[BR] Pichu (N1 12). Pichu (N1 12). its not a bug but when multip

Pichu (N1 12). Pichu (N1 12). its not a bug but when multiple of the same baby pokemon are down you don't know which one you're evolving. its annoying lol.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: Career
Format: Rocket–on
Battle begins between jamie756 and Billpudd!
Billpudd will take additional mulligan(s) after jamie756 sets up to play.
jamie756 drew an extra card.
jamie756 drew an extra card.
jamie756 drew an extra card.
jamie756 drew an extra card.
Mulligan phase: Billpudd took 2 additional mulligans
Coin flip result: HEADS
jamie756 will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Psyduck
Put Doduo onto bench.
jamie756 played Pokemon Trader.
Put 1 card to Deck
Put [Growlithe (BS 28)] to Hand
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
Put Growlithe onto bench.
Attached a [R] Energy to Cleffa
DEBUG: Cleffa's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 5 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Billpudd played Erika.
Billpudd drew 3 cards
jamie756 drew 3 cards
Billpudd played Erika.
Billpudd drew 3 cards
jamie756 drew 3 cards
Attached a [L] Energy to Pikachu
DEBUG: Pikachu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Pikachu
Billpudd played Double Gust.
Psyduck is now active
Billpudd played Sabrina's Gaze.
Put 7 cards to Deck
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd drew 7 cards
Put 13 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 13 cards
Billpudd played Erika.
Billpudd drew 3 cards
jamie756 drew 3 cards
Billpudd played Imposter Oaks Revenge.
Put 16 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 4 cards
Billpudd played Sabrina's Gaze.
Put 6 cards to Deck
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd drew 6 cards
Put 4 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 4 cards
Billpudd played Erika.
Billpudd drew 3 cards
jamie756 drew 3 cards
Billpudd played Erika's Perfume.
Put Pichu onto bench.
Pikachu used Recharge
Attached a [L] Energy to Pikachu
DEBUG: Pikachu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [L] Energy]
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Doduo evolved into Dodrio
Attached a [R] Energy to Growlithe
DEBUG: Growlithe's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
Psyduck evolved into Light Golduck
jamie756 played Good Manners.
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Attached a [L] Energy to Pikachu
DEBUG: Pikachu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [L] Energy, [L] Energy]
Billpudd played Sabrina's Gaze.
Put 5 cards to Deck
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd drew 5 cards
Put 5 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 5 cards
Billpudd played Good Manners.
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Put Elekid onto bench.
Billpudd played Double Gust.
Elekid is now active
Dodrio is now active
Elekid retreated.
Pikachu is now active
Billpudd played Professor Elm.
Put 2 cards to Deck
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd drew 7 cards
Pikachu evolved into Dark Raichu
Dark Raichu used Surprise Thunder
Coin flip result: TAILS
Dodrio is weak to LIGHTNING
Dark Raichu did 60 damage to Dodrio
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Growlithe
DEBUG: Growlithe's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy]
Dodrio retreated.
Cleffa is now active
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 5 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Attached a [L] Energy to Pichu
DEBUG: Pichu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Pichu
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Dark Raichu used Surprise Thunder
Coin flip result: TAILS
Dark Raichu did 30 damage to Cleffa
Cleffa was knocked out
Billpudd took one prize card.
Dodrio is now active
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Attached a Metal Energy (N1 19) to Growlithe
DEBUG: Growlithe's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy, Metal Energy (N1 19)]
Energy Stadium is now in play.
Used Energy Stadium effect
Coin flip result: HEADS
Got [R] Energy to hand
jamie756 played Professor Elm.
Put 6 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 7 cards
Growlithe evolved into Arcanine
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Billpudd played Double Gust.
Elekid is now active
Arcanine is now active
Attached a [L] Energy to Pichu
DEBUG: Pichu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [L] Energy]
Used Energy Stadium effect
Coin flip result: TAILS
Energy Stadium (N4 99) will be discarded as Rocket's Hideout (N3 63) is played.
Energy Stadium (N4 99) was discarded
Rocket's Hideout is now in play.
Put Pichu onto bench.
Billpudd played Professor Elm.
Put 2 cards to Deck
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd drew 7 cards
Elekid retreated.
Dark Raichu is now active
Dark Raichu used Surprise Thunder
Coin flip result: TAILS
Metal Energy -10
Dark Raichu did 20 damage to Arcanine
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Gold Berry (N1 93) is attached to Arcanine
Attached a [P] Energy to Arcanine
DEBUG: Arcanine's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [R] Energy, [R] Energy, Metal Energy (N1 19)]
Arcanine used Take Down
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10
Arcanine did 70 damage to Dark Raichu
Arcanine did 10 damage to itself
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Billpudd played Erika's Perfume.
Put Mew onto bench.
Attached a [L] Energy to Pichu
DEBUG: Pichu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
[L] Energy was discarded
Dark Raichu retreated.
Pichu is now active
Pichu used Zzzap
Pichu did 20 damage to Dodrio
Pichu did 20 damage to Mew
Pichu did 20 damage to Elekid
Dodrio was knocked out
Billpudd took one prize card.
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
jamie756 played Pokemon Trader.
Put 1 card to Deck
Put [Growlithe (BS 28)] to Hand
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Arcanine used Take Down
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10
Arcanine did 70 damage to Pichu
Arcanine did 10 damage to itself
Pichu was knocked out
jamie756 took one prize card.
Pichu is now active
Between turns
Gold berry activates
Arcanine was restored to full health.
Gold Berry (N1 93) was discarded
Turn 12 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Billpudd played Good Manners.
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Put Pichu onto bench.
Pichu used Zzzap
Pichu did 20 damage to Mew
Pichu did 20 damage to Elekid
Mew was knocked out
Billpudd took one prize card.
Elekid was knocked out
jamie756 took one prize card.
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Gold Berry (N1 93) is attached to Arcanine
Baby Rule coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Billpudd played Double Gust.
Dark Raichu is now active
Light Golduck is now active
Attached a [L] Energy to Dark Raichu
DEBUG: Dark Raichu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [L] Energy, [L] Energy]
Dark Raichu used Surprise Thunder
Coin flip result: HEADS
Coin flip result: TAILS
Light Golduck is weak to LIGHTNING
Metal Energy -10
Dark Raichu did 60 damage to Light Golduck
Dark Raichu did 0 damage to Arcanine
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Light Golduck
DEBUG: Light Golduck's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
[P] Energy was discarded
Light Golduck retreated.
Arcanine is now active
Put Growlithe onto bench.
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Growlithe
jamie756 played Professor Elm.
Put 3 cards to Deck
jamie756 has shuffled deck.
jamie756 drew 7 cards
Arcanine used Take Down
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10
Arcanine did 70 damage to Dark Raichu
Arcanine did 10 damage to itself
Focus Band coin flip result: TAILS
Dark Raichu was knocked out
jamie756 took one prize card.
Pichu is now active
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Billpudd played Nightly Garbage Run.
Selected: [Pikachu (WBSP 4), [L] Energy, [L] Energy]
Put [Pikachu (WBSP 4), [L] Energy, [L] Energy] to Deck
Billpudd has shuffled deck.
Billpudd played Erika's Perfume.
Pichu evolved into Pikachu
[Billpudd]: crap
[jamie756]: oops. hate when that happens
[Billpudd]: how am i supposed to know
[Billpudd]: lol
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
[Billpudd]: gg
Attached a [R] Energy to Growlithe
DEBUG: Growlithe's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
[jamie756]: gg
Arcanine used Flamethrower
[R] Energy was discarded
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Arcanine did 40 damage to Pikachu
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
[jamie756]: whhops lol;
[jamie756]: now i fucked up
[Billpudd]: is there a way to tell which one ill evolve
Attached a [L] Energy to Pichu
DEBUG: Pichu's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy, [L] Energy, [L] Energy]
Between turns
Turn 19 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Arcanine
DEBUG: Arcanine's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [P] Energy, [R] Energy, Metal Energy (N1 19)]
[Billpudd]: or is it all luck lol
[jamie756]: dont you just click it?
[jamie756]: ohhhh
[jamie756]: i see what you mean
[jamie756]: hmmm
[jamie756]: i dont think i have been in that scenario before
[Billpudd]: it doesnt tell me which pichu
[jamie756]: right
[jamie756]: maybe report a bug or feature request
[Billpudd]: its a gamble everytime lmao
Arcanine used Take Down
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10
Arcanine did 70 damage to Pikachu
Arcanine did 10 damage to itself
Pikachu was knocked out
jamie756 took one prize card.
Pichu is now active
Between turns
Turn 20 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
[Billpudd]: i will
Between turns
Turn 21 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Growlithe
DEBUG: Growlithe's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy]
Growlithe evolved into Arcanine
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Arcanine used Take Down
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10
Arcanine did 70 damage to Pichu
Arcanine did 10 damage to itself
Focus Band coin flip result: HEADS
Focus Band saved Pichu!
Focus Band (N1 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 22 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 23 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Baby Rule coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 24 begins
Billpudd drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 25 begins
jamie756 drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Arcanine
DEBUG: Arcanine's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy, [R] Energy]
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Arcanine used Take Down
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10 (because Arcanine isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10
Arcanine did 70 damage to Pichu
Arcanine did 10 damage to itself
Pichu was knocked out
jamie756 took one prize card.
jamie756 wins the game! No Pokémon left in play!
Game has ended
[Billpudd]: gg
[jamie756]: gg
[jamie756]: jamie756 has exited game.

Can we change this to be similar to Holon’s Pokémon?

When clicking a Pokémon that can evolve from a Baby, the first selection should be:

  • Play as a Basic Pokémon
  • Evolve from a Baby Pokémon

If the first choice is selected, place the Pokémon on the Bench as a Basic. If the second choice is selected, highlight all valid Baby Pokémon on the player’s Bench that can evolve into it and let them select one.