[BR] Relicanth (HL 24). Dunsparce (SS 60). Relicanth's pokebody

Relicanth (HL 24). Dunsparce (SS 60). Relicanth's pokebody activated even though it is not my active pokemon

Game starting
Game type: CAREER
Game format: 2004 (EXP-HL)
Battle started between jayson2024 and Lucchacho!
Lucchacho took a mulligan. They will continue taking mulligans after jayson2024 places an Active Pokémon (and Benched, if any).
Mulligan phase: Lucchacho took 2 additional mulligans
jayson2024 drew 2 extra cards.
Coin flip result: HEADS
jayson2024 will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Put Dunsparce onto bench
jayson2024 played Switch.
Dunsparce is now active
Attached a Fighting Energy (RS 105) to Dunsparce.
Dunsparce used Sudden Flash
Coin flip result: TAILS
Dunsparce did 10 damage to Snorunt
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Lucchacho drew 1 card
Attached a Water Energy (EXP 165) to Snorunt.
Lucchacho played Steven's Advice.
Lucchacho drew 2 cards
Put [Steven's Advice (HL 92)] to Played Supporter
Put Relicanth onto bench
Snorunt used Powder Snow
Dunsparce is now asleep
Snorunt did 10 damage to Dunsparce
Steven's Advice (HL 92) was discarded
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: HEADS
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS
null is still asleep.
Turn 3 begins
jayson2024 drew 1 card
jayson2024 played Energy Search.
Got Fire Energy (RS 108) to hand from deck.
jayson2024 has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fire Energy (RS 108) to Cyndaquil.
jayson2024 played Professor Birch.
jayson2024 drew 2 cards
Put [Professor Birch (RS 89)] to Played Supporter
Cyndaquil evolved into Quilava
Professor Birch (RS 89) was discarded
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: HEADS
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS
null is still asleep.
Turn 4 begins
Lucchacho drew 1 card

Will be fixed in v68.4

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