[Bug Report] # Chansey (BS 3). Regarding recoil damage and victory conditions

Chansey (BS 3). I was in a duel with a friend, we only had 1 prize left each and i was using a Chansey with Double Edge that has recoil damage. I had bench Pokemon but he didn’t. I used Double Edge that resulted in a double KO. However the game detected my KO first and declared my opponent as the winner.

I googled and found this


So the answer being that if both players reach a win condition simultaneously, both players picked up their last prize card at the same time, whoever has more win conditions met would win. I also dunked my opponent, leaving him without an active pokemon, I achieved 2 win conditions where he only achieved one, therefor I would take the game.

I guess the app can’t detect a tie yet either, just to keep that in mind.

I think for bugtracking would be better to use the Issues tab from Gitlab, but that’s just a personal opinion, maybe this way is easier/better.


Hi, TCG1 doesn’t support multi win conditions or sudden death at the moment.

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