[BR] Rhyperior V (DAA 95). Rhyperyor 1st attack: My opponent was

Rhyperior V (DAA 95). Rhyperyor 1st attack: My opponent was choosing which energy to discard

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Standard 2021
Battle started between lmar50 and TuxedoBlack!
Coin flip result: TAILS
lmar50 will start
TuxedoBlack took a mulligan. They will continue taking mulligans after lmar50 places an Active Pokémon (and Benched, if any).
Mulligan phase: TuxedoBlack took 1 additional mulligans
lmar50 drew 1 extra cards.
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
lmar50 played Switch.
Jirachi is now active
Jirachi has used Stellar Wish
Put [Cape of Toughness (VIV 200)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
Cape of Toughness (VIV 200) is attached to Rhyperior V
Attached a Stone F Energy (VIV 164) to Rhyperior V.
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: HEADS
Jirachi (TEU 99) is no longer asleep
Turn 2 begins
TuxedoBlack drew 1 card
Put Volcanion onto bench
TuxedoBlack played Bird Keeper.
Volcanion is now active
TuxedoBlack drew 3 cards
Put Centiskorch V onto bench
Attached a Heat Fire Energy (DAA 174) to Volcanion.
Volcanion used Flare Starter
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch V.
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch V.
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch V.
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
Jirachi has used Stellar Wish
Put [Welder (UNB 214)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
Giant Hearth is now in play.
Used Giant Hearth.
Fighting Energy (SSH 223) was discarded
Put [Fire Energy (SSH 220), Fire Energy (SSH 220)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
lmar50 played Welder.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Rhyperior V.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Rhyperior V.
lmar50 drew 3 cards
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Rhyperior V.
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: HEADS
Jirachi (TEU 99) is no longer asleep
Turn 4 begins
TuxedoBlack drew 1 card
TuxedoBlack played Boss's Orders.
Rhyperior V is now active
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Volcanion.
Crobat V has used Dark Asset
TuxedoBlack drew 2 cards
Put Crobat V onto bench
Volcanion used High-Heat Blast
Stone F Energy -20
Volcanion did 90 damage to Rhyperior V
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
lmar50 played Boss's Orders.
Centiskorch V is now active
Rhyperior V used Heavy Rock Artillery
Rhyperior V did 210 damage to Centiskorch V
Centiskorch V was knocked out
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
lmar50 took one prize card.
lmar50 took one prize card.
Volcanion is now active
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
TuxedoBlack drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Volcanion.
TuxedoBlack played Marnie.
lmar50 shuffled their hand of 8 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
lmar50 drew 4 cards
TuxedoBlack shuffled their hand of 5 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
TuxedoBlack drew 5 cards
TuxedoBlack played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Stone F Energy (VIV 164) was discarded
TuxedoBlack played Quick Ball.
Volcanion (SMP SM179) was discarded
Put [Centiskorch V (DAA 33)] to Hand
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Put Centiskorch V onto bench
Crobat V has used Dark Asset
TuxedoBlack drew 5 cards
Put Crobat V onto bench
Volcanion used Flare Starter
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch V.
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
lmar50 played Switch.
Jirachi is now active
lmar50 played Marnie.
TuxedoBlack shuffled their hand of 6 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
TuxedoBlack drew 4 cards
lmar50 shuffled their hand of 3 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
lmar50 drew 5 cards
Put Rhyperior V onto bench
Cape of Toughness (VIV 200) is attached to Rhyperior V
Jirachi has used Stellar Wish
Put [Scoop Up Net (RCL 207)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
lmar50 played Quick Ball.
Scoop Up Net (RCL 207) was discarded
Put [Jirachi (TEU 99)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Put Jirachi onto bench
lmar50 played Scoop Up Net.
Scooped up [Jirachi (TEU 99)]
Jirachi (TEU 99) is no longer asleep
Jirachi is now active
Put Jirachi onto bench
Jirachi has used Stellar Wish
Put [Mallow & Lana (CEC 231)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
Mewtwo has used Mind Report
Put [Welder (UNB 214)] to Deck
Put Mewtwo onto bench
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: TAILS
Jirachi is still asleep
Turn 8 begins
TuxedoBlack drew 1 card
Centiskorch V evolved into Centiskorch VMAX
Attached a Heat Fire Energy (DAA 174) to Centiskorch VMAX.
TuxedoBlack played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Fire Energy (SSH 220) was discarded
TuxedoBlack played Bird Keeper.
Centiskorch VMAX is now active
TuxedoBlack drew 3 cards
Centiskorch VMAX used G-Max Centiferno
Jirachi is weak to FIRE
Centiskorch VMAX did 240 damage to Jirachi
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch VMAX.
Jirachi was knocked out
Jirachi (TEU 99) is no longer asleep
TuxedoBlack took one prize card.
Jirachi is now active
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
Used Giant Hearth.
Mallow & Lana (CEC 231) was discarded
Put [Fire Energy (SSH 220), Fire Energy (SSH 220)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
lmar50 played Welder.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Rhyperior V.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Rhyperior V.
lmar50 drew 3 cards
lmar50 played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Jirachi has used Stellar Wish
Put [Crushing Hammer (SSH 159)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
lmar50 played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
lmar50 played Scoop Up Net.
Scooped up [Jirachi (TEU 99)]
Jirachi (TEU 99) is no longer asleep
Mewtwo is now active
Put Jirachi onto bench
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
TuxedoBlack drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch VMAX.
Centiskorch VMAX used G-Max Centiferno
Centiskorch VMAX did 160 damage to Mewtwo
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch VMAX.
Mewtwo was knocked out
TuxedoBlack took one prize card.
Jirachi is now active
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
Put Jirachi onto bench
lmar50 played Marnie.
TuxedoBlack shuffled their hand of 6 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
TuxedoBlack drew 4 cards
lmar50 doesn't have any cards in hand, only needs to draw.
lmar50 drew 5 cards
Jirachi has used Stellar Wish
Put [Switch (SSH 183)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
Attached a Stone F Energy (VIV 164) to Rhyperior V.
lmar50 played Switch.
Jirachi (TEU 99) is no longer asleep
Rhyperior V is now active
Rhyperior V used Drill Run
Rhyperior V did 80 damage to Centiskorch VMAX
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
TuxedoBlack drew 1 card
Attached a Heat Fire Energy (DAA 174) to Centiskorch VMAX.
Centiskorch VMAX used G-Max Centiferno
Stone F Energy -20
Centiskorch VMAX did 180 damage to Rhyperior V
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch VMAX.
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
[lmar50]: you chose the energy?
[TuxedoBlack]: i did
[lmar50]: well, thats a bug I guess
[TuxedoBlack]: i agree
Used Giant Hearth.
Cape of Toughness (VIV 200) was discarded
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Attached a Stone F Energy (VIV 164) to Rhyperior V.
Rhyperior V used Drill Run
Rhyperior V did 80 damage to Centiskorch VMAX
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
TuxedoBlack drew 1 card
TuxedoBlack played Pokémon Communication.
Put [Centiskorch VMAX (DAA 34)] to deck
Got [Centiskorch V (DAA 33)] from deck
TuxedoBlack has shuffled deck.
Put Centiskorch V onto bench
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Centiskorch V.
TuxedoBlack played Marnie.
lmar50 shuffled their hand of 3 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
lmar50 drew 4 cards
TuxedoBlack shuffled their hand of 1 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
TuxedoBlack drew 5 cards