[BR] Galarian Cursola V (CPA 21). Galarian cursola places 2 damag

Galarian Cursola V (CPA 21). Galarian cursola places 2 damage counters instead of 3 for its ability, but still does 30 damage

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Standard 2021
Player A: matthewliamv
Player B: Bread06
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Player A played Great Ball.
Got [Minccino (SSH 145)] to hand
A has shuffled deck.
Put Minccino onto bench
Player A played Pokémon Communication.
Put [Galarian Cursola V (CPA 71)] to deck
Got [Minccino (SSH 145)] from deck
A has shuffled deck.
Put Minccino onto bench
Player A played Quick Ball.
Mew (SMP SM215) was discarded
[Bread06]: nice, my hand is garbage
Put [Elgyem (UNM 90)] to Hand
A has shuffled deck.
Put Elgyem onto bench
Player A played Pokégear 3.0.
Put [Boss's Orders (RCL 189)] to Hand
A has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Put Duraludon V onto bench
Attached a Metal Energy to Duraludon.
Gnawing Aura - Duraludon receives 2 damage counters.
Duraludon got 30 damage
[Bread06]: uhhh
[Bread06]: how'd i get 30 damage from 2 damage counters
[matthewliamv]: cursola...
[Bread06]: yea but it should be 3 damage counters
[Bread06]: not 2
Duraludon used Metal Sharpener
Duraludon did 30 damage to Galarian Cursola V
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Player A played Boss's Orders.
Duraludon V is now active
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Boss's Orders.
Elgyem is now active
Attached a Metal Energy to Duraludon V.
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Minccino evolved into Cinccino
Cinccino has used Make Do
Quick Ball (SSH 216) was discarded
Player A drew 2 card
Player A played Marnie.
Bread06 shuffled their hand of 3 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
Player B drew 4 card
matthewliamv shuffled their hand of 1 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
Player A drew 5 card
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Player B drew 1 card