[BR] Porygon's conversion 1 effect shouldn't fade if the pokemon retreats to the benc

Porygon's conversion 1 effect shouldn't fade if the pokemon retreats to the bench.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: Base–Fossil
Battle begins between Montrmat000 and UndauntedHound!
Montrmat000 has disconnected, waiting 30 seconds before ending game.
UndauntedHound has disconnected, waiting 30 seconds before ending game.
Montrmat000 has reconnected.
UndauntedHound has reconnected.
Montrmat000 will take additional mulligan(s) after UndauntedHound sets up to play.
UndauntedHound drew an extra card.
UndauntedHound drew an extra card.
Mulligan phase: Montrmat000 took 1 additional mulligans
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: HEADS
Montrmat000 will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Montrmat000 played Computer Search.
Montrmat000 has shuffled deck.
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) to Zubat
DEBUG: Zubat's Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (BS 96)]
Zubat used Supersonic
Coin flip [Supersonic]: TAILS
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Put Magmar onto bench.
Attached a [R] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
UndauntedHound played Energy Removal.
Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) was discarded
Ditto retreated.
Magmar is now active
Magmar used Smokescreen
Smokescreen effect is activated.
Magmar did 10 damage to Zubat
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Zubat evolved into Golbat
Smokescreen effect fades.
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy]
Magmar used Smog
Coin flip [Smog]: TAILS
Magmar did 20 damage to Golbat
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Montrmat000 played Item Finder.
Restored a Computer Search to hand.
Montrmat000 played Computer Search.
Montrmat000 has shuffled deck.
Montrmat000 played Professor Oak.
Montrmat000 drew 7 cards
Montrmat000 played Energy Removal.
[R] Energy was discarded
Put Mr. Mime onto bench.
Montrmat000 played Gust Of Wind.
Ditto is now active
Montrmat000 played Item Finder.
Restored a Energy Removal to hand.
Montrmat000 played Energy Removal.
[R] Energy was discarded
Montrmat000 played Professor Oak.
Montrmat000 drew 7 cards
Put Porygon onto bench.
Attached a [G] Energy to Porygon
DEBUG: Porygon's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy]
Montrmat000 played Lass.
Put [Scoop Up (BS 78), Super Energy Removal (BS 79), Energy Search (FO 59), Energy Retrieval (BS 81), Energy Retrieval (BS 81)] to Deck
UndauntedHound has shuffled deck.
Put [Computer Search (BS 71)] to Deck
Montrmat000 has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Attached a [L] Energy to Ditto
DEBUG: Ditto's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Attached a [G] Energy to Porygon
DEBUG: Porygon's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy, [G] Energy]
Golbat retreated.
Porygon is now active
Porygon used Conversion 1
Ditto's Weakness is now GRASS
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
UndauntedHound played Energy Retrieval.
Restored a Fire Energy to hand.
Restored a Fire Energy to hand.
Attached a [R] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
[L] Energy was discarded
Ditto retreated.
Magmar is now active
Magmar used Smokescreen
Smokescreen effect is activated.
Magmar did 10 damage to Porygon
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Montrmat000 played Bill.
Montrmat000 drew 2 cards
Attached a [G] Energy to Golbat
DEBUG: Golbat's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy]
Montrmat000 played Item Finder.
Restored a Professor Oak to hand.
Put Zubat onto bench.
Montrmat000 played Professor Oak.
Montrmat000 drew 7 cards
Coin flip [Smokescreen]: HEADS
Porygon used Conversion 1
Magmar's Weakness is now GRASS
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Smokescreen effect fades.
Attached a [R] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy]
Magmar used Smog
Coin flip [Smog]: HEADS
Magmar did 20 damage to Porygon
Porygon is now poisoned
Porygon was knocked out
Porygon (BS 39) is no longer poisoned
UndauntedHound took one prize card.
Zubat is now active
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Montrmat000 played Computer Search.
Montrmat000 has shuffled deck.
Roshii23 is now a spectator of the game
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) to Zubat
DEBUG: Zubat's Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (BS 96)]
Montrmat000 played Super Energy Removal.
[G] Energy was discarded
[R] Energy was discarded
[R] Energy was discarded
Zubat used Supersonic
Coin flip [Supersonic]: HEADS
Magmar is now confused
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
UndauntedHound played Bill.
UndauntedHound drew 2 cards
Attached a [R] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
UndauntedHound played Professor Oak.
UndauntedHound drew 7 cards
UndauntedHound played Energy Removal.
Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) was discarded
Put Magmar onto bench.
UndauntedHound played Bill.
UndauntedHound drew 2 cards
UndauntedHound played Bill.
UndauntedHound drew 2 cards
Put Electabuzz onto bench.
Roshii23 has exited spectation.
Coin flip [Confusion]: TAILS
Magmar did 20 damage to itself
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Attached a [G] Energy to Golbat
DEBUG: Golbat's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy]
Montrmat000 played Lass.
Put [Professor Oak (BS 88), PlusPower (BS 84), Super Energy Removal (BS 79)] to Deck
UndauntedHound has shuffled deck.
Put [Gust Of Wind (BS 93), PlusPower (BS 84)] to Deck
Montrmat000 has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
[R] Energy was discarded
Coin flip [Confused retreat]: HEADS
Magmar retreated.
Magmar (FO 39) is no longer confused
Electabuzz is now active
Attached a [L] Energy to Electabuzz
DEBUG: Electabuzz's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Electabuzz used Thundershock
Coin flip [Thundershock]: TAILS
Electabuzz did 10 damage to Zubat
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Montrmat000 played Energy Removal.
[L] Energy was discarded
Zubat retreated.
Mr. Mime is now active
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Montrmat000 played Bill.
Montrmat000 drew 2 cards
Attached a [G] Energy to Golbat
DEBUG: Golbat's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy, [G] Energy]
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
UndauntedHound played Scoop Up.
Scooped up [Electabuzz (BS 20)]
Put [Electabuzz (BS 20)] to Hand
Magmar is now active
Attached a [R] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy]
Magmar used Smog
Coin flip [Smog]: HEADS
Magmar did 20 damage to Mr. Mime
Mr. Mime is now poisoned
Between turns
Mr. Mime got 10 damage due to poison
Turn 19 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Put Porygon onto bench.
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) to Porygon
DEBUG: Porygon's Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (BS 96)]
Montrmat000 played Professor Oak.
Montrmat000 drew 7 cards
Montrmat000 played Energy Removal.
[R] Energy was discarded
Montrmat000 played Bill.
Montrmat000 drew 2 cards
Between turns
Mr. Mime got 10 damage due to poison
Mr. Mime was knocked out
Mr. Mime (JU 6) is no longer poisoned
UndauntedHound took one prize card.
Porygon is now active
Turn 20 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Attached a [L] Energy to Magmar
DEBUG: Magmar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
UndauntedHound played Super Energy Removal.
[L] Energy was discarded
[G] Energy was discarded
[G] Energy was discarded
Magmar used Smokescreen
Smokescreen effect is activated.
Magmar did 10 damage to Porygon
Between turns
Turn 21 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Attached a [G] Energy to Golbat
DEBUG: Golbat's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy]
Coin flip [Smokescreen]: TAILS
Smokescreen prevents attack. Turn ends.
Attack failed
Between turns
Turn 22 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Smokescreen effect fades.
UndauntedHound played Bill.
UndauntedHound drew 2 cards
Put Scyther onto bench.
Attached a [L] Energy to Scyther
DEBUG: Scyther's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Magmar used Smokescreen
Smokescreen effect is activated.
Magmar did 10 damage to Porygon
Between turns
Turn 23 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Attached a [G] Energy to Golbat
DEBUG: Golbat's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy, [G] Energy]
Coin flip [Smokescreen]: TAILS
Smokescreen prevents attack. Turn ends.
Attack failed
Between turns
Turn 24 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Smokescreen effect fades.
Magmar used Smokescreen
Smokescreen effect is activated.
Magmar did 10 damage to Porygon
Porygon was knocked out
Smokescreen effect fades.
UndauntedHound took one prize card.
Golbat is now active
Between turns
Turn 25 begins
Montrmat000 drew 1 card
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) to Golbat
DEBUG: Golbat's Current_Energy_Cards: [[G] Energy, [G] Energy, Double Colorless Energy (BS 96)]
Montrmat000 played Gust Of Wind.
Magmar is now active
Golbat used Leech Life
Golbat was restored 20 health.
Golbat did 20 damage to Magmar
Between turns
Turn 26 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 27 begins
Montrmat000 does not have any cards left in their deck.
UndauntedHound wins the game! Deck Out
Game has ended
[UndauntedHound]: hh
[UndauntedHound]: gg*
[UndauntedHound]: UndauntedHound has exited game.
[Montrmat000]: The effect shouldn't fade
[Montrmat000]: Broken

Actually, once the magmar retreated, the conversion effect is cancelled, its weakness returns to water. The same thing happens when you gust your opponent’s benched pokemon after they swords dance you. That is technically a different scyther if it were to return to the active position and would only deal a slash for 30 as opposed to 60. Same thing applies here, where benching the affected pokemon ends the effect.

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