Restore Base–Rocket, Prop 15/3 and e-Card to Quickplay

We should keep on posting here. I honestly don’t understand why it’s such a problem in the first place, there’s no harm in adding these formats back, especially prop 15/3 and e-card as I want to play both of them. and many others do as well. I also believe base-skyridge format would be a fun addition.

Day three of posting about 15/3 everyday until it is added to quickplay.
I will begrudgingly allow you to remove regular base-gym from quickplay if that helps or removed from the site entirely if that’s how it has to be :wink:

Day four. Free my boi 15/3. He’s innocent.

Why is base-gym still on quickplay but not prop 15/3??? Base-gym is a horrible format for quickplay, but prop 15/3 solves all of it’s problems. Why not just make Base-Gym career only and move prop 15/3 to quickplay.

Day six. We have all agreed. Swap em.

I don’t think it’s fair to continue to pressure the admin like this, each day.

I do not agree


Fair enough. Day 7, final day. Goodnight sweet 15/3 and flights of angels to sing thee to thy rest. Peace out! :pray: :dove: :pray:

For the record, I am still only at level 20 in Career, so I am still miles away from unlocking Movie Mewtwo or Movie Pikachu, locking me out of optimal Venusaur, Wigglytuff/Clefable/Mewtwo, or Zapdos/Dark Raichu/Electrode decks in the game mode I will find people playing most often. @admin , if you have a free minute or fifteen and are reading this message (or however short a time it will take), please add Prop 15/3 to Quickplay. It would be an encouragement to the TCGONE community. Hope your new life as a father is going well.

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I want to echo these posts that I would love to see these three formats added to Quickplay.

In order to get the ball rolling on this, I will provide $150 in funding as prizes for a Base–Rocket TCG ONE tournament with the only stipulation being that this format be restored to Quickplay within two weeks from today (September 9).

Here’s to hoping axpendix can get the job done!


This is very generous of you! I would like to join your cause and make my own contribution. If we can get on Prop 15/3 on Quickplay in this same timeframe, I will match clubsoda’s offer and provide $150 of my own money to anyone willing to host a Prop 15/3 event!


This is an awesome offer from @Clubsodas and @Misnos and I hope this is enough to finally nudge @admin to restore these formats. Compared to other implementations and improvements needed on the site, these are very simple tasks, and I think it would be a nice gesture to show engagement with the player base.

I happily volunteer to organize and host these events if we can get this done. I would enjoy playing them myself and I can also pledge that if I win any prize money from them that I will apply it towards an e-Card event (under the same September 9 deadline), which would complete the trifecta of the missing formats.


I would help on patreon, if some headway were made on these

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That makes one Patreon offer for @admin and two tournaments for the fans! Something to be gained by everyone! Sounds like a great chance to add Prop 15/3 and Base-Rocket! Are these exciting prospects lighting a fire under you to move implementing these tasks up the list of priorities, Admin?

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I love the positivity, here.

I’d like to voice my support to the developer for standing firm against the woke mobs demanding the passage of Proposition 15/3 – I say “restore” because what Proposition 15/3 would really do is undermine the cultural fabric that ties our great nation together.

The developer has faced a lot of flack from many in the community in the past few days and weeks, but there is nothing more outrageous than the attempt to bully, intimidate, and cajole them into supporting Proposition 15/3, a dangerous proposition that would harm our schools, erode our tax base, and take money out of the hand of the hard-working taxpayer.

Proposition 15/3 is not a “restoration”. It is outrageous to mask judicial activism with such an innocuous veneer. We know that the original designers of the game never had anything like Proposition 15/3 in mind when they wrote the rules and designed the system we all observe and participate in. The rules they wrote and the system they created is simply incompatible with the dangerous artifices of Proposition 15/3.

The tactics of the loud minority here cannot be allowed to stand – and they must not just be ignored, but also loudly rejected. This country is a democracy and there are formal processes that are observed as part of the rule of law and customs that govern it. If you want to see Proposition 15/3 put into practice, you’ll have a chance to vote on it this upcoming November. However, I trust my fellow citizens to recognize Proposition 15/3 for what it is – PROPAGANDA 15/3. Unholy, unAmerican, and also Communist.


I know this is a joke, but Prop 15/3 was a format decades before Pokémon changed the wording “He or she” to “They,” so it’s a little ironic. And the Prop stands for Proposition, like when you’re negotiating something (An important part of politics that many people forget about), so technically not communist, where the people pretend to work and the government pretends to pay them (as the old Russian joke goes).

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the Declaration of Independence states that citizens have the right to alter or abolish a government that becomes destructive and create a new one.

I’d argue Base-gym is that destructive government, and prop 15/3 is the new replacement.

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I have come here to chew bubble gum and quickplay prop15/3. And I’m all out of bubble gum.
Quickplay 15/3 is a must IMO for brewing and playtesting.