Pokémod - Main Menu

Retro players! Welcome to Pokémod! Free to play modified formats from Base Set to Skyridge! Coming soon to Quickplay and Career modes on TCGONE.

There’s nothing like a good hit of nostalgia! Join our community and play the classic Wizards era with a twist!

Pokémod has completely overhauled the original Wizards expansions. Hundreds of cards have been modified and many new cards added for players to explore. The gameplay is full of excitement and creativity, with a fun factor that is totally amped! So prepare to play these expansions like never before!

My good friend and co-pokémod developer @JappaWakka has worked incredibly hard to create a few spin-off sets for Pokémod with MTG style artwork! These sets have duplicate stats of the cards they are based on with amazing artwork, some are cute, some are mean looking, and others are absolutely terrifying (looking at you Gengar :ghost:) Jappa has also created a Pokémod GB style expansions, with pixel Gameboy Art designs!

Career mode pack contents:-

Pack 1: [Base Set - Jungle - Fossil - Team Rocket - WBSP#0-28 (+61)]

Pack 2: [Base Set 2 - Gym Heroes - Gym Challenge - Best of Game - Vending Machine]

Pack 3: [Neo Genesis - Neo Discovery - Neo Revelation - Neo Destiny - WBSP#29-49]

Pack 4: [Expedition - Aquapolis - Skyridge - WBSP#50-60]

Pack 5: [Imperium - Sequentia]

Pack 6: [Pokémod GB]

Join the fun in building the Pokémod Fanset expansion, follow the link below to find out more:-

[Pokémod - FANART]

This project was created with the TCGONE community at the forefront of my motivation, and I hope it delivers a great experience for everyone :slight_smile:

Special thanks to @admin @JappaWakka @DKQuagmire @aschefield

Kind Regards,


Pokémon and its trademarks are ©1995-2024 Nintendo, Creatures, and GAMEFREAK. English and Japanese card images appearing in Pokémod are the property of The Pokémon Company International, Inc. Pokémod is a fan made non-profit experience. It is not official in any shape or form, nor affiliated, sponsored, or otherwise endorsed by Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK, or TPCi. Pokémod is purely a celebration of the Wizards era of PTCG, created by really big Pokémon fans; conforming to the best of our knowledge within fair use standards.


@ZF_Goku this made my day that 2 years later your dream/idea is a reality and the dev teams followed through with it!

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Hey PhanTomato! Thanks man that means a lot :pray::pray::pray: I hope you enjoy what I’ve done with it :smiley::raised_hands:

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Mr. G get back to coding!