Malamar (XYP XY58). Xatu (LTR 56). xatu flipped heads through confusion even though the malamar's ability states that every coin my opppoent flips should be treated as tails.
Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Expanded
Battle started between zeit58 and Luketywalker2!
Coin flip result: TAILS
zeit58 will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
zeit58 drew 1 card
zeit58 played Ultra Ball.
Field Blower (GRI 163) was discarded
Guzma (BUS 143) was discarded
Put Bronzor (TEU 100) to hand
zeit58 has shuffled deck.
Put Bronzor onto bench
Float Stone (BKT 137) is attached to Bronzor
Dedenne-GX has used Dedechange
Professor Sycamore (STS 114) was discarded
Metal Energy (SUM 163) was discarded
zeit58 drew 6 cards
Put Dedenne-GX onto bench
Put Zacian V onto bench
[Luketywalker2]: i just need to report a bug from my last game sorry for the inconvienence
Attached a Metal Energy (SUM 163) to Zacian V.
Put 2 cards to Hand
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Luketywalker2 drew 1 card
TURN TIMER: a Timeout Allowance was consumed to add 60 seconds to turn time