Hi everyone,
I feel like this site could do with catching up to the current meta, but I understand that with sets being so big nowadays, there are more and more cards to code. As of right now, I will be unable to help code any new cards into the site for at least a month or two. However I would like to suggest a change in the process of releasing new expansions.
My idea here is that instead of releasing the set all at once, we release the most important competitive cards first in the “primary release” into tcgone. So for unbroken bonds, primary release you could release stuff like Reshizard, welder, pokenav etc. Things that we know people will want to use and has shown to be useful in the Japanese format. This will allow competitive players to test their decks first while also not having to complete coding 150+ cards each set before we release it.
So after this primary release, we work on the secondary release: This will likely include finishing off all the trainer cards, GX’s, holos and prism stars + any other moderately competitive cards we didn’t include in the first release. And the 3rd (or tertiary) release will complete the set.
This process would alleviate the pressure on the developers to get the whole set out as quickly as possible while also allowing players to test their competitive decks sooner than they would be able to otherwise.