v70 UPDATE: Diamond & Pearl 2009 DP–RR Format!
2009 Format (Diamond & Pearl – Rising Rivals) is now available for Quickplay on TCG ONE!
Here are all Pokémon TCG Gen 4 expansions that just got released on TCG ONE along with this format:
- Legends Awakened (LA)
- Stormfront (SF)
- Platinum (PT)
- Rising Rivals (RR)
- POP Series 8-9
This is a major milestone for a very long and tedious development and testing process which started 5 years ago. Congrats to all our testers & contributors! Credits (in no particular order): Tegull, udin, wertercatt, starg09, vandergus, lithogen, flagrama, Graham, ufodynasty.
Please note that, although multiple rigorous testing & development iterations have been done, this format has quite complex interactions, so make sure to report any bug you encounter (but please first make sure it’s actually a bug) using the in-game button. By the way, we’re down to 1-man in the developers team since many months (surprise: it’s me) so prioritization will be done per impact.
Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/join/tcgone
Play Here: https://play.tcgone.net
Next up: 2010 DP–UL (Diamond & Pearl – Unleashed) Format!
Major bug fixed: Applied an experimental patch to fix general Ability lingering/splashing issues in v69, which had caused numerous issues from wrong retreat/attack costs to prize counts, etc. (Hopefully) All is fixed with this patch and please report again if you encounter weird behavior.
57 other bug fixes:
- Implemented Darkrai DP24 Enigma Berry
- UNOWN_I_37
- RAMPARDOS_13 Mold Breaker order
- RUGGED_HELMET_152 with benched
- PINSIR_1 Vise Coach
- UMBREON_DELTA_17 Delta Moon once per attachment
- MAGCARGO_13 Body Splash
- DELIBIRD_57 Happy Delivery self attachment and validation
- ESPURR_59 Perplexing Eyes turn
- GREEDENT_128 Implement Brazen Tail
- CACTURNE_EX_91 vs FLYGON_DELTA_7 Delta Supply
- AMOONGUSS_14 ability is now optional
- ZANGOOSE_132 Head Hunt reworked
- RUGGED_HELMET_152 with benched
- PINSIR_1 Vise Coach
- UMBREON_DELTA_17 Delta Moon once per attachment
- MAGCARGO_13 Body Splash
- DELIBIRD_57 Happy Delivery self attachment and validation
- ESPURR_59 Perplexing Eyes turn
- GREEDENT_128 Implement Brazen Tail
- CACTURNE_EX_91 vs FLYGON_DELTA_7 Delta Supply
- AMOONGUSS_14 ability is now optional
- ZANGOOSE_132 Head Hunt reworked
- MINUN_71
- Octazooka to not stack
- SHAYMIN_LV_X_126 Seed Flare timing
- SLAKING_16 Lazy Paunch
- OCTILLERY_58 Octazooka
- GIRATINA_27 Broken-space Blow vs Safeguard-like
- AMPHAROS_1 Reflect Energy
- SHAYMIN_LV_X_127 Revenge Seed
- VULPIX_SH6 Inflame
- DELCATTY_4 Power Circulation log
- DIALGA_5 Time-Space Traveling
- BRONZONG_G_41 Galactic Switch
- BLISSEY_22 Nurse Call vs Power Spray
- MANECTRIC_11 Electric Barrier
- MANECTRIC_11 Attract Current
- SWABLU_SH5 Roost + All other Roosts
- ALTARIA_18 Perish Song
- MIASMA_VALLEY_111 vs Ability activation ordering
- RAMPARDOS_13 vs Bubble Coat