[Bug Report] # Energy Switch (AQP 120). Playing Energy switc

Energy Switch (AQP 120). Playing Energy switch with two Pokémon makes the Energy switched be no longer visible on the UI

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: ECard
Player A: Guernouille
Player B: Testinator
Player A does not have any basic pokemon in his hand!. Redistributing.
Player A does not have any basic pokemon in his hand!. Redistributing.
Player A does not have any basic pokemon in his hand!. Redistributing.
Player B drew an extra card.
Player B drew an extra card.
Player B drew an extra card.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns. TC: 1
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy to Squirtle.
Put Charmander onto bench
Wedzy is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
[SANDBOX]A: added Energy Switch (AQP 120) to hand
Water Energy moved from Squirtle to Charmander
Player A played Energy Switch.


This issue doesn’t exist anymore