Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray (PL 117). Dialga G (PL 7). Using Deafen prevents the Dialga player from using Power Spray during the opponent's turn. Should not prevent the play of Power SPray
------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: 2010 (DP–UL)
Battle begins between Ultan and mytemsux!
[Ultan]: gl hf
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: TAILS
mytemsux will start
[mytemsux]: glhf
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
mytemsux drew 1 card
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
Hoppip got 10 damage
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Ultan drew 1 card
Ultan played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
Ultan has shuffled deck.
Put [Hoppip (HS 67), Baltoy (GE 60)] to Hand
Ultan has shuffled deck.
Put Hoppip (HS 67) onto bench.
Put Baltoy (GE 60) onto bench.
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
Dialga G got 10 damage
Attached a [G] Energy to Hoppip
DEBUG: Hoppip's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy]
Hoppip used Bounce
Hoppip did 10 damage to Dialga G
Crobat G is now active
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
mytemsux drew 1 card
mytemsux played Pokémon Collector (HS 97).
mytemsux has shuffled deck.
Put [Dialga G (PL 7), Garchomp C (SV 60), Uxie (LA 43)] to Hand
mytemsux has shuffled deck.
Put Dialga G (PL 7) onto bench.
Put Garchomp C (SV 60) onto bench.
Expert Belt (AR 87) is attached to Dialga G
Dialga G leveled-up into Dialga G Lv.X (PL 122)
Expert Belt (AR 87) is attached to Crobat G
Put Uxie (LA 43) onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
mytemsux drew 4 cards
krazyd4n is now a spectator of the game
Attached a Metal Energy (MT 120) to Dialga G
DEBUG: Dialga G's Current_Energy_Cards: [Metal Energy (MT 120)]
Put Uxie (LA 43) onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
mytemsux drew 2 cards
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Ultan drew 1 card
Put Azelf (LA 19) onto bench.
Azelf has used Time Walk
Put [Spiritomb (AR 32)] to Hand
Put 1 card to Prize
Put Spiritomb (AR 32) onto bench.
krazyd4n has exited spectation.
Crobat G retreated.
Spiritomb is now active
Spiritomb used Darkness Grace
Ultan has shuffled deck.
Hoppip evolved into Skiploom (SW 65)
Ultan has shuffled deck.
Spiritomb got 10 damage
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
mytemsux drew 1 card
mytemsux played Team Galactic's Invention G-105 Poké Turn (PL 118).
Scooped up [Dialga G Lv.X (PL 122), Dialga G (PL 7)]
Put [Dialga G Lv.X (PL 122), Dialga G (PL 7)] to Hand
Crobat G is now active
Attached a Warp Energy (SF 95) to Dialga G
DEBUG: Dialga G's Current_Energy_Cards: [Warp Energy (SF 95), Metal Energy (MT 120)]
mytemsux played Pokémon Collector (HS 97).
mytemsux has shuffled deck.
Put [Unown Q (MD 49), Garchomp C (SV 60), Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
mytemsux has shuffled deck.
Put Unown Q (MD 49) onto bench.
Unown Q has used QUICK
Unown Q (MD 49) is attached to Uxie
Crobat G retreated.
Dialga G is now active
Dialga G leveled-up into Dialga G Lv.X (PL 122)
Spiritomb (AR 32)'s ability is blocked.
Skiploom (SW 65)'s ability is blocked.
Dialga G Lv.X used Deafen
Expect Belt +20
Dialga G Lv.X did 30 damage to Spiritomb
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Ultan drew 1 card
Attached a [G] Energy to Hoppip
DEBUG: Hoppip's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy]
Spiritomb used Darkness Grace
Ultan has shuffled deck.
Baltoy evolved into Claydol (GE 15)
Ultan has shuffled deck.
Spiritomb got 10 damage
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
mytemsux drew 1 card
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
Spiritomb got 10 damage
Spiritomb was knocked out
mytemsux took one prize card.
Crobat G is now active
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (HS 103) to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C's Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (HS 103)]
Dialga G Lv.X used Deafen
Expect Belt +20
Dialga G Lv.X did 30 damage to Crobat G
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Ultan drew 1 card
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
Ultan drew 4 cards
Hoppip evolved into Skiploom (SW 65)
[mytemsux]: wait what
[mytemsux]: i clicked use spray
[mytemsux]: thats lame
[Ultan]: Want to test if it works
[Ultan]: Like confirm there is an issue and send in a bug report?
[mytemsux]: it's w/e
Attached a [G] Energy to Claydol
DEBUG: Claydol's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy]
Crobat G retreated.
Skiploom is now active
Skiploom used U-turn
Metal Energy -10 damage
Skiploom did 10 damage to Dialga G Lv.X
Crobat G is now active
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
mytemsux drew 1 card
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (HS 103) to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C's Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (HS 103), Double Colorless Energy (HS 103)]
Dialga G Lv.X used Deafen
Expect Belt +20
Dialga G Lv.X did 30 damage to Crobat G
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Ultan drew 1 card
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
[mytemsux]: it's a bug
[mytemsux]: deafen is preventing my own spray lmao
Put 2 cards to Deck
Ultan drew 3 cards
[mytemsux]: is what it said
[Ultan]: Ooh
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite