[BR] Poké Ball (CPA 59). 0 heads, 28 tails. 100% broken

Poké Ball (CPA 59). 0 heads, 28 tails. 100% broken.

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Standard 2021
Battle started between Sylvie and Gr8BallTCG!
Coin flip result: TAILS
Gr8BallTCG will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Gr8BallTCG drew 1 card
Giant Hearth is now in play.
Used Giant Hearth.
Oricorio-GX (CEC 95) was discarded
Put [Fire Energy (TEU 198), Fire Energy (TEU 198)] to Hand
Gr8BallTCG has shuffled deck.
Gr8BallTCG played Quick Ball.
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Put [Blacephalon (UNB 32)] to Hand
Gr8BallTCG has shuffled deck.
Put Blacephalon onto bench
Gr8BallTCG played Quick Ball.
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Put [Jirachi (SMP SM161)] to Hand
Gr8BallTCG has shuffled deck.
Put Jirachi onto bench
Gr8BallTCG played Quick Ball.
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Put [Crobat V (DAA 104)] to Hand
Gr8BallTCG has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Blacephalon.
Crobat V has used Dark Asset
Gr8BallTCG drew 6 cards
Put Crobat V onto bench
Put Blacephalon onto bench
Put 3 cards to Hand
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Sylvie drew 1 card
Giant Hearth (UNM 197) will be discarded as Chaotic Swell (CEC 187) is played.
Giant Hearth (UNM 197) was discarded
Chaotic Swell is now in play.
Sylvie played Quick Ball.
Dedenne (DAA 78) was discarded
Put [Sinistea (SSH 89)] to Hand
Sylvie has shuffled deck.
Put Sinistea onto bench
Put Oranguru onto bench
Oranguru has used Primate Wisdom
Put 1 card to Deck
Put 1 card to Hand
Dedenne-GX has used Dedechange
Boss's Orders (RCL 154) was discarded
Giovanni's Exile (UNB 174) was discarded
Sylvie drew 6 cards
Put Dedenne-GX onto bench
Put Sinistea onto bench
Sylvie played Poké Ball.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Put Sinistea onto bench
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Gr8BallTCG drew 1 card
Gr8BallTCG played Welder.
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Blacephalon.
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Blacephalon.
Gr8BallTCG drew 3 cards
[Sylvie]: I forgot to remove Pokeball, but I'm fairly certain they're bugged on TCGOne because I've gotten 0 heads and around 28 tails lmao
[Gr8BallTCG]: oof
[Gr8BallTCG]: im not on the discord or i'd enform someone
[Sylvie]: I'll report a bug anyways
[Gr8BallTCG]: infirm*
Gr8BallTCG played Switch.
Jirachi is now active
Jirachi has used Stellar Wish
Put [Fire Crystal (UNB 173)] to Hand
Gr8BallTCG has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
Gr8BallTCG played Fire Crystal.
Put [Fire Energy (TEU 198), Fire Energy (TEU 198), Fire Energy (TEU 198)] to Hand

Not a bug