Mew ex (LM) Versatile interaction with Jirachi ex (CG), Holon WP energy

Mew ex can use Jirachi ex’s Super Psy Bolt [P][C][C] for two energy.

Holon WP Energy coupled with basic water does not prevent the effects from poke-powers such as Evolutionary Flame, Froth, Evolutionary Thunder, nor Darker Ring, as it should. Neither does it prevent switching effects from attacks such Spider Trap and Drag Off, from the active or bench positions.

The Jirachi ex/Mew ex interaction is a bug, but Holon Energy WP only prevents effects of attacks. This was clarified on the second print of the card in Dragon Frontiers.

Drag Off/Spider Trap can still be used when encountering an Active with Holon Energy WP, they just can’t target a benched Pokémon with it.

@Testers can you please advise if there are any outstanding issues for these interactions?

Mew ex/Jirachi ex: Not any more, Shield Beam costs [P][C] and Super Psy Bolt costs [P][C][C] when used by Mew ex.

Holon WP: Drag Off’s switching effect is prevented if it targets a Benched Pokémon with Water + WP attached. The current Active takes damage instead. If it targets a Benched while the Active has Water + WP, the Benched gets gusted forth and takes the damage.

And, how should it behave?

Technically you should not be able to select a Benched Pokémon that has Water + WP attached.

Q. What happens if I try to use “Drag Off” to bring up a benched Pokémon that has a Holon Energy WP attached (“prevent all effects excluding damage done…”)
A. Since the Holon Energy WP would prevent the effect of switching out that Pokémon, you cannot target it with Drag Off. You will have to choose a different target. (Mar 23, 2006 PUI Rules Team)

However, even with the current behavior, the outcome is as though you’d declined the “you may switch” part of the attack and chose to do damage to the current Active instead. So I would say this is a low priority fix.

I also tested with a Pokémon whose switching effect is not optional (Roselia LM), and what happened was that I could select the Benched Pokémon with Water + WP, but all effects were prevented (no switching happened, and the current Active didn’t get Poisoned). Like with the Drag Off case, this outcome arose from a technically illegal action, but is attainable through a different legal action (choosing not to attack).

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Thanks for all the input. Indeed preemptive targeting is one of the limitations of the engine which cannot be fixed in a mass manner. We may correct particular illegal cases though.

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