[BR] Groudon (EM 14). Groudon's Slash deals 30 damage insted of 2

Groudon (EM 14). Groudon's Slash deals 30 damage insted of 20.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: 2005 (RS–EM)
Battle begins between ATOMISATOR and Pirisapiens!
ATOMISATOR will take additional mulligan(s) after Pirisapiens sets up to play.
Mulligan phase: ATOMISATOR took 5 additional mulligans
Pirisapiens drew 5 extra cards.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Pirisapiens will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Attached a [F] Energy to Groudon
DEBUG: Groudon's Current_Energy_Cards: [[F] Energy]
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
ATOMISATOR drew 1 card
Put Mareep onto bench.
Put Azurill onto bench.
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Pirisapiens drew 1 card
Attached a [R] Energy to Groudon
DEBUG: Groudon's Current_Energy_Cards: [[R] Energy, [F] Energy]
Groudon used Slash
Mareep is weak to FIGHTING
Groudon did 60 damage to Mareep
Mareep was knocked out
Pirisapiens took one prize card.
[Pirisapiens]: why 60?
[ATOMISATOR]: it is an error
Pirisapiens wins the game! Opponent has surrendered
[Pirisapiens]: Pirisapiens has exited game.

Will be fixed in v68.4

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