[BR] Team Flare Grunt (XY 129). Carbink (FCO 49). Ability does n

Team Flare Grunt (XY 129). Carbink (FCO 49). Ability does not prevent energy being discarded

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay
Game format: 2016 (XY-STS)
Battle started between philiquaz and snubbull_lover_74!
Coin flip result: TAILS
philiquaz will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
philiquaz drew 1 card
philiquaz played Great Ball.
Got [Hawlucha (FFI 63)] to hand
philiquaz has shuffled deck.
Put Hawlucha onto bench
Attached a Fighting Energy (XY 137) to Zygarde-EX.
Exp. Share (PRC 128) is attached to Zygarde-EX
Exp. Share (PRC 128) is attached to Hawlucha
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
snubbull_lover_74 drew 1 card
snubbull_lover_74 played Trick Shovel.
Zygarde-EX (XYP XY151) was discarded
Team Aqua's Secret Base is now in play.
snubbull_lover_74 played Pokémon Fan Club.
Put Shaymin-EX (ROS 106) to hand
Put Houndoom-EX (BKT 153) to hand
snubbull_lover_74 has shuffled deck.
Put Houndoom-EX onto bench
Shaymin-EX has used Set Up
snubbull_lover_74 drew 3 cards
Put Shaymin-EX onto bench
snubbull_lover_74 played Trick Shovel.
Strong Energy (FFI 104) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
philiquaz drew 1 card
philiquaz played Korrina.
Put [Escape Rope (PRC 127), Regirock-EX (FCO 43)] to Hand
philiquaz has shuffled deck.
Put Regirock-EX onto bench
philiquaz played Escape Rope.
Houndoom-EX is now active
Zygarde-EX is now active
Zygarde-EX used Land's Pulse
Regi Power +10
Zygarde-EX did 50 damage to Houndoom-EX
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
snubbull_lover_74 drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (XY 133) to Houndoom-EX.
Fighting Fury Belt (BKP 99) is attached to Houndoom-EX
Houndoom-EX used Melting Horn
Fighting Energy (XY 137) was discarded
Fighting Energy (XY 137) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
philiquaz drew 1 card
philiquaz played Shauna.
philiquaz has shuffled deck.
philiquaz drew 5 cards
Attached a Strong Energy (FFI 104) to Zygarde-EX.
Zygarde-EX used Cell Storm
Regi Power +10
Strong Energy +20
Zygarde-EX did 90 damage to Houndoom-EX
Zygarde-EX already has full health.
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
snubbull_lover_74 drew 1 card
snubbull_lover_74 played Enhanced Hammer.
Strong Energy (FFI 104) was discarded
Attached a Fire Energy (XY 133) to Houndoom-EX.
Put Bunnelby onto bench
snubbull_lover_74 played Professor Sycamore.
Professor Sycamore (XY 122) was discarded
Ultra Ball (ROS 93) was discarded
snubbull_lover_74 drew 7 cards
snubbull_lover_74 played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Houndoom-EX used Melting Horn
Korrina (FFI 95) was discarded
Fighting Fury Belt (BKP 99) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
philiquaz drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy (XY 137) to Regirock-EX.
philiquaz played Shauna.
philiquaz has shuffled deck.
philiquaz drew 5 cards
Fighting Fury Belt (BKP 99) is attached to Regirock-EX
Team Aqua's Secret Base (DCR 28) will be discarded as Scorched Earth (FCO 110) is played.
Team Aqua's Secret Base (DCR 28) was discarded
Scorched Earth is now in play.
Zygarde-EX used Land's Pulse
Regi Power +10
Zygarde-EX did 50 damage to Houndoom-EX
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
snubbull_lover_74 drew 1 card
snubbull_lover_74 played Team Flare Grunt.
Fighting Energy (XY 137) was discarded
Houndoom-EX used Melting Horn
Fighting Energy (XY 137) was discarded
Great Ball (XY 118) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
philiquaz drew 1 card
[philiquaz]: uh
[philiquaz]: carbink pls
[snubbull_lover_74]: why?
[philiquaz]: should stop basic energy discard?
[snubbull_lover_74]: i don't know