[BR] Surprise! Time Machine (TRR 91). Delcatty (PK 8). Because Surprise Time Machine

Surprise! Time Machine (TRR 91). Delcatty (PK 8). Because Surprise Time Machine devolves a Pokémon, the replacement Pokémon should not inherit already used Powers. Delcatty should be able to use Energy Draw a second time if replaced by Surprise Time Macine.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: EX Block
Battle begins between Tord and JasonKlaczynski!
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: TAILS
JasonKlaczynski will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Attached a Holon Energy GL (DS 105) to Skitty
DEBUG: Skitty's Current_Energy_Cards: [Holon Energy GL (DS 105)]
Put Skitty onto bench.
Put Skitty onto bench.
Skitty used Lullaby
Stantler is now asleep
Skitty did 10 damage to Stantler
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: TAILS
Stantler is still asleep
Turn 2 begins
Tord drew 1 card
Put Rayquaza ex onto bench.
Put Minun onto bench.
Tord played Energy Removal 2.
Coin flip [Energy Removal 2]: TAILS
Tord played Energy Removal 2.
Coin flip [Energy Removal 2]: TAILS
Attached a [L] Energy to Stantler
DEBUG: Stantler's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: HEADS
Stantler (UF 32) is no longer asleep
Turn 3 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card
Skitty evolved into Delcatty
Delcatty has used Energy Draw
Cyclone Energy (PK 90) was discarded
JasonKlaczynski drew 3 cards
JasonKlaczynski played Great Ball.
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Put Meowth onto bench.
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Put Voltorb onto bench.
JasonKlaczynski played Master Ball.
Put [Voltorb (HL 80)] to Hand
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Skitty used Lullaby
Stantler is now asleep
Skitty did 10 damage to Stantler
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: TAILS
Stantler is still asleep
Turn 4 begins
Tord drew 1 card
Attached a [L] Energy to Rayquaza ex
DEBUG: Rayquaza ex's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: HEADS
Stantler (UF 32) is no longer asleep
Turn 5 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card
Put Voltorb onto bench.
JasonKlaczynski played Rocket's Admin.
Put 2 cards to Deck
Put 2 cards to Deck
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Tord has shuffled deck.
JasonKlaczynski drew 6 cards
Tord drew 6 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin (TRR 86)] to Supporter
Delcatty has used Energy Draw
Heal Energy (DX 94) was discarded
JasonKlaczynski drew 3 cards
JasonKlaczynski played Master Ball.
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Skitty used Lullaby
Stantler is now asleep
Skitty did 10 damage to Stantler
Rocket's Admin (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: TAILS
Stantler is still asleep
Turn 6 begins
Tord drew 1 card
Tord played Super Scoop Up.
Coin flip [Super Scoop Up]: HEADS
Scooped up [Stantler (UF 32), [L] Energy]
Put [Stantler (UF 32), [L] Energy] to Hand
Stantler (UF 32) is no longer asleep
Rayquaza ex is now active
Attached a [L] Energy to Rayquaza ex
DEBUG: Rayquaza ex's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [L] Energy]
Put Stantler onto bench.
Put Stantler onto bench.
Tord played Castaway.
Tord has shuffled deck.
Put [Cessation Crystal (CG 74), [L] Energy, Castaway (CG 72)] to Hand
Tord has shuffled deck.
Put [Castaway (CG 72)] to Supporter
Cessation Crystal (CG 74) is attached to Stantler
Rayquaza ex used Special Circuit
Rayquaza ex did 50 damage to Delcatty
Castaway (CG 72) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card
Delcatty has used Energy Draw
Holon Energy GL (DS 105) was discarded
JasonKlaczynski drew 3 cards
JasonKlaczynski played Master Ball.
Put [Delcatty (PK 8)] to Hand
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Skitty evolved into Delcatty
Delcatty has used Energy Draw
Cyclone Energy (PK 90) was discarded
JasonKlaczynski drew 3 cards
Ghazernado is now a spectator of the game
JasonKlaczynski played TV Reporter.
JasonKlaczynski drew 3 cards
zneuhofer is now a spectator of the game
Scramble Energy (DF 89) was discarded
Put [TV Reporter (DR 88)] to Supporter
JasonKlaczynski played Surprise! Time Machine.
Put [Delcatty (PK 8)] to Deck
Delcatty has devolved into Skitty
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Skitty evolved into Delcatty
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
[JasonKlaczynski]: ah it's not programmed to let me do it
[Tord]: noooo
Ghazernado has exited spectation.
[Tord]: should work tho
Attached a Holon Energy GL (DS 105) to Delcatty
DEBUG: Delcatty's Current_Energy_Cards: [Holon Energy GL (DS 105)]
Skitty used Lullaby
Rayquaza ex is now asleep
Skitty did 10 damage to Rayquaza ex
TV Reporter (DR 88) was discarded
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: TAILS
Rayquaza ex is still asleep
Turn 8 begins
Tord drew 1 card
Tord played Castaway.
Tord has shuffled deck.
Put [Cessation Crystal (CG 74), [L] Energy, Pokémon Fan Club (POP4 9)] to Hand
Tord has shuffled deck.
Put [Castaway (CG 72)] to Supporter
Cessation Crystal (CG 74) is attached to Stantler
Attached a [L] Energy to Stantler
DEBUG: Stantler's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Castaway (CG 72) was discarded
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: HEADS
Rayquaza ex (DF 97) is no longer asleep
Turn 9 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card