Spiritomb (AR 32). Power Spray (PL 117). Power spray worked while tomb was active
------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: Diamond & Pearl
Battle begins between joshc and chaosofslayer!
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: TAILS
chaosofslayer will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Put Gligar (LA 94) onto bench.
Spiritomb used Darkness Grace
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Gligar evolved into Gliscor (LA 5)
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Spiritomb got 10 damage
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
joshc drew 1 card
joshc played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put [Luxray GL (RR 9), [L] Energy] to Hand
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put Luxray GL (RR 9) onto bench.
Attached a [L] Energy to Luxray GL
DEBUG: Luxray GL's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
chaosofslayer played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [[F] Energy, Baltoy (GE 60)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put Baltoy (GE 60) onto bench.
Attached a [F] Energy to Gliscor
DEBUG: Gliscor's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy]
Spiritomb used Darkness Grace
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Baltoy evolved into Claydol (GE 15)
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Spiritomb got 10 damage
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
chaosofslayer played Bebe's Search (MT 109).
Put 1 card to Deck
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [Unown Q (MD 49)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put Unown Q (MD 49) onto bench.
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Gliscor
DEBUG: Gliscor's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy, Call Energy (MD 92)]
Unown Q has used QUICK
Unown Q (MD 49) is attached to Spiritomb
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor is now active
chaosofslayer played Premier Ball (SF 91).
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [Gliscor Lv.X (LA 141)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Gliscor leveled-up into Gliscor Lv.X (LA 141)
Gliscor Lv.X has used Shoot Poison
Garchomp C is now paralyzed
Garchomp C is now poisoned
Put Uxie (LA 43) onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
chaosofslayer drew 5 cards
Put Gligar (LA 94) onto bench.
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
chaosofslayer drew 2 cards
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Gliscor Lv.X did 60 damage to Garchomp C
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Garchomp C got 10 damage due to poison
Turn 6 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Attached a [L] Energy to Luxray GL
DEBUG: Luxray GL's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [L] Energy]
joshc played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
joshc has shuffled deck.
REQUEST TIMER: User did not respond in time. Auto selected 0 card(s). AFK=1
Put [Bronzong G (PL 41), Toxicroak G (DPP DP41)] to Hand
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put Bronzong G (PL 41) onto bench.
Put Toxicroak G (DPP DP41) onto bench.
Bronzong G has used Galactic Switch
[P] Energy moved from Garchomp C to Toxicroak G
Bronzong G got 20 damage
Between turns
Garchomp C is no longer paralyzed
Garchomp C got 10 damage due to poison
Garchomp C was knocked out
Garchomp C is no longer poisoned
chaosofslayer has disconnected, waiting 30 seconds before ending game.
chaosofslayer has reconnected.
chaosofslayer took one prize card.
Toxicroak G is now active
Turn 7 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Attached a [F] Energy to Gligar
DEBUG: Gligar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy]
chaosofslayer played Bebe's Search (MT 109).
Put 1 card to Deck
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [Gliscor (LA 5)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Gligar evolved into Gliscor (LA 5)
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
chaosofslayer drew 3 cards
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Gliscor Lv.X did 60 damage to Toxicroak G
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Toxicroak G has used Leap Away
Coin flip [Leap Away]: HEADS
Scooped up [Toxicroak G (DPP DP41), [P] Energy]
Put [Toxicroak G (DPP DP41), [P] Energy] to Hand
Luxray GL is now active
joshc played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put [Crobat G (PL 47), Garchomp C (SV 60)] to Hand
joshc has shuffled deck.
Luxray GL leveled-up into Luxray GL Lv.X (RR 109)
Luxray GL Lv.X has used Bright Look
Gliscor is now active
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
Gliscor got 10 damage
Put Garchomp C (SV 60) onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
joshc played Poké Turn (PL 118).
Scooped up [Crobat G (PL 47)]
Put [Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
Gliscor got 10 damage
joshc played Premier Ball (GE 101).
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put [Garchomp C Lv.X (SV 145)] to Hand
joshc has shuffled deck.
Luxray GL Lv.X used Flash Impact
Luxray GL Lv.X did 60 damage to Gliscor
Luxray GL Lv.X did 30 damage to Crobat G
Gliscor was knocked out
joshc took one prize card.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
chaosofslayer played Night Maintenance (SW 120).
Put [Gliscor (LA 5), Gligar (LA 94), [F] Energy] to Deck
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
chaosofslayer drew 2 cards
chaosofslayer played Poké Drawer + (SF 89).
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put 2 cards to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Poké Drawer + (SF 89) was discarded
chaosofslayer played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [Gligar (LA 94), Gligar (LA 94)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put Gligar (LA 94) onto bench.
Put Gligar (LA 94) onto bench.
Attached a [F] Energy to Gligar
DEBUG: Gligar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy]
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Luxray GL Lv.X is weak to FIGHTING
Gliscor Lv.X did 120 damage to Luxray GL Lv.X
Spiritomb is now active
Luxray GL Lv.X was knocked out
chaosofslayer took one prize card.
Crobat G is now active
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Put Toxicroak G (DPP DP41) onto bench.
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Toxicroak G
DEBUG: Toxicroak G's Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92)]
Bronzong G has used Galactic Switch
[P] Energy moved from Garchomp C to Toxicroak G
Bronzong G got 20 damage
joshc played Bebe's Search (MT 109).
Put 1 card to Deck
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put [Uxie (LA 43)] to Hand
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put Uxie (LA 43) onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
joshc drew 5 cards
Crobat G retreated.
Toxicroak G is now active
Toxicroak G used Poison Revenge
Toxicroak G did 60 damage to Spiritomb
Spiritomb is now poisoned
Spiritomb was knocked out
Spiritomb is no longer poisoned
joshc took one prize card.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Gligar evolved into Gliscor (LA 5)
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
chaosofslayer drew 3 cards
Attached a [F] Energy to Gliscor
DEBUG: Gliscor's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy, [F] Energy]
chaosofslayer played Luxury Ball (SF 86).
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [Spiritomb (AR 32)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
chaosofslayer played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [Spiritomb (AR 32), Unown Q (MD 49)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put Spiritomb (AR 32) onto bench.
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Gliscor Lv.X did 60 damage to Toxicroak G
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C's Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92)]
Bronzong G has used Galactic Switch
Call Energy (MD 92) moved from Toxicroak G to Garchomp C
Bronzong G got 20 damage
Toxicroak G has used Leap Away
Coin flip [Leap Away]: HEADS
Scooped up [Toxicroak G (DPP DP41), [P] Energy]
Put [Toxicroak G (DPP DP41), [P] Energy] to Hand
Garchomp C is now active
Put Luxray GL (RR 9) onto bench.
Garchomp C used Claw Swipe
Spiritomb resists COLORLESS
Garchomp C did 10 damage to Spiritomb
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
chaosofslayer drew 2 cards
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, Call Energy (MD 92), Call Energy (MD 92)]
Garchomp C leveled-up into Garchomp C Lv.X (SV 145)
Garchomp C Lv.X has used Healing Breath
Crobat G was restored to full health.
Bronzong G was restored to full health.
Garchomp C Lv.X used Dragon Rush
Garchomp C Lv.X did 80 damage to Claydol
Call Energy (MD 92) was discarded
Call Energy (MD 92) was discarded
Claydol was knocked out
joshc took one prize card.
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Put Unown Q (MD 49) onto bench.
Unown Q has used QUICK
Unown Q (MD 49) is attached to Spiritomb
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
Put Spiritomb (AR 32) onto bench.
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Gliscor Lv.X did 60 damage to Garchomp C Lv.X
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Attached a [L] Energy to Luxray GL
DEBUG: Luxray GL's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Garchomp C Lv.X retreated.
Uxie is now active
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Attached a [F] Energy to Gligar
DEBUG: Gligar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy]
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Gliscor Lv.X did 60 damage to Uxie
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Uxie
DEBUG: Uxie's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Uxie used Psychic Restore
Uxie did 20 damage to Spiritomb
Put [[P] Energy, Uxie (LA 43)] to Deck
Crobat G is now active
Between turns
Turn 19 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Crobat G resists FIGHTING
Gliscor Lv.X did 40 damage to Crobat G
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 20 begins
joshc drew 1 card
joshc played Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105).
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put [[P] Energy, Aaron's Collection (RR 88), Energy Gain (PL 116)] to Hand
joshc has shuffled deck.
Attached a [P] Energy to Garchomp C Lv.X
DEBUG: Garchomp C Lv.X's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Put Toxicroak G (DPP DP41) onto bench.
Between turns
Turn 21 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Crobat G resists FIGHTING
Gliscor Lv.X did 40 damage to Crobat G
Spiritomb is now active
Crobat G was knocked out
chaosofslayer took one prize card.
Garchomp C Lv.X is now active
Between turns
Turn 22 begins
joshc drew 1 card
joshc played Aaron's Collection (RR 88).
Put [Garchomp C (SV 60), [L] Energy] to Hand
Put Garchomp C (SV 60) onto bench.
Attached a [L] Energy to Garchomp C Lv.X
DEBUG: Garchomp C Lv.X's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Garchomp C Lv.X used Dragon Rush
Garchomp C Lv.X did 80 damage to Gliscor
[P] Energy was discarded
[L] Energy was discarded
Gliscor was knocked out
joshc took one prize card.
Between turns
Turn 23 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
chaosofslayer played Roseanne's Research (SW 125).
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put [Baltoy (GE 60), Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
Put Baltoy (GE 60) onto bench.
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Gliscor Lv.X did 60 damage to Garchomp C Lv.X
Spiritomb is now active
Garchomp C Lv.X was knocked out
chaosofslayer took one prize card.
Toxicroak G is now active
Between turns
Turn 24 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Toxicroak G
DEBUG: Toxicroak G's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Bronzong G has used Galactic Switch
[L] Energy moved from Luxray GL to Toxicroak G
Bronzong G got 20 damage
Toxicroak G used Poison Revenge
Toxicroak G did 60 damage to Spiritomb
Spiritomb is now poisoned
Spiritomb was knocked out
Spiritomb is no longer poisoned
joshc took one prize card.
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 25 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
Toxicroak G got 10 damage
Baltoy evolved into Claydol (GE 15)
Attached a [F] Energy to Spiritomb
DEBUG: Spiritomb's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy]
[F] Energy was discarded
Spiritomb retreated.
Gliscor Lv.X is now active
chaosofslayer played Super Scoop Up (DP 115).
Coin flip [Super Scoop Up]: HEADS
Scooped up [Crobat G (PL 47)]
Put [Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
Toxicroak G got 10 damage
chaosofslayer played Super Scoop Up (DP 115).
Coin flip [Super Scoop Up]: HEADS
Scooped up [Crobat G (PL 47)]
Put [Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
joshc played Power Spray (PL 117).
Power Spray blocks Flash Bite!
chaosofslayer played Super Scoop Up (DP 115).
Coin flip [Super Scoop Up]: HEADS
Scooped up [Crobat G (PL 47)]
Put [Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
Put Crobat G (PL 47) onto bench.
Crobat G has used Flash Bite
joshc played Power Spray (PL 117).
Power Spray blocks Flash Bite!
chaosofslayer played Super Scoop Up (DP 115).
Coin flip [Super Scoop Up]: TAILS
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
joshc played Power Spray (PL 117).
Power Spray blocks Cosmic Power!
chaosofslayer played Poké Drawer + (SF 89).
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
chaosofslayer played Cynthia's Feelings (LA 131).
Put 3 cards to Deck
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
chaosofslayer drew 4 cards
chaosofslayer drew 4 cards
Gliscor Lv.X used Night Slash
Gliscor Lv.X did 60 damage to Toxicroak G
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 26 begins
joshc drew 1 card
Bronzong G has used Galactic Switch
[L] Energy moved from Toxicroak G to Garchomp C
Bronzong G got 20 damage
joshc played Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105).
joshc has shuffled deck.
Put [Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105), Energy Gain (PL 116)] to Hand
joshc has shuffled deck.
Toxicroak G has used Leap Away
Coin flip [Leap Away]: HEADS
Scooped up [Toxicroak G (DPP DP41), [P] Energy]
Put [Toxicroak G (DPP DP41), [P] Energy] to Hand
Luxray GL is now active
Attached a [P] Energy to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [L] Energy]
Put Toxicroak G (DPP DP41) onto bench.
Between turns
Turn 27 begins
chaosofslayer drew 1 card
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Spiritomb
DEBUG: Spiritomb's Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92)]
chaosofslayer played Cynthia's Feelings (LA 131).
Put 7 cards to Deck
chaosofslayer has shuffled deck.
chaosofslayer drew 4 cards
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Power Spray blocks Cosmic Power!
[chaosofslayer]: …
[joshc]: is that bugged?
[chaosofslayer]: Yes
[joshc]: oh I am sorry I did not know that