[BR] Kangaskhan (JU 5). Dark Charizard (TR 4). your life top

Kangaskhan (JU 5). Dark Charizard (TR 4). your life top

Game starting
Game type: Career
Game format: Base-Gym (2000)
Battle started between Mattyswords88 and Terrytiger!
Coin flip result: TAILS
Terrytiger will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy (BS 100) to Charmander.
Charmander used Scratch
Charmander did 10 damage to Kangaskhan
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy (BS 100) to Kangaskhan.
Mattyswords88 played Defender.
Defender is attached to Kangaskhan
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Terrytiger played Master Ball.
Terrytiger has shuffled deck.
Attached a Fire Energy (G1 128) to Charmander.
Terrytiger played Pokemon Breeder.
Charmander evolved into Dark Charizard
Dark Charizard used Nail Flick
Defender cuts damage.
Dark Charizard did 0 damage to Kangaskhan
Defender (BS 80) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Put Dratini onto bench
Attached a Fighting Energy (BS 97) to Dratini.
Put Kangaskhan onto bench
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (BS 98) to Dark Charizard.
Dark Charizard used Continuous Fireball
Coin flip result: TAILS TAILS
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (BS 96) to Dratini.
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Dark Charizard used Continuous Fireball
Coin flip result: TAILS TAILS
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Mattyswords88 played Pokemon Trader.
Put [Dragonite (FO 19)] to Deck
Put [Dragonair (BS 18)] to Hand
Mattyswords88 has shuffled deck.
Dratini evolved into Dragonair
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Put Charmander onto bench
Dark Charizard used Continuous Fireball
Coin flip result: HEADS TAILS
Fire Energy (G1 128) was discarded
Dark Charizard did 50 damage to Kangaskhan
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Mattyswords88 played Potion.
Kangaskhan was restored 20 health.
Mattyswords88 played Potion.
Kangaskhan was restored 20 health.
Attached a Potion Energy (TR 82) to Kangaskhan.
Kangaskhan was restored 10 health.
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Dark Charizard used Nail Flick
Dark Charizard did 10 damage to Kangaskhan
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
TheAquaPiplup is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Attached a Potion Energy (TR 82) to Kangaskhan.
Kangaskhan was restored 10 health.
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Put Ponyta onto bench
Terrytiger played Pokemon Trader.
Put [Blaine's Ponyta (G2 64)] to Deck
Put [Voltorb (TR 69)] to Hand
Terrytiger has shuffled deck.
Put Voltorb onto bench
Dark Charizard used Nail Flick
Dark Charizard did 10 damage to Kangaskhan
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
Attached a Psychic Energy (BS 101) to Kangaskhan.
No Removal Gym is now in play.
Mattyswords88 played Professor Oak.
Mattyswords88 drew 7 cards
Dratini evolved into Dragonair
Kangaskhan used Comet Punch
Kangaskhan did 60 damage to Dark Charizard
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (BS 98) to Dark Charizard.
Dark Charizard used Continuous Fireball
Coin flip result: HEADS HEADS
Terrytiger disconnected, waiting 15 seconds before ending game.
Terrytiger reconnected.
Dark Charizard used Continuous Fireball
Coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Fire Energy (BS 98) was discarded
Dark Charizard did 100 damage to Kangaskhan
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
Mattyswords88 drew 1 card
[Mattyswords88]: ?
[Terrytiger]: bug ?
[Mattyswords88]: I guess?
Attached a Full Heal Energy (TR 81) to Dragonair.
Mattyswords88 played Pokemon Trader.
Put [Dragonair (BS 18)] to Deck
Put [Dragonite (FO 19)] to Hand
Mattyswords88 has shuffled deck.
Dragonair evolved into Dragonite
Kangaskhan used Comet Punch
Kangaskhan did 80 damage to Dark Charizard
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
Terrytiger drew 1 card
[Mattyswords88]: cool
snubbull_lover_74 is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV