Could Someone Give me Advice for Building a Competitive Deck for Unlimited Format?

Hello there, :wave:

I have recently started playing on TCG One; and I am really enjoying the platform. I have been primarily focusing on the Unlimited format since it gives me the chance to experiment with cards from all sets; but I have hit a bit of a wall when it comes to building a competitive deck.

Right now; I am leaning toward using either a Haymaker deck or something built around Base Set Blastoise with Rain Dance for energy acceleration. Although; I am struggling with a few key questions and would really appreciate some advice from more experienced players.

What are some of the most consistent strategies or decks that perform well in the Unlimited format? :thinking:

I have heard that there are a lot of powerful combos; but I am not sure which ones are still viable today with the large card pool. Are there any specific decks that stand out? :thinking:

I have noticed that a lot of games are decided very quickly; so I am wondering how to best approach building a deck that can hold its own against both fast, aggressive decks and slower, more strategic builds.

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

What are some key tech cards that I should consider including? :thinking: I am curious if there are any versatile cards that work well in multiple matchups; especially against the more popular archetypes like Stall decks or Haymaker variants.

Thanks in advance for your help and assistance. :innocent:

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I’m not very experienced in unlimited so I can’t help with that unfortunately

i reccommend staying away from unlimited, the format is not played at all by anyone & if a deck cant win turn 1 going first before the opponent can play anything then it isnt viable- the only way to hold your own against these decks is to also build something that wins turn 1 going first

if you want to build haymaker or rain dance, i reccommend playing base-fossil. if you want to experiment with a large cardpool, EX block is a very popular & fun format

I would say play cards like Professor Oak, Computer Search, and Item Finder.

ATM Rock is a neat card to play. Pidgeot (Fire Red Leaf Green), Houndoom (Unseen Forces), Vending Machine Gastly.

You can also play Vileplume ex with Aerodactyl (Fossil) and Rocket’s Admin.

You could try playing Aggron ex/Dark Vileplume/Aerodactyl (Fossil) and lock 1st turn, although I don’t know if it is programmed properly on TCGONE.

Things like Raticate (Fire Red Leaf Green) and Stantler (Unseen Forces) also look promising.

Muk (Fossil)/ Clefable (Jungle)/Raticate (FRLG)/ Scyther (Jungle)

Energy Removal, Super Energy Removal, Gust of Wind, Town Volunteers, Nightly Garbage Run, Pokemon Retriever

Things like Scizor ex, Medicham ex, maybe even Muk ex were played.

Banette (Hidden Legends) was a counter to Vileplume ex.

There were also babies like Magby, Elekid, Pichu, Igglybuff, Cleffa, Tyrogue.

As for energies you could play Double Colorless, Heal Energy, Warp Energy, Cyclone Energy.

Pokemon Tools Could be:

Fluffy Berry, Gold Berry, Focus Band, Cessation Crystal

Switch and Swoop! Teleporter is also useful.

Evolving Trainers:

Wally’s Training, Rare Candy

Stadiums could be: Chaos Gym, EcoGym, No Removal Gym

Hope this helps a little!

Outside of “Unlimited” and playing the true Unlimited:

Things like Gengar and Machamp both from Stormfront are some neat cards.

You could play Seeker with Porygon 2 and Pidgeot (Jungle) with Boost Energy to get rid of all of your opponent’s pokemon 1st turn.

Mewtwo lvl.x protects against basic pokemon, but might be a bit outdated.

There is also a Dusknoir that can move the opponent’s damage counters however you like.

Lysandre’s Trump Card also looks promising. I don’t know about the pokemon now, but you could play something like Gastly (Stormfront) to stop the opponent’s trainers.

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Tcg one unlimited is base set to power keepers…

So like half of the things you said are completely wrong in the context of this format no offence