WOTC Fixed Erratas proxies

Yes, I think this would work. Sorry for not checking this thread sooner. I guess now we wait to hear what Admin. thinks?

Also, I suppose it is possible to change the shade of the stamp for certain cards, just like Pokémon changes the font of the card texts or Pokémon Power labels for certain types.

Also, in the case of the Clefable, I don’t think it’s any less visible than the red label was. Clefable’s art is just weird, I guess? Or maybe it’s actually me?

I think some backgrounds wouldn’t provide any meaningful contrast without being the complete opposite color, so it was decided just to keep it as is in gold. They should stay as is, it’s just that there are still a few cards that remain to be made and I haven’t got around it because a few other things are going on irl.

But all things considered we are pretty close to deal with most of the popular problems, now just reviewing some small interactions that might be small erratas but shouldn’t affect the meta at all.