My thoughts of custom formats/banlists

Here’s Weezing mill

Pokémon: 18
2 Paras RG 72
2 Parasect N3 35
4 Koffing TRR 61
4 Weezing FCO 28
2 Unown AOR 30
3 Dunsparce DAA 137
1 Larvitar FCO 41

Trainer: 33
3 Ultra Ball BRS 150
3 Nest Ball SUM 123
2 Super Rod BKT 149
2 Switch CRZ 144
4 Crushing Hammer CRZ 125
1 Enhanced Hammer GRI 124
1 Field Blower GRI 125
2 Goop Gas Attack TR 78
3 Cursed Shovel RCL 157
3 Shauna FST 240
2 Copycat EVS 143
4 Team Rocket’s Handiwork FCO 112
3 Pokémon Tower WP 42

Energy: 9
2 Psychic Energy EVO 95
3 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151
4 Metal Energy N1 19

Here’s noctowl lickilicky

Pokémon: 22
2 Paras RG 72
2 Parasect N3 35
4 Lickitung MD 39
3 Lickilicky FFI 79
1 Mr. Mime BS2 27
4 Hoothoot BKT 119
4 Noctowl N1 42
2 Unown AOR 30

Trainer: 28
4 Ultra Ball BRS 150
4 Nest Ball SUM 123
2 Switch CRZ 144
4 Crushing Hammer CRZ 125
1 Field Blower GRI 125
3 Spirit Mask EVS 160
3 Shauna FST 240
4 Jessie & James HIF 58
3 Pokémon Tower WP 42

Energy: 10
2 Psychic Energy EVO 95
4 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151
4 Metal Energy N1 19

Here’s lanturn prime deluge

Pokémon: 23
4 Squirtle LC 95
4 Wartortle E1 92
3 Blastoise BCR 31
1 Alolan Vulpix GRI 21
4 Chinchou HL 56
3 Lanturn UL 86
2 Remoraid E2 105
2 Octillery BKT 33

Trainer: 23
4 Ultra Ball BRS 150
4 Nest Ball SUM 123
3 Aqua Patch GRI 119
2 Super Rod BKT 149
2 Boss’s Orders BRS 132
3 Shauna FST 240
2 Copycat EVS 143
3 Poké Kid SSH 173

Energy: 14
10 Water Energy EVO 93
4 Lightning Energy EVO 94

I just tested all of your decks in my website and I confirmed that they now work correctly!

I was wondering if you got confused lol

Interesting if you copy the text from limitless it doesn’t work but if you copy the list from here for some reason it works???

I am saying I updated the website, today, so the text should work from both sources.

It’s working now (text from limitless)

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Hey been a while since I said anything but I got news you might want to hear so have you heard of Pokemon showdown? Well if you have someone is making a custom server for the Pokémon tcg and it might have support for custom formats in the future

What is the news about it?


Hey @crait it would be really good if someone like you could make the deck input / output formats more compatible globally!

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Was it all of the news? How can pokemon showdown make a pokemon tcg game?

1 yes that’s it and 2 I’m not the one working on it so I unfortunately can’t answer it but it’s on a custom server different than the one you know

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The TCG One deck input/output? Or the one on my own site? Yeah, I can make the TCG One input/output compatible with Limitless TCG.

Do you have a link to any kind of information so we can learn more?

Oh mb didn’t notice you said something to me I can only really grab the server it’s in early development rn

Here’s the link