[BR] Gengar (CRE 57). Ability LAST GIFT opponent is buying two ca

Gengar (CRE 57). Ability LAST GIFT opponent is buying two cards from my deck

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay
Game format: Standard 2021
Battle started between digocampeao and Evilpom!
Coin flip result: TAILS
digocampeao will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
digocampeao drew 1 card
Old Cemetery is now in play.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Evilpom drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Victini V.
Old Cemetery activates
Victini V got 20 damage
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
digocampeao drew 1 card
[digocampeao]: i'll test gengar
digocampeao played Rare Candy.
Gastly evolved into Gengar
digocampeao played Skyla.
Got Air Balloon (SSH 213) to hand
digocampeao has shuffled deck.
Air Balloon (SSH 213) is attached to Sobble
Sobble retreated.
Gengar is now active
Attached a Twin Energy (RCL 209) to Gengar.
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Put Lampent onto bench.
Top Entry activates
[digocampeao]: kill gengar please
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Victini V.
Old Cemetery activates
Victini V got 20 damage
Victini V used Energy Burst
Victini V did 120 damage to Gengar
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
digocampeao drew 1 card
Attached a Horror Psychic Energy (RCL 172) to Gengar.
digocampeao played Brawly.
Put Sobble onto bench.
Put Sobble onto bench.
digocampeao has shuffled deck.
Gengar used Pain Burst
Gengar did 170 damage to Victini V
Victini V was knocked out
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
Fire Energy (TEU 198) was discarded
digocampeao took one prize card.
digocampeao took one prize card.
Lampent is now active
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Evilpom drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Lampent.
Old Cemetery activates
Lampent got 20 damage
Lampent used Reignite
Lampent did 20 damage to Gengar
Attached a Fire Energy (TEU 198) to Talonflame V.
Horror [P] Energy activates.
Lampent got 20 damage
Last Gift activates
freush is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
freush has exited spectation.
Put 2 cards to Hand
digocampeao has shuffled deck.
Gengar was knocked out
Horror Psychic Energy (RCL 172) was discarded
Twin Energy (RCL 209) was discarded
Evilpom took one prize card.
Sobble is now active
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
digocampeao drew 1 card
[Evilpom]: ummm
[Evilpom]: was that supposed to happen?
[digocampeao]: you draw 2 card
[digocampeao]: correct?
[Evilpom]: I stole 2 cards from your deck
[digocampeao]: ok
[digocampeao]: i'll report this bug
[digocampeao]: thaks
[Evilpom]: okay
[Evilpom]: your welcome
TURN TIMER: a Timeout Allowance was consumed to add 60 seconds to turn time