[Bug Report] # Politoed (N2 8). Erika's Vileplume (G1 5). P

Politoed (N2 8). Erika’s Vileplume (G1 5). Politoed attacked Erika’s Vileplime but frog song did not trigger even though condition was met.

Game starting
Game type: CAREER
Game format: Rocket-on (01-02)
Player A: LNRDi
Player B: E_Z_Wind
Coin flip result: TAILS
Player B will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns. TC: 1
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Grass Energy to Cleffa.
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 2
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Cleffa.
Player A played Mysterious Fossil.
Focus Band is attached to Cleffa
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 3
Player B drew 1 card
Put Erika’s Oddish onto bench
Rocket’s Hideout is now in play.
Put Oddish onto bench
Attached a Grass Energy to Oddish.
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns. TC: 4
Player A drew 1 card
Mysterious Fossil evolved into Aerodactyl
Player A played Here Comes Team Rocket!.
All prizes are visible until the end of game!
Player A played Pokemon Trader.
A has shuffled deck.
Put Poliwag onto bench
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwag.
Player A played Professor Elm.
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 5
Player B drew 1 card
Oddish evolved into Dark Gloom
Attached a Grass Energy to Dark Gloom.
Dark Gloom used Pollen Stench
Coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa is now confused
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 6
Player A drew 1 card
Put Poliwag onto bench
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwag.
Rocket’s Hideout (N3 63) is discarded because a new stadium is played.
Rocket’s Hideout (N3 63) was discarded
Chaos Gym is now in play.
Confused retreat coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa retreated.
Poliwag is now active
Cleffa is no longer confused
Water Energy (N1 111) was discarded
Poliwag retreated.
Cleffa is now active
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 7
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Grass Energy to Dark Gloom.
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Pokemon Trader.
B has shuffled deck.
Dark Gloom evolved into Dark Vileplume
Put Dratini onto bench
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 8
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwag.
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 9
Player B drew 1 card
Dratini evolved into Dark Dragonair
Put Chansey onto bench
Dark Dragonair used Evolutionary Light
Erika’s Gloom (G1 45) is put to hand.
B has shuffled deck.
Erika’s Oddish evolved into Erika’s Gloom
Attached a Grass Energy to Erika’s Gloom.
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 10
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwag.
Put Poliwag onto bench
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns. TC: 11
Player B drew 1 card
Dark Dragonair used Evolutionary Light
Erika’s Vileplume (G1 5) is put to hand.
B has shuffled deck.
Erika’s Gloom evolved into Erika’s Vileplume
Attached a Grass Energy to Erika’s Vileplume.
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 12
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwag.
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 13
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Grass Energy to Oddish.
Chansey evolved into Blissey
Cleffa retreated.
Dark Vileplume is now active
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns. TC: 14
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwag.
Poliwag evolved into Poliwhirl
Poliwag evolved into Poliwhirl
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 15
Player B drew 1 card
Oddish evolved into Dark Gloom
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns. TC: 16
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwhirl.
Poliwhirl evolved into Politoed
Poliwag evolved into Poliwhirl
Cleffa retreated.
Politoed is now active
Politoed used Water Gun
Frog Song adds 40 damage
Politoed did 80 damage to Dark Vileplume
Dark Vileplume was knocked out
Grass Energy (N1 108) was discarded
Grass Energy (N1 108) was discarded
Grass Energy (N1 108) was discarded
Player A took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns. TC: 17
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Grass Energy to Erika’s Vileplume.
Dark Gloom evolved into Dark Vileplume
Cleffa retreated.
Erika’s Vileplume is now active
Erika’s Vileplume used Mega Drain
Politoed is weak to GRASS
Erika’s Vileplume already has full health.
Erika’s Vileplume did 60 damage to Politoed
Between turns. TC: 18
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Poliwhirl.
Poliwhirl evolved into Politoed
Politoed used Water Gun
Pollen Defense coin flip result: HEADS
Politoed is now confused
Politoed did 40 damage to Erika’s Vileplume
Between turns. TC: 19
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Darkness Energy to Dark Vileplume.
Erika’s Vileplume used Mega Drain
Politoed is weak to GRASS
Erika’s Vileplume was restored 30 health.
Erika’s Vileplume did 60 damage to Politoed
Politoed was knocked out
Water Energy (N1 111) was discarded
Water Energy (N1 111) was discarded
Water Energy (N1 111) was discarded
Water Energy (N1 111) was discarded
Politoed is no longer confused
Player B took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns. TC: 20
Player A drew 1 card
[LNRDi]: im confused
[LNRDi]: why did frog song not trigger on that water gun
charmand is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
[LNRDi]: i had 4 in play
[LNRDi]: dealt damage
[LNRDi]: did the confusion hit me before the frog song?
[LNRDi]: from pollen defense?
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 21
Player B drew 1 card
charmand has exited spectation.
[E_Z_Wind]: Bug?
[LNRDi]: idk
[LNRDi]: yeah i think so
[LNRDi]: the layering of things seems wrong
Dark Dragonair used Evolutionary Light
Erika’s Gloom (G1 45) is put to hand.
B has shuffled deck.
[LNRDi]: bc pollen defense reads “if an attack does damage to Erika’s Vileplume”
[LNRDi]: weird
Put Erika’s Oddish onto bench
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns. TC: 22
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Politoed.
Poliwhirl evolved into Politoed
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 23
Player B drew 1 card
[E_Z_Wind]: Qmegadrain heals on attack though
Erika’s Oddish evolved into Erika’s Gloom
[LNRDi]: yeah that’s fine, but water gun would have one shot vileplume
[LNRDi]: if frog song triggered
Dark Dragonair used Evolutionary Light
Erika’s Vileplume (G1 5) is put to hand.
B has shuffled deck.
Attached a Darkness Energy to Dark Vileplume.
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Erika’s Vileplume used Mega Drain
Erika’s Vileplume was restored to full health.
Erika’s Vileplume did 30 damage to Cleffa
Focus Band coin flip result: HEADS
Focus Band saved Cleffa!
Focus Band (N1 86) was discarded
Between turns. TC: 24
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Politoed.
Poliwag evolved into Poliwhirl
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 25
Player B drew 1 card
[E_Z_Wind]: Oh yea
Attached a Grass Energy to Dark Vileplume.
Erika’s Gloom evolved into Erika’s Vileplume
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Erika’s Vileplume used Mega Drain
Erika’s Vileplume already has full health.
Erika’s Vileplume did 30 damage to Cleffa
Cleffa was knocked out
Water Energy (N1 111) was discarded
Player B took one prize card.
Politoed is now active
Between turns. TC: 26
Player A drew 1 card
Put Cleffa onto bench
Politoed used Hypnosis
Erika’s Vileplume is now asleep
Asleep coin flip result: TAILS
Erika’s Vileplume is still asleep
Between turns. TC: 27
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Full Heal Energy to Erika’s Vileplume.
Erika’s Vileplume is no longer asleep
Erika’s Vileplume used Mega Drain
Politoed is weak to GRASS
Erika’s Vileplume already has full health.
Erika’s Vileplume did 60 damage to Politoed
Between turns. TC: 28
Player A drew 1 card
Politoed used Hypnosis
Erika’s Vileplume is now asleep
Asleep coin flip result: HEADS
Erika’s Vileplume is no longer asleep
Between turns. TC: 29
Player B drew 1 card
charmand is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Player B is the winner! Surrendered!
LNRDi disconnected, waiting 15 seconds before ending game.
charmand has exited spectation.


Bug is still valid right now” and leave it unresolved.

, unless it’s not a bug. I searched the WoTC PokeGym Compendium and couldn’t find an answer to whether Frog Song or Pollen Defense should go first. Could someone please clarify?
(P.S. this was the last unresolved bug report from 2018, and is the first bug report I tested for TCGONE.)

The Pokémon Power Frog Song takes effect during damage calculation. After damage is calculated, the damage is done and then the Pokémon Power Pollen Defense takes effect. This is just in the order of things stated in the (Japanese below) rulebooks.

  1. Damage calculation
    Calculate the damage dealt based on the damage written to the right of the move’s name.
    If the move’s description contains any information about damage, follow that.
    → Damage calculation procedure
    reference below
  2. Effects other than damage
    If the move description includes anything other than damage, follow that. Unless there are any special instructions, do everything in the move description in order.
  3. Effects that work when the opponent’s Pokémon takes damage
    If the opponent’s battle Pokémon has “effects that work when it takes damage”, follow those.

And further, damage calculation (during Neo era, though I’m using Gen 1 rules as Neo just clarifies Special Energy) is defined as:

  1. Calculate the base damage (damage dealt by the move).
  2. Calculate the “effects that change damage” possessed by the Pokémon using the move.
    For example, this includes the Pokémon Powers possessed by the Pokémon using the move, and the effects of moves such as “Scyther” and “Swords Dance”.
    If there are multiple “effects that change damage” that overlap, the player using the move decides the order in which they are calculated.
  3. If the type of the Pokémon using the move is a type that is a “weakness” of the Pokémon receiving the move, the damage is doubled.
  4. If the type of the Pokémon using the move is a type that is a “resistance” of the Pokémon receiving the move, the resistance number is subtracted from the damage.
  5. If the Pokémon using the move has a Trainer Card effect (such as “Plus Power”), calculate that.
    If there are multiple Trainer Card effects overlapping, the player using the move decides the order in which to calculate them.
  6. If there are any effects (such as “Defender”) from “Trainer Cards” on the Pokémon that is being attacked, calculate those effects.
    If there are multiple effects from “Trainer Cards” overlapping, the player who is being attacked decides the order in which they are calculated.
  7. Calculate any “Damage Modification” effects that the Pokémon being damaged has.
    For example, this includes the “Harden” move of Onix and the “Invisible Wall” Pokémon Power of Mr. Mime.
    If there are multiple “Damage Modification” effects, the player who will receive the damage decides the order in which they are calculated.
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