[BR] Gengar (CRE 57). Last Gift hability doesn't work well, i sup

Gengar (CRE 57). Last Gift hability doesn't work well, i supposed search 2 cards when gengar is KO, but instead my oponnent search for 2 cards.

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay Ranked
Game format: Standard 2021
Battle started between lmar50 and HaNZeL182!
Coin flip result: HEADS
lmar50 will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
Attached a Capture Energy (DAA 201) to Kubfu.
Put Houndour onto bench.
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
HaNZeL182 drew 1 card
HaNZeL182 played Level Ball.
Put [Sobble (CRE 41)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
Put Sobble onto bench
HaNZeL182 played Evolution Incense.
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
Snorlax has used Gormandize
HaNZeL182 drew 2 cards
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
Kubfu evolved into Single Strike Urshifu
Attached a Single Strike Energy (BST 183) to Single Strike Urshifu.
lmar50 played Bruno.
Put 4 cards to Deck
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
lmar50 drew 4 cards
Put Kubfu onto bench
Single Strike Urshifu used Field Crush
Single Strike Energy +20
Single Strike Urshifu did 70 damage to Snorlax
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
HaNZeL182 drew 1 card
Sobble evolved into Drizzile
Drizzile has used Shady Dealings
Put [Level Ball (BST 181)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
HaNZeL182 played Level Ball.
Put [Gastly (UNB 67)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
Put Gastly onto bench
HaNZeL182 played Quick Ball.
Snorlax (CRE 224) was discarded
Put [Sobble (CRE 41)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
Put Sobble onto bench
HaNZeL182 played Marnie.
lmar50 shuffled their hand of 3 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
lmar50 drew 4 cards
HaNZeL182 shuffled their hand of 4 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
HaNZeL182 drew 5 cards
HaNZeL182 played Quick Ball.
Switch (SSH 183) was discarded
Put [Gastly (UNB 67)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
HaNZeL182 played Switch.
Gastly is now active
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
lmar50 played Quick Ball.
Urn of Vitality (BST 139) was discarded
Put [Houndour (BST 95)] to Hand
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Put Houndour onto bench
Attached a Capture Energy (DAA 201) to Kubfu.
Put Kubfu onto bench.
lmar50 has shuffled deck.
Single Strike Urshifu used Field Crush
Single Strike Energy +20
Gastly is weak to DARKNESS
Single Strike Urshifu did 140 damage to Gastly
Swelling Spite activates
Put Haunter onto bench.
Put Haunter onto bench.
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
Gastly was knocked out
lmar50 took one prize card.
Haunter is now active
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
HaNZeL182 drew 1 card
Put Gastly onto bench
Sobble evolved into Drizzile
Drizzile has used Shady Dealings
Put [Evolution Incense (SSH 163)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
HaNZeL182 played Evolution Incense.
Put [Gengar (CRE 57)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
HaNZeL182 played Evolution Incense.
Put [Inteleon (CRE 43)] to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
Drizzile evolved into Inteleon
Haunter evolved into Gengar
HaNZeL182 played Marnie.
lmar50 shuffled their hand of 3 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
lmar50 drew 4 cards
HaNZeL182 doesn't have any cards in hand, only needs to draw.
HaNZeL182 drew 5 cards
Inteleon has used Quick Shooting
Single Strike Urshifu got 20 damage
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
lmar50 drew 1 card
Attached a Darkness Energy (SSH 224) to Kubfu.
Single Strike Urshifu used Field Crush
Single Strike Energy +20
Gengar is weak to DARKNESS
Single Strike Urshifu did 140 damage to Gengar
Last Gift activates
Put 2 cards to Hand
HaNZeL182 has shuffled deck.
Gengar was knocked out
lmar50 took one prize card.
Haunter is now active
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
HaNZeL182 drew 1 card
[HaNZeL182]: what
[lmar50]: wth
[lmar50]: i searched 2 cards
[lmar50]: hahaha
[HaNZeL182]: oh man
[lmar50]: report the bug
[HaNZeL182]: that's a bug :c
[HaNZeL182]: JAJAJAJ lol
[lmar50]: gg
TURN TIMER: a Timeout Allowance was consumed to add 60 seconds to turn time