[Bug Report] # Luvdisc (CLS 44). error in the attack

Luvdisc (CLS 44). error in the attack

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Standard
Player A: The_Avi
Player B: Nicozetab
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns. TC: 1
Player A drew 1 card
Player A played Nest Ball.
Eevee was put on bench
A has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fighting Energy to Gible.
Between turns. TC: 2
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Nest Ball.
Luvdisc was put on bench
B has shuffled deck.
Put Ho-Oh onto bench
Attached a Fighting Energy to Luvdisc.
Shaymin Prism Star retreated.
Luvdisc is now active
Player B played Erika’s Hospitality.
Player B drew 3 card


What about the attack? The even game attack?

will be fixed in next update

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