[BR] Wally's Training (SS 89). Scyther (UF 46). Wally's Training

Wally's Training (SS 89). Scyther (UF 46). Wally's Training (SS) does not allow to evolve into Scizor ex

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay
Game format: EX Series
Battle started between Anderf7 and Alazor!
Coin flip result: TAILS
Alazor will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Attached a Dark Metal Energy (HP 97) to Scyther.
Scyther used Twin Play
Put Scyther onto bench.
Put Scyther onto bench.
Alazor has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Anderf7 drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (RS 108) to Lunatone.
Anderf7 played Holon Transceiver.
Put [Holon Mentor (DS 93)] to Hand
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Anderf7 played Holon Mentor.
Fire Energy (RS 108) was discarded
Put [Numel (EM 57), Mantine (DF 20), Slowpoke (RG 80)] to Hand
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Put [Holon Mentor (DS 93)] to Played Supporter
Lunatone used Moon Guidance
Put [Holon Transceiver (DS 98)] to Hand
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Holon Mentor (DS 93) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Alazor drew 1 card
Alazor played TV Reporter.
Alazor drew 3 cards
Metagross (DX 11) was discarded
Put [TV Reporter (POP2 11)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Metal Energy (RS 94) to Scyther.
Scyther used Twin Play
Put Scyther onto bench.
Alazor has shuffled deck.
TV Reporter (POP2 11) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Anderf7 drew 1 card
Put Slowpoke onto bench
Put Mantine onto bench
Put Numel onto bench
Attached a Fire Energy (RS 108) to Lunatone.
Anderf7 played Swoop! Teleporter.
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Numel evolved into Camerupt ex
Anderf7 played Holon Transceiver.
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Hand
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Anderf7 played Holon Adventurer.
Swoop! Teleporter (TRR 92) was discarded
Anderf7 drew 3 cards
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Played Supporter
Camerupt ex used Searing Flame
Scyther is weak to FIRE
Camerupt ex did 60 damage to Scyther
Scyther is now burned
Scyther was knocked out
Dark Metal Energy (HP 97) was discarded
Scyther (UF 46) is no longer burned
Anderf7 took one prize card.
Scyther is now active
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Alazor drew 1 card
Alazor played TV Reporter.
Alazor drew 3 cards
Dark Metal Energy (HP 97) was discarded
Put [TV Reporter (POP2 11)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Cyclone Energy (UF 99) to Scyther.
Mantine is now active
Strength Charm (MA 74) is attached to Scyther
Scyther used Agility
Coin flip result: HEADS
Strength Charm adds 10 more damage to Mantine
Strength Charm (MA 74) was discarded
Strength Charm is discarded.
Scyther did 30 damage to Mantine
TV Reporter (POP2 11) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Anderf7 drew 1 card
Anderf7 played Professor Elm's Training Method.
Put [Dark Slowking (TRR 9)] to Hand
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Put [Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89)] to Played Supporter
Slowpoke evolved into Dark Slowking
Attached a Fire Energy (RS 108) to Mantine.
Fire Energy (RS 108) was discarded
Mantine retreated.
Camerupt ex is now active
Dark Slowking has used Cunning
Camerupt ex used Searing Flame
Effect is blocked. (APPLY_SPECIAL_CONDITION)
Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Alazor drew 1 card
Alazor played Rocket's Admin. .
Put 6 cards to Deck
Put 4 cards to Deck
Alazor has shuffled deck.
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Alazor drew 6 cards
Anderf7 drew 5 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86)] to Played Supporter
Scyther used Agility
Coin flip result: TAILS
Scyther did 20 damage to Camerupt ex
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Anderf7 drew 1 card
Put Slowpoke onto bench
Anderf7 played Professor Elm's Training Method.
Put [Holon's Magneton (DS 22)] to Hand
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Put [Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Holon's Magneton (DS 22) to Camerupt ex.
Put [Fire Energy (RS 108)] to Hand
Holon's Magneton (DS 22) is now a Special Energy Card
Dark Slowking has used Cunning
Crystal Beach is now in play.
[Anderf7]: and now crystal beach and magneton
[Anderf7]: my god I have screwed this up
[Alazor]: yep
Camerupt ex used Searing Flame
Scyther is weak to FIRE
Metal Energy -0 (because Scyther isn't [M])
Camerupt ex did 60 damage to Scyther
Scyther is now burned
Scyther was knocked out
Cyclone Energy (UF 99) was discarded
Metal Energy (RS 94) was discarded
Scyther (UF 46) is no longer burned
Anderf7 took one prize card.
Scyther is now active
Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
Alazor drew 1 card
Alazor played Wally's Training.
Alazor has shuffled deck.
Put [Wally's Training (SS 89)] to Played Supporter
[Alazor]: bug
Attached a Metal Energy (RS 94) to Scyther.
[Anderf7]: what?
[Alazor]: Some of the Snadstorm cards don't work the way they are supposed to
[Alazor]: Like Rare Candy and Wally's training
Scyther used Twin Play
Alazor has shuffled deck.
Wally's Training (SS 89) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Anderf7 drew 1 card
[Anderf7]: hmm
[Anderf7]: good to know
Anderf7 played Professor Elm's Training Method.
Put [Camerupt ex (EM 92)] to Hand
Anderf7 has shuffled deck.
Put [Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89)] to Played Supporter
Dark Slowking has used Cunning
Numel evolved into Camerupt ex
Attached a Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) to Camerupt ex.
Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) is now a Special Energy Card
Camerupt ex used Searing Flame
Scyther is weak to FIRE
Metal Energy -0 (because Scyther isn't [M])
Camerupt ex did 60 damage to Scyther
Scyther is now burned
Scyther was knocked out
Metal Energy (RS 94) was discarded
Scyther (UF 46) is no longer burned
Anderf7 took one prize card.
Scyther is now active
Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
Alazor drew 1 card

Was fixed a long time ago

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