[BR] Fainting spell doesn't work when Gengar is knocked out on bench

Fainting spell doesn't work when Gengar is knocked out on bench.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: 2009 (DP–RR)
Battle begins between Wyeth97 and chilldude420!
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: HEADS
Wyeth97 will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Put Unown G onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Baltoy
DEBUG: Baltoy's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Baltoy used Psychic Balance
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
chilldude420 played Roseanne's Research.
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Gastly (SF 62), Baltoy (GE 60)] to Hand
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Roseanne's Research (SW 125)] to Supporter
Put Gastly onto bench.
Put Baltoy onto bench.
chilldude420 played Warp Point.
Unown G is now active
Gastly is now active
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Unown G has used GUARD
Unown G (GE 57) is attached to Gastly
Gastly used Pitch-Dark
Roseanne's Research (SW 125) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Wyeth97 played Bebe's Search.
Put 1 card to Deck
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Gastly (SF 62)] to Hand
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Bebe's Search (MT 109)] to Supporter
Put Gastly onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Bebe's Search (MT 109) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, Call Energy (MD 92)]
Used Call Energy effect
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put Baltoy onto bench.
Put Gastly onto bench.
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
chilldude420's turn ends due to using Call Energy (MD 92)'s effect.
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Wyeth97 played Rare Candy.
Gastly evolved into Gengar
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Unown G
DEBUG: Unown G's Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92)]
Call Energy (MD 92) was discarded
Unown G retreated.
Gengar is now active
Gengar used Shadow Room
GUARD prevents effect DIRECT_DAMAGE
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
Broken Time-Space is now in play.
[Wyeth97]: Forgot guard
Gastly evolved into Haunter
Haunter evolved into Gengar
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Gengar used Shadow Room
Gengar got 30 damage
Gengar got 30 damage
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Unown G has used GUARD
Unown G (GE 57) is attached to Gengar
CloutGod is now a spectator of the game
Gengar used Shadow Room
Gastly got 30 damage
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Gengar used Poltergeist
Gengar did 0 damage to Gengar
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
[chilldude420]: nooooo
Wyeth97 played Roseanne's Research.
[chilldude420]: 0 trainers and you top deck roseanne? busted
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Crobat G (PL 47), Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Roseanne's Research (SW 125)] to Supporter
Put Crobat G onto bench.
Gastly got 10 damage
Put Crobat G onto bench.
Gastly got 10 damage
Gastly was knocked out
Wyeth97 took one prize card.
Gengar used Shadow Room
Baltoy got 30 damage
Roseanne's Research (SW 125) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
chilldude420 played Bebe's Search.
Put 1 card to Deck
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Uxie (LA 43)] to Hand
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Bebe's Search (MT 109)] to Supporter
Put Uxie onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
chilldude420 drew 7 cards
CloutGod has exited spectation.
Put Gastly onto bench.
Gengar used Shadow Room
Baltoy got 30 damage
Bebe's Search (MT 109) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Wyeth97 played Roseanne's Research.
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Gastly (SF 62), Gastly (SF 62)] to Hand
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Roseanne's Research (SW 125)] to Supporter
Put Gastly onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Gengar used Shadow Room
Baltoy got 30 damage
Baltoy was knocked out
Wyeth97 took one prize card.
Roseanne's Research (SW 125) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
chilldude420 played Looker's Investigation.
Put 5 cards to Deck
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Wyeth97 drew 5 cards
Put [Looker's Investigation (PL 109)] to Supporter
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Gengar used Poltergeist
Gengar did 90 damage to Gengar
Gengar has used Fainting Spell
Coin flip [Fainting Spell]: TAILS
Gengar was knocked out
chilldude420 took one prize card.
Gastly is now active
Looker's Investigation (PL 109) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Put Unown G onto bench.
Unown G has used GUARD
Unown G (GE 57) is attached to Gastly
Gastly evolved into Haunter
Wyeth97 played Pokédex HANDY910is.
Put 1 card to Hand
Wyeth97 played Pokédex HANDY910is.
Put 1 card to Hand
Wyeth97 played Pokédex HANDY910is.
Put 1 card to Hand
[chilldude420]: lol
Haunter evolved into Gengar
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Gengar
DEBUG: Gengar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, Call Energy (MD 92)]
Gengar used Poltergeist
Gengar did 60 damage to Gengar
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
Put Crobat G onto bench.
Baltoy got 10 damage
chilldude420 played Team Galactic's Invention G-105 Poké Turn.
Scooped up [Crobat G (PL 47)]
Put [Crobat G (PL 47)] to Hand
Put Crobat G onto bench.
Baltoy got 10 damage
Baltoy was knocked out
chilldude420 took one prize card.
chilldude420 played Rare Candy.
Gastly evolved into Gengar
Attached a [P] Energy to Gengar
DEBUG: Gengar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
chilldude420 played Bebe's Search.
Put 1 card to Deck
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Claydol (GE 15)] to Hand
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Bebe's Search (MT 109)] to Supporter
Baltoy evolved into Claydol
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 1 card to Deck
chilldude420 drew 6 cards
Put Unown G onto bench.
Unown G has used GUARD
Unown G (GE 57) is attached to Claydol
chilldude420 played Pokédex HANDY910is.
Put 1 card to Hand
Gengar used Poltergeist
Gengar did 30 damage to Gengar
Bebe's Search (MT 109) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
CloutGod is now a spectator of the game
CloutGod has exited spectation.
Wyeth97 played Night Maintenance.
Put [[P] Energy, Baltoy (GE 60), Gastly (SF 62)] to Deck
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Gengar used Poltergeist
Gengar did 60 damage to Gengar
Gengar has used Fainting Spell
Coin flip [Fainting Spell]: TAILS
Gengar was knocked out
Wyeth97 took one prize card.
[Wyeth97]: exhale
Gengar is now active
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
chilldude420 played Roseanne's Research.
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Gastly (SF 62), Nidoran♀ (RR 71)] to Hand
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Roseanne's Research (SW 125)] to Supporter
Put Gastly onto bench.
Put Nidoran♀ onto bench.
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
chilldude420 drew 3 cards
chilldude420 played Rare Candy.
Gastly evolved into Gengar
Attached a [P] Energy to Gengar
DEBUG: Gengar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Nidoran♀ evolved into Nidorina
Gengar used Shadow Room
Crobat G got 30 damage
Crobat G got 30 damage
Roseanne's Research (SW 125) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Wyeth97 played Roseanne's Research.
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Baltoy (GE 60), Gastly (SF 62)] to Hand
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Roseanne's Research (SW 125)] to Supporter
Put Gastly onto bench.
Gastly evolved into Haunter
Put Baltoy onto bench.
Wyeth97 played Warp Point.
[Wyeth97]: wp
Crobat G is now active
Crobat G is now active
Crobat G retreated.
Gengar is now active
Gengar used Shadow Room
Gengar got 30 damage
Gengar got 30 damage
Roseanne's Research (SW 125) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Gengar
DEBUG: Gengar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Claydol has used Cosmic Power
Put 2 cards to Deck
chilldude420 drew 6 cards
chilldude420 played Pokédex HANDY910is.
Put 1 card to Hand
Nidorina evolved into Nidoqueen
chilldude420 played Pokédex HANDY910is.
Put 1 card to Hand
chilldude420 played Night Maintenance.
Put [[P] Energy, Gastly (SF 62), Gengar (SF 18)] to Deck
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
chilldude420 played Looker's Investigation.
Put 1 card to Deck
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Wyeth97 drew 5 cards
Put [Looker's Investigation (PL 109)] to Supporter
Crobat G retreated.
Gengar is now active
Gengar used Poltergeist
Gengar did 120 damage to Gengar
Gengar has used Fainting Spell
Coin flip [Fainting Spell]: HEADS
Gengar was knocked out
Wyeth97 took one prize card.
[chilldude420]: noooo
Crobat G is now active
Gengar was knocked out
chilldude420 took one prize card.
[Wyeth97]: shouldve attacked with already damged gar no?
Haunter is now active
Looker's Investigation (PL 109) was discarded
Between turns
Maternal Comfort activates
Gengar was restored 10 health.
Turn 19 begins
Wyeth97 drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Haunter
DEBUG: Haunter's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Put Gastly onto bench.
[chilldude420]: ig cause faint spell
[Wyeth97]: but then you'd have a healthy gar if it got spelled instead of damaged one
Wyeth97 played Luxury Ball.
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Put [Gengar (SF 18)] to Hand
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Haunter evolved into Gengar
Wyeth97 played Looker's Investigation.
Put 3 cards to Deck
Wyeth97 has shuffled deck.
Wyeth97 drew 5 cards
Put [Looker's Investigation (PL 109)] to Supporter
Gengar used Shadow Room
Gengar got 30 damage
Gengar got 30 damage
Gengar was knocked out
Wyeth97 took one prize card.
Looker's Investigation (PL 109) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 20 begins
chilldude420 drew 1 card
Put Nidoran♀ onto bench.
[Wyeth97]: Gonna report fainting spell
chilldude420 played Bebe's Search.
Put 1 card to Deck
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Gastly (SF 62)] to Hand
chilldude420 has shuffled deck.
Put [Bebe's Search (MT 109)] to Supporter
CloutGod is now a spectator of the game
[chilldude420]: why?