[BR] Muk ex (DR 96). Toxic Gas blocks

Muk ex (DR 96). Toxic Gas blocks...

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay
Game format: EX Series
Battle started between ATOMISATOR and pokmeman!
Coin flip result: TAILS
pokmeman will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Attached a Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) to Holon's Castform.
Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) is now a Special Energy Card
Holon's Castform used Delta Draw
pokmeman drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
Attached a Grass Energy (RS 104) to Grimer.
ATOMISATOR played Great Ball.
Put Grimer onto bench.
ATOMISATOR has shuffled deck.
ATOMISATOR played Great Ball.
Put Grimer onto bench.
ATOMISATOR has shuffled deck.
ATOMISATOR played Holon Adventurer.
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
ATOMISATOR drew 3 cards
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Played Supporter
Grimer used Ascension
Grimer evolved into Muk ex
ATOMISATOR has shuffled deck.
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
pokmeman drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy (PK 106) to Exeggcute.
Holon's Castform used Delta Draw
pokmeman drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
Attached a Grass Energy (RS 104) to Muk ex.
ATOMISATOR played Professor Elm's Training Method.
Put [Muk ex (DR 96)] to Hand
ATOMISATOR has shuffled deck.
Put [Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89)] to Played Supporter
Grimer evolved into Muk ex
Grimer evolved into Muk ex
Crystal Beach is now in play.
Muk ex used Poison Breath
Holon's Castform is now poisoned
Muk ex did 10 damage to Holon's Castform
Professor Elm's Training Method (UF 89) was discarded
Between turns
Holon's Castform got 10 damage due to poison
Turn 5 begins
pokmeman drew 1 card
pokmeman played Windstorm.
Crystal Beach (CG 75) was discarded
pokmeman played Rocket's Admin. .
Put 5 cards to Deck
Put 2 cards to Deck
pokmeman has shuffled deck.
ATOMISATOR has shuffled deck.
pokmeman drew 6 cards
ATOMISATOR drew 6 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Lightning Energy (PK 106) to Exeggcute.
Holon's Castform used Delta Draw
pokmeman drew 1 card
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Holon's Castform got 10 damage due to poison
Turn 6 begins
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
ATOMISATOR played TV Reporter.
ATOMISATOR drew 3 cards
Rocket's Meowth (TRR 46) was discarded
Put [TV Reporter (DR 88)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Grass Energy (RS 104) to Muk ex.
Muk ex used Slimy Water
Muk ex did 50 damage to Holon's Castform
Holon's Castform was knocked out
Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) was discarded
Holon's Castform (HP 44) is no longer poisoned
ATOMISATOR took one prize card.
Exeggcute is now active
TV Reporter (DR 88) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
pokmeman drew 1 card
pokmeman played Holon Transceiver.
Put [Holon Mentor (DS 93)] to Hand
pokmeman has shuffled deck.
pokmeman played Holon Mentor.
Meteor Falls (DX 89) was discarded
Dewgonnadie is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Dewgonnadie has exited spectation.
Put [Exeggcute (HP 65), Nidoran♀ (DF 56), Totodile (DF 67)] to Hand
pokmeman has shuffled deck.
Put [Holon Mentor (DS 93)] to Played Supporter
Put Exeggcute onto bench
Put Nidoran♀ onto bench
Put Totodile onto bench
pokmeman played Warp Point.
Muk ex is now active
Exeggcute is now active
Holon Mentor (DS 93) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
ATOMISATOR played Great Ball.
Put Rocket's Meowth onto bench.
ATOMISATOR has shuffled deck.
[pokmeman]: that's a lot of mud ex
ATOMISATOR played Mary's Request.
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
ATOMISATOR drew 2 cards
Put [Mary's Request (UF 86)] to Played Supporter
[ATOMISATOR]: Blasphemist!
[pokmeman]: sure sure
Mary's Request (UF 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
pokmeman drew 1 card
[pokmeman]: i said what i said
Nidoran♀ evolved into Nidorina
Dewgonnadie is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Totodile evolved into Feraligatr
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
pokmeman played Rare Candy.
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
pokmeman played Holon Transceiver.
Put [Holon Scientist (DS 97)] to Hand
pokmeman has shuffled deck.
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
pokmeman played Holon Scientist.
Meteor Falls (DX 89) was discarded
pokmeman drew 10 cards
Put [Holon Scientist (DS 97)] to Played Supporter
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Attached a Lightning Energy (PK 106) to Exeggcute.
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Put Totodile onto bench
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Put Totodile onto bench
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Exeggcute used Rollout
Exeggcute did 10 damage to Muk ex
Holon Scientist (DS 97) was discarded
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
ATOMISATOR played Mary's Request.
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
ATOMISATOR drew 2 cards
Put [Mary's Request (UF 86)] to Played Supporter
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
ATOMISATOR played Great Ball.
Put Rocket's Meowth onto bench.
ATOMISATOR has shuffled deck.
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Put Grimer onto bench
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Attached a Grass Energy (RS 104) to Muk ex.
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Dewgonnadie has exited spectation.
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
[pokmeman]: It's true!
[ATOMISATOR]: Whenever I click on an Energy Card in my Hand, it appears.
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
[pokmeman]: weird
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura
Toxic Gas blocks Battle Aura

to be fixed in next patch

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