Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125). Chaos Gym (G2 102). When my opponent failed Sabrina’s gaze with chaos gym Sabrina’s gaze went to my hand and I am able to play it several times. It won’t dissapear
Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Base–Neo
Player A: CoronArgentum
Player B: Mattyboy21
Player A does not have any basic pokemon in his hand!. Redistributing.
Player B drew an extra card.
Player B drew an extra card.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Put Erika’s Jigglypuff onto bench
Attached a Double Colorless Energy to Erika’s Jigglypuff.
Magby retreated.
Erika’s Jigglypuff is now active
[Mattyboy21]: What is the point of ur deck/>
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Odysseus is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Put Sneasel onto bench
Player B played Good Manners.
B has shuffled deck.
Put Porygon onto bench
[CoronArgentum]: Spanish?
[Mattyboy21]: cual es el punto de tu mazo
[Mattyboy21]: google translaete
Odysseus has exited spectation.
Focus Band is attached to Sneasel
[CoronArgentum]: Kill fast
[Mattyboy21]: sisi
Player B played Professor Elm.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Put Sneasel onto bench
Attached a Rainbow Energy to Tyrogue.
Tyrogue got 10 damage
Tyrogue used Smash Punch
Coin flip result: TAILS
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Player A drew 1 card
[CoronArgentum]: Bad hands
Spectation disabled.
Put Tyrogue onto bench
Attached a Recycle Energy to Magby.
Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) was discarded
Erika’s Jigglypuff retreated.
Magby is now active
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Magby used Sputter
Magby did 10 damage to Tyrogue
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Professor Elm.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Put Cleffa onto bench
Attached a Lightning Energy to Cleffa.
Tyrogue retreated.
Cleffa is now active
Porygon evolved into Porygon2
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Focus Band is attached to Erika’s Jigglypuff
Magby retreated.
Erika’s Jigglypuff is now active
Attached a Double Colorless Energy to Erika’s Jigglypuff.
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[CoronArgentum]: Bad luck xD
[Mattyboy21]: Solo duré 3 rondas en el torneo
Attached a Darkness Energy to Sneasel.
Player B played Professor Oak.
Player B drew 7 card
[CoronArgentum]: Im equal
[Mattyboy21]: hiciste 4
Player B played Lass.
A has shuffled deck.
B has shuffled deck.
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Erika’s Jigglypuff used Pulled Punch
Erika’s Jigglypuff did 40 damage to Cleffa
Cleffa was knocked out
Lightning Energy (BS 100) was discarded
Player A took one prize card.
Tyrogue is now active
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy to Sneasel.
Put Cleffa onto bench
Tyrogue retreated.
Sneasel is now active
Put Cleffa onto bench
Porygon2 has used Energy Converter
Lightning Energy (BS 100) on Sneasel is now treated as DARKNESS
Sneasel used Beat Up
Darkness Energy +10
Sneasel did 30 damage to Erika’s Jigglypuff
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Lightning Energy (BS 100) reverts back to being LIGHTNING
[Mattyboy21]: Woh?
Player A played Double Gust.
Tyrogue is now active
Porygon2 is now active
[Mattyboy21]: Qué
Attached a Recycle Energy to Tyrogue.
Tyrogue used Smash Punch
Coin flip result: HEADS
Porygon2 is weak to FIGHTING
Tyrogue did 60 damage to Porygon2
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Double Gust.
Sneasel is now active
Erika’s Jigglypuff is now active
Attached a Darkness Energy to Sneasel.
Porygon2 has used Energy Converter
Lightning Energy (BS 100) on Sneasel is now treated as DARKNESS
Sneasel used Beat Up
Darkness Energy +10
Sneasel did 50 damage to Erika’s Jigglypuff
Focus Band coin flip result: HEADS
Focus Band saved Erika’s Jigglypuff!
Focus Band (N1 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Lightning Energy (BS 100) reverts back to being LIGHTNING
Lucky Stadium is now in play.
Used Lucky Stadium stadium effect.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A drew 1 card
Put Chansey onto bench
Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) was discarded
Erika’s Jigglypuff retreated.
Magby is now active
Magby used Sputter
Porygon2’s ability is blocked.
Magby did 10 damage to Sneasel
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[Mattyboy21]: Magby es molesto
Used Lucky Stadium stadium effect.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Lucky Stadium (N4 100) will be discarded as Chaos Gym (G2 102) is played.
Lucky Stadium (N4 100) was discarded
Chaos Gym is now in play.
[CoronArgentum]: Very
Sneasel retreated.
Tyrogue is now active
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Magby used Sputter
Magby did 10 damage to Tyrogue
Tyrogue was knocked out
Rainbow Energy (TR 17) was discarded
Player A took one prize card.
Sneasel is now active
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[Mattyboy21]: Puedes hablar ingles?
Put Porygon onto bench
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Focus Band is attached to Sneasel
Baby Power coin flip result: TAILS
Baby power ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
Player A drew 1 card
[CoronArgentum]: My English-speaking its very bad
Attached a Fire Energy to Chansey.
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Item Finder (BS 74)!
Item Finder (BS 74) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Item Finder (BS 74)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Item Finder (BS 74) from another perspective!
Player B played Item Finder.
Restored a Professor Oak to hand.
Item Finder (BS 74) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player A played Double Gust.
Erika’s Jigglypuff is now active
[Mattyboy21]: No se espanol
Porygon2 is now active
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Focus Band is attached to Erika’s Jigglypuff
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Nightly Garbage Run.
Selected: [Dark Porygon2 (N4 8), Tyrogue (N2 66), Cleffa (N1 20)]
B has shuffled deck.
Porygon evolved into Dark Porygon2
Dark Porygon2 has used Spatial Distortion
Coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Professor Oak (BS 88)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Professor Oak (BS 88) from another perspective!
Player A played Professor Oak.
Player A drew 7 card
Professor Oak (BS 88) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Darkness Energy to Erika’s Jigglypuff.
Darkness Energy (N1 104) was discarded
Erika’s Jigglypuff retreated.
Magby is now active
Put Erika’s Jigglypuff onto bench
Magby used Sputter
Porygon2’s ability is blocked.
Dark Porygon2’s ability is blocked.
Magby did 10 damage to Porygon2
Porygon2 was knocked out
Player A took one prize card.
Sneasel is now active
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[Mattyboy21]: Como te ha afectado la covid 19?
Baby Power coin flip result: HEADS
Sneasel used Fury Swipes
Coin flip result: TAILS TAILS HEADS
Darkness Energy +10
Sneasel did 20 damage to Magby
Between turns
Turn 19 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Energy Removal (BS 92)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Energy Removal (BS 92) from another perspective!
Player B played Energy Removal.
Recycle energy has recycled
Recycle Energy (N1 105) was discarded
Energy Removal (BS 92) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player A played Super Energy Removal.
Recycle energy has recycled
Recycle Energy (N1 105) was discarded
Darkness Energy (N1 104) was discarded
Lightning Energy (BS 100) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player A played Super Energy Removal.
Fire Energy (BS 98) was discarded
Darkness Energy (N1 104) was discarded
Attached a Recycle Energy to Magby.
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 1 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 6 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Magby used Sputter
Magby did 10 damage to Sneasel
Between turns
Turn 20 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
[Mattyboy21]: Thats bugged
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
[CoronArgentum]: Bad bug
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: HEADS
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Chaos Gym tries to play Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) from another perspective!
Player B played Sabrina’s Gaze.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 2 card
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
Chaos Gym coin flip result: TAILS
Chaos Gym prevents the effect of Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125)!
Sabrina’s Gaze (G1 125) was discarded
CoronArgentum disconnected, waiting 15 seconds before ending game.
[Mattyboy21]: Its stuck in my hand
CoronArgentum reconnected.
[Mattyboy21]: I dont even play it
Mattyboy21 disconnected, waiting 15 seconds before ending game.
Mattyboy21 reconnected.
[Mattyboy21]: Why is it here?
[CoronArgentum]: I dont know
[CoronArgentum]: Is your turn bro