[BR] EXP.ALL (N4 93). Brock's Vulpix (G2 37). It did not exp all

EXP.ALL (N4 93). Brock’s Vulpix (G2 37). It did not exp all to vulpix when i was KOed

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Base–Neo
Player A: jamie756
Player B: Axelsj
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns. TC: 1
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy to Cleffa.
Put Cleffa onto bench
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 2
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Professor Elm.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Put Abra onto bench
Put Sabrina’s Psyduck onto bench
Attached a Rainbow Energy to Chansey.
Chansey got 10 damage
Between turns. TC: 3
Player A drew 1 card
[jamie756]: hiya :slight_smile:
Put Brock’s Vulpix onto bench
Put Cleffa onto bench
[Axelsj]: hello :slight_smile:
Attached a Fighting Energy to Brock’s Vulpix.
Focus Band is attached to Cleffa
Player A played Professor Elm.
A has shuffled deck.
Player A drew 7 card
Between turns. TC: 4
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Item Finder.
Restored a Professor Elm to hand.
Player B played Professor Elm.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Put Abra onto bench
Put Sabrina’s Psyduck onto bench
Attached a Psychic Energy to Sabrina’s Psyduck.
Between turns. TC: 5
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy to Brock’s Vulpix.
Brock’s Vulpix evolved into Brock’s Ninetales
Brock’s Ninetales has used Shapeshift
Brock’s Ninetales is now treated as Machamp (VM 112)
Cleffa retreated.
Machamp is now active
Machamp used Seething Anger
Chansey is weak to FIGHTING
Machamp did 40 damage to Chansey
Between turns. TC: 6
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Bill.
Player B drew 2 card
Sabrina’s Psyduck evolved into Sabrina’s Golduck
Abra evolved into Kadabra
Player B played Erika.
Player B drew 3 card
Player A drew 3 card
Attached a Psychic Energy to Kadabra.
Put Abra onto bench
Between turns. TC: 7
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy to Machamp.
Player A played Pokemon Trader.
A has shuffled deck.
Put Brock’s Vulpix onto bench
Machamp used Seething Anger
Chansey is weak to FIGHTING
Machamp did 40 damage to Chansey
Between turns. TC: 8
Player B drew 1 card
Kadabra evolved into Alakazam
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Player B played Professor Elm.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Abra evolved into Kadabra
Sabrina’s Psyduck evolved into Sabrina’s Golduck
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Attached a Psychic Energy to Sabrina’s Golduck.
Rainbow Energy (TR 80) was discarded
Chansey retreated.
Sabrina’s Golduck is now active
Sabrina’s Golduck used Damage Shift
Moved 6 damage counters to Machamp.
Between turns. TC: 9
Player A drew 1 card
Gold Berry is attached to Machamp
EXP.ALL is attached to Brock’s Vulpix
Player A played Brock’s Protection.
Attached [Brock’s Protection (G2 101)] to Brock’s Vulpix
Attached a Fighting Energy to Brock’s Vulpix.
Machamp used Seething Anger
Machamp did 60 damage to Sabrina’s Golduck
Gold berry activates
Machamp was restored 40 health.
Gold Berry (N1 93) was discarded
Between turns. TC: 10
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Erika.
Player B drew 3 card
Player A drew 3 card
[jamie756]: dang 10 away
[jamie756]: lol
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Attached a Psychic Energy to Alakazam.
Sabrina’s Golduck used Damage Shift
Moved 6 damage counters to Machamp.
Between turns. TC: 11
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy to Brock’s Vulpix.
Machamp used Seething Anger
Machamp did 30 damage to Sabrina’s Golduck
Between turns. TC: 12
Player B drew 1 card
[jamie756]: whatttt!
[jamie756]: lol
[Axelsj]: unlucky :stuck_out_tongue:
Player B played Computer Search.
B has shuffled deck.
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Alakazam has swapped a damage counter!
Attached a Rainbow Energy to Kadabra.
Kadabra got 10 damage
Sabrina’s Golduck used Damage Shift
Moved 6 damage counters to Machamp.
Machamp was knocked out
Fighting Energy (N1 106) was discarded
Fighting Energy (N1 106) was discarded
Fighting Energy (N1 106) was discarded
Machamp (VM 112) was discarded
Player B took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns. TC: 13
Player A drew 1 card
[jamie756]: thats weird why exp all didnt trigger
[Axelsj]: probably dont register placing damage counters as taking damage… game is broken…


Unless there is a special ruling i am not aware of, you are absolutely correct. Bumping so the devs can fix it.

Bumping this one as its from about 4 years ago and does not seem to be marked as resolved

@Testers can you please revalidate & add more information?

The active pokemon was knocked out by an effect, but since EXP.ALL doesn’t specify damage, the EXP.ALL attached to Vulpix should have allowed to move a basic energy from the active to the benched pokemon BUT
The FRLG print is mistranslated and never got errata; it should only trigger when “1 of your Active Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from your opponent’s attack.”

Q. Player 1 has an active Dark Slowking with 50 damage and a Dark and a Psychic energy attached to it. He also had a benched Slowpoke with an EXP.ALL attached. Player 2 attacks with ATM Rock. Would the attack with the ATM Rock that knocked out his now-devolved Slowpoke activate the EXP.ALL?
A. EXP.ALL does not trigger from a KO of your Active Pokémon if the KO is a result of devolving. The EXP.ALL should only activate when KO’d due to damage, just like Jumpluff’s “Buffer”.

I think we can assume this is the case for the Neo Destiny print, too

So, this is not a bug?

Not a bug :smiley:

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By the way, I am marking these rulings in the code so hopefully some day we’ll have a central database of over-rulings / erratas that are also visible in the game. But for that I have to do a very expensive refactoring operation in the backend, which I plan to do after resolving about 90% bug reports in this forum.

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