battle Frontier (EM 75) was discarded
Girafarig (LM 16)'s ability is blocked.
Space Center is now in play.
[TyraniBoah]: So, is space center stopping Wobbuffet?
[JakeGearhart]: I think so
[JakeGearhart]: because it's both an evolution and a basic
[TyraniBoah]: The prompt doesn't say. I agree.
Jirachi has used Wishing Star
Put 1 card to Hand
TyraniBoah has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
TyraniBoah played Steven's Advice.
TyraniBoah drew 5 cards
Put [Steven's Advice (HL 92)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Heal Energy (DX 94) to Jirachi.
Jirachi already has full health.
Jirachi (DX 9) is no longer asleep
[TyraniBoah]: It says not enough energy to retreat.
[JakeGearhart]: I would think that's a bug but I'd have to check the rulebook first
[TyraniBoah]: I'll report it as a bug.