Hi everyone, I’d like some clarification on the correct functioning of this Pokémon power.
If I have benched Pokémon plus Brock’s Rhydon (Gym Heroes 2) on the bench with Metal Energy attached, and I attack with my active Pokémon Graveler (Neo Revelation 30), how do I handle the damage to the benched Pokémon? Assuming I have 3 Pokémon on the bench, is all the damage absorbed by Brock’s Rhydon (Gym Heroes 2) and then reduced by 10 by the Metal Energy, resulting in 20 final damage, or is each damage transferred to Brock’s Rhydon reduced by 10, bringing the damage to 0?
You make a separate decision for each benched Pokemon, if you would like the damage to be given to Rhydon (and thus reduced to 0 with Metal energy)
Thank you for your response.
I played a match with my brother and noticed that the damage is not reduced with Metal Energy. The only damage that gets reduced is the one taken directly by Brock’s Rhydon.
At this point, I don’t know how to use it and which version is correct.
This is a little tricky. I think TCG ONE isn’t reducing the damage that is redirected to Brock’s Rhydon because it’s treating that damage as the effect of a Pokémon Power, to which Metal Energy’s effect wouldn’t apply. However, the way the power is worded makes it seem to me like the damage is still being done to Brock’s Rhyhorn by the attack, and therefore should still be reduced by Metal Energy as Jamie described above. I’m not 100% confident about this, though.
Thanks for the response, I interpret it the same way.
If that’s really the case, then I hope they release a fix to resolve the issue during matches.