[BR] On Turn 9, I had a button to use Jirachi's Wishing Star, but there had no Jirach

On Turn 9, I had a button to use Jirachi's Wishing Star, but there had no Jirachi in play.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: EX Block
Battle begins between UndauntedHound and JasonKlaczynski!
UndauntedHound will take additional mulligan(s) after JasonKlaczynski sets up to play.
Mulligan phase: UndauntedHound took 1 additional mulligans
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 extra cards.
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: TAILS
JasonKlaczynski will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Put Voltorb onto bench.
Put Magnemite onto bench.
Attached a Holon Energy GL (DF 85) to Dunsparce
DEBUG: Dunsparce's Current_Energy_Cards: [Holon Energy GL (DF 85)]
Dunsparce used Strike and Run
Put Skitty onto bench.
Put Jirachi onto bench.
Put Skitty onto bench.
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now active
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
UndauntedHound played Holon Mentor.
Pokémon Reversal (RS 87) was discarded
UndauntedHound has shuffled deck.
Put [Growlithe (LM 55), Growlithe (LM 55), Solrock (LM 25)] to Hand
UndauntedHound has shuffled deck.
Put [Holon Mentor (DS 93)] to Supporter
Put Growlithe onto bench.
Put Growlithe onto bench.
Put Solrock onto bench.
Cursed Stone is now in play.
Holon Mentor (DS 93) was discarded
Between turns
Cursed Stone
Jirachi got 10 damage
Turn 3 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card
Jirachi has used Wishing Star
Put 1 card to Hand
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
JasonKlaczynski played Professor Elm's Training Method.
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Put [Electrode ex (RG 107)] to Hand
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Put [Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89)] to Supporter
Magnemite evolved into Magneton
Attached a Scramble Energy (DF 89) to Magneton
DEBUG: Magneton's Current_Energy_Cards: [Scramble Energy (DF 89)]
Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89) was discarded
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: TAILS
Jirachi is still asleep
Cursed Stone
Jirachi got 10 damage
Magneton got 10 damage
Turn 4 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Growlithe
DEBUG: Growlithe's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy]
Growlithe evolved into Arcanine ex
UndauntedHound played Steven's Advice.
UndauntedHound drew 6 cards
Put [Steven's Advice (HL 92)] to Supporter
Steven's Advice (HL 92) was discarded
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: HEADS
Jirachi (DX 9) is no longer asleep
Cursed Stone
Jirachi got 10 damage
Magneton got 10 damage
Turn 5 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card
ogrehvnds is now a spectator of the game
Voltorb evolved into Electrode ex
Attached a Holon Energy GL (DF 85) to Jirachi
DEBUG: Jirachi's Current_Energy_Cards: [Holon Energy GL (DF 85)]
JasonKlaczynski played Rocket's Admin.
Put 2 cards to Deck
Put 8 cards to Deck
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
UndauntedHound has shuffled deck.
JasonKlaczynski drew 6 cards
UndauntedHound drew 6 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin (TRR 86)] to Supporter
Jirachi has used Wishing Star
Put 1 card to Hand
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Jirachi is now asleep
Rocket's Admin (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Coin flip [Asleep]: TAILS
Jirachi is still asleep
Cursed Stone
Jirachi got 10 damage
Electrode ex got 10 damage
Magneton got 10 damage
Turn 6 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Growlithe evolved into Arcanine ex
Attached a [R] Energy to Arcanine ex
DEBUG: Arcanine ex's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [R] Energy]
Fire Remedy removes 1 damage counter and all Special Conditions from Arcanine ex
Arcanine ex already has full health.
UndauntedHound played Warp Point.
Jirachi (DX 9) is no longer asleep
Dunsparce is now active
Arcanine ex is now active
Arcanine ex used Overrun
Arcanine ex did 30 damage to Dunsparce
Arcanine ex did 20 damage to Magneton
Between turns
Cursed Stone
Electrode ex got 10 damage
Magneton got 10 damage
Jirachi got 10 damage
Turn 7 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card
Hopkins is now a spectator of the game
Dodrio-pult is now a spectator of the game
JasonKlaczynski played Swoop! Teleporter.
[Dodrio-pult]: Hi
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
JasonKlaczynski has shuffled deck.
Dunsparce was knocked out
UndauntedHound took one prize card.
ninobrodar is now a spectator of the game
JasonKlaczynski played Pow! Hand Extension.
Lunatone is now active
ninobrodar has exited spectation.
Holon Energy GL (DF 85) was discarded
Dunsparce retreated.
Magneton is now active
Attached a Scramble Energy (DF 89) to Magneton
DEBUG: Magneton's Current_Energy_Cards: [Scramble Energy (DF 89), Scramble Energy (DF 89)]
Put Magnemite onto bench.
Magneton used Magnetic Force
Magneton did 60 damage to Lunatone
Lunatone was knocked out
JasonKlaczynski took one prize card.
Arcanine ex is now active
Between turns
Cursed Stone
Magneton got 10 damage
Magneton was knocked out
UndauntedHound took one prize card.
Dunsparce is now active
Electrode ex got 10 damage
Turn 8 begins
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
Attached a React Energy (LM 82) to Arcanine ex
DEBUG: Arcanine ex's Current_Energy_Cards: [React Energy (LM 82)]
ogrehvnds has exited spectation.
UndauntedHound played Mary's Request.
UndauntedHound drew 1 card
UndauntedHound drew 2 cards
Put [Mary's Request (UF 86)] to Supporter
[Dodrio-pult]: Hey anyone down for a ex block game after this?
UndauntedHound played Pokémon Reversal.
Coin flip [Pokémon Reversal]: TAILS
[JasonKlaczynski]: i'm sure one of us or someone will play! :)
Arcanine ex used Overrun
[JasonKlaczynski]: EX is popular
Arcanine ex did 30 damage to Dunsparce
Arcanine ex did 20 damage to Skitty
Dunsparce was knocked out
UndauntedHound took one prize card.
Electrode ex is now active
Mary's Request (UF 86) was discarded
Between turns
Cursed Stone
Electrode ex got 10 damage
Turn 9 begins
JasonKlaczynski drew 1 card
Skitty evolved into Delcatty
[Dodrio-pult]: I wanna test I deck you see :)
ninobrodar is now a spectator of the game
ninobrodar has exited spectation.