[BR] I tell my opponent GG and they respond "fuck you" is there a

I tell my opponent GG and they respond "fuck you" is there a way to deal with harassment on this site?

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: e-Card (2003)
Battle started between Exo and JayHornung!
Exo took a mulligan. They will continue taking mulligans after JayHornung places an Active Pokémon (and Benched, if any).
JayHornung drew an extra card.
JayHornung drew an extra card.
Mulligan phase: Exo took 1 additional mulligans
Coin flip result: TAILS
JayHornung will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
JayHornung drew 1 card
Put Gastly onto bench
JayHornung played Dual Ball.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Coin flip result: TAILS
JayHornung played Dual Ball.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put [Onix (AQP 98)] to Hand
JayHornung has shuffled deck.
Put Onix onto bench
JayHornung played Master Ball.
Put Gengar (EXP 13) to hand
JayHornung has shuffled deck.
Attached a Psychic Energy (EXP 164) to Gastly.
Gastly used Bad Dream
Coin flip result: HEADS
Zubat is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: HEADS
Zubat (SKR 117) is no longer asleep
Turn 2 begins
Exo drew 1 card
Attached a Grass Energy (EXP 162) to Zubat.
Put Oddish onto bench
Pokémon Park is now in play.
Zubat used Sound Waves
Coin flip result: HEADS
Gastly is now confused
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
JayHornung drew 1 card
JayHornung played Underground Expedition.
JayHornung drew 2 cards from the bottom of their deck.
Put [Underground Expedition (SKR 140)] to Played Supporter
JayHornung played Master Ball.
Put Haunter (EXP 80) to hand
JayHornung has shuffled deck.
Gastly evolved into Haunter
Gastly (EXP 109) is no longer confused
Attached a Warp Energy (AQP 147) to Haunter.
Onix is now active
Used Pokémon Park stadium effect.
Haunter already has full health.
Underground Expedition (SKR 140) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Exo drew 1 card
Zubat evolved into Golbat
Put Cleffa onto bench
Star Piece (SKR 139) is attached to Golbat
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
JayHornung drew 1 card
Haunter evolved into Gengar
Attached a Psychic Energy (EXP 164) to Gengar.
Used Pokémon Park stadium effect.
Gengar already has full health.
JayHornung played Underground Expedition.
JayHornung drew 2 cards from the bottom of their deck.
Put [Underground Expedition (SKR 140)] to Played Supporter
Underground Expedition (SKR 140) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Exo drew 1 card
Exo played Grass Cube 01 to Golbat.
Golbat used Sleep Poison
Onix is now asleep
Onix is now poisoned
Between turns
Asleep coin flip result: TAILS
Onix is still asleep
Onix got 10 damage due to poison
Turn 7 begins
JayHornung drew 1 card
Grass Cube 01 (AQP 124) was discarded
Attached a Warp Energy (AQP 147) to Onix.
Onix (AQP 98) is no longer asleep
Onix (AQP 98) is no longer poisoned
Gengar is now active
Used Pokémon Park stadium effect.
Onix was restored to full health.
JayHornung played Dual Ball.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put [Porygon (AQP 103)] to Hand
JayHornung has shuffled deck.
Put Porygon onto bench
Gengar used Hide in Shadows
Golbat is weak to PSYCHIC
Gengar did 80 damage to Golbat
Onix is now active
Golbat was knocked out
Grass Energy (EXP 162) was discarded
Star Piece (SKR 139) was discarded
JayHornung took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Exo drew 1 card
Oddish evolved into Gloom
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
JayHornung drew 1 card
Attached a Metal Energy (AQP 143) to Onix.
Onix evolved into Steelix
JayHornung played Warp Point.
Gloom is now active
Gengar is now active
Gengar used Hide in Shadows
Gloom is weak to PSYCHIC
Gengar did 80 damage to Gloom
Steelix is now active
Gloom was knocked out
JayHornung took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Exo drew 1 card
Healing Berry (AQP 125) is attached to Cleffa
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
JayHornung drew 1 card
JayHornung played Warp Point.
Gengar is now active
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Gengar used Hide in Shadows
Gengar did 40 damage to Cleffa
Steelix is now active
Cleffa was knocked out
Healing Berry (AQP 125) was discarded
JayHornung took one prize card.
JayHornung wins the game! No Pokémon left in play!
Game has ended.
[JayHornung]: gg
[Exo]: fuck you
Exo has closed game view.
[JayHornung]: lol

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One option is blocking them. Another option is you could report it to a mod on discord. If the user is a repeat offender, we will consider doing a temp ban from the site.

If “fuck you” really offends you and you think that it’s “harassment”, get off the internet

If you think this is an appropriate way to talk to anybody while playing Pokemon this is probably not the game for you.

Sure as an adult I can shrug off rude opponents and move on, but it certainly not the attitude I want to come here and deal with on a regular basis. However, my larger concern is I don’t want children to come here and have to deal with stuff like this. My opponent has no idea if I’m an adult or child.

Personally I want to see the site succeed and I’ve seen a toxic environment do in more than one business/site.

“Hurr Durr sure as adult i can shrug off rudeness”
If that was true you wouldnt bitch about it
Youre hiding your sensitivity