[BR] Ditto (FO 3). Played fossil ditto and I was not able to comp

Ditto (FO 3). Played fossil ditto and I was not able to complete my turn or do any further actions (such as attack, retreat, etc.).

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Unlimited
Player A: ProfessorCFK
Player B: SuperWooper
ChrisFulop is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Player A drew 1 card
[ChrisFulop]: so for this are you doing actual drafting, or just sealed card pools?
[ChrisFulop]: i assume sealed online?
[ProfessorCFK]: we just did 150 card pools
[ProfessorCFK]: from my google sheet
[ProfessorCFK]: cube is 480 cards
[SuperWooper]: drafting seems impossible online
[ProfessorCFK]: used a RNG
Player A played Dual Ball.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Coin flip result: TAILS
[SuperWooper]: without a dedicated client
Alazor is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
[ChrisFulop]: like you can do a 2 person winston draft in person, but yeah i have NO IDEA how to do it online unless you winston'd over video call with the IRL cube
Attached a Lightning Energy to Ponyta.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[Alazor]: SuperWooper!
[SuperWooper]: what's up david
[SuperWooper]: you're still on this site?
Player B played Pokémon Fan Club.
[Alazor]: I've been playing on this site since like 2014
B has shuffled deck.
[ChrisFulop]: how long has the site had the older formats available?
[SuperWooper]: it started with *only* older formats
[Alazor]: Yeah
Attached a Lightning Energy to Zapdos.
Balloon Berry is attached to Erika's Dratini
[ChrisFulop]: i've been really loving this site, and it seems like a lot of older players have started to play on here now which is great
Player B played Professor Elm.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 7 card
Put Lickitung onto bench
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Player A played Erika.
Player A drew 3 card
Player B drew 3 card
[Alazor]: Yeah, I support this site $2 a monjth
Ponyta evolved into Rapidash
Attached a Lightning Energy to Rapidash.
[SuperWooper]: fulop, are you playing in these weekly RS-PK tourneys?
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[ChrisFulop]: i haven't yet, but i will be Sunday. Tired of James Arnold's reign of terror
[SuperWooper]: I haven't been following them but they seem fun, thinking about joining
[SuperWooper]: lol
[ProfessorCFK]: Wetz tried to get me to play in last weeks
[ProfessorCFK]: he only precon I know how to play is ZRE
[Alazor]: I almost always go 0-2, but I play anyway
[ChrisFulop]: ive signed up for a few and flaked
[SuperWooper]: 25% of the bracket will go 0-2 by the nature of D.E.
[SuperWooper]: no shame in that
[ChrisFulop]: "shocker" I'm just playing LBS
Player B played Bill.
Player B drew 2 card
[ChrisFulop]: finally got a list i like for the full EX format
Attached a Lightning Energy to Zapdos.
[ProfessorCFK]: i really only seriously played with those cards in the 2004 format
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Player A drew 1 card
[ProfessorCFK]: and was starting to fade by worlds 05
Attached a Fire Energy to Blaine's Ponyta.
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[ChrisFulop]: it was so cool though, i hadn't revisited the old cards in a long time
Attached a Psychic Energy to Mewtwo.
[ChrisFulop]: played some games against good players actively playing
[ChrisFulop]: and just got systematically outplayed
Put Mr. Mime onto bench
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Player A drew 1 card
[ChrisFulop]: like i felt i played pretty well, but theres so much play to these formats
Attached a Fire Energy to Blaine's Ponyta.
[SuperWooper]: yeah there's a lot of room to get beaten in the RS block
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[SuperWooper]: I'm sure I'll be going 0-2 as well if I start signing up, at least to start
Player B played Bill's Maintenance.
B has shuffled deck.
Player B drew 3 card
Attached a Lightning Energy to Zapdos.
Balloon Berry (N3 60) was discarded
Erika's Dratini retreated.
Zapdos is now active
[ChrisFulop]: it took me like 3 games to remember how to correctly approach RaiEggs with LBS
Zapdos used Lightning Burn
Coin flip result: HEADS
[ChrisFulop]: also CFK, turns out 2004 was SUPER unexplored
Zapdos did 30 damage to Snorlax
Zapdos did 30 damage to Blaine's Ponyta
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Bill.
Player B drew 2 card
Clefairy evolved into Clefable
Player B played Bill.
Player B drew 2 card
Player B played Underground Expedition.
[ProfessorCFK]: I think blaziken was pretty good
Put [Double Colorless Energy (BS 96), Rainbow Energy (TR 80)] to Hand
[ProfessorCFK]: lthough bellossom... pfft
SuperWooper drew 2 cards from the bottom of their deck.
[ChrisFulop]: yeah blaziken is the..."best" deck still I believe
Attached a Double Colorless Energy to Erika's Dratini.
[ChrisFulop]: but there are a lot more options than we realized
Zapdos used Lightning Burn
Coin flip result: TAILS
Zapdos did 30 damage to Snorlax
Zapdos did 30 damage to itself
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
Player A drew 1 card
[ChrisFulop]: hey, Bellossom was FIRE
Put Kangaskhan onto bench
Attached a Fire Energy to Kangaskhan.
[ProfessorCFK]: bellossom is grass you dingus
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
Player B drew 1 card
[ChrisFulop]: tell that to uh...wherever uh...delta species come from, potentially
Player B played Seer.
B has shuffled deck.
Attached a Psychic Energy to Mr. Mime.
Zapdos used Lightning Burn
Coin flip result: TAILS
Zapdos did 30 damage to Snorlax
Zapdos did 30 damage to itself
Snorlax was knocked out
Player B took one prize card.
Rapidash is now active
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Rapidash used Overrun
Coin flip result: TAILS
Rapidash did 20 damage to Zapdos
Zapdos was knocked out
Lightning Energy (BS 100) was discarded
Lightning Energy (BS 100) was discarded
Lightning Energy (BS 100) was discarded
Player A took one prize card.
Clefable is now active
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy to Clefable.
Put Pikachu onto bench
Clefable used Metronome
Metronome copies Flame Tail
Clefable used Flame Tail
Clefable did 40 damage to Rapidash
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Put Blaine's Ponyta onto bench
Attached a Fire Energy to Blaine's Ponyta.
Rapidash used Overrun
Coin flip result: HEADS
Alazor has exited spectation.
Rapidash did 20 damage to Clefable
Rapidash did 10 damage to Mr. Mime
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Pikachu evolved into Raichu
Attached a Psychic Energy to Raichu.
Clefable used Metronome
Metronome copies Flame Tail
Clefable used Flame Tail
Clefable did 40 damage to Rapidash
Rapidash was knocked out
Lightning Energy (EM 104) was discarded
Lightning Energy (EM 104) was discarded
Player B took one prize card.
Kangaskhan is now active
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Player A drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Attached a Lightning Energy to Raichu.
Clefable used Metronome
Metronome copies Comet Punch
Clefable used Comet Punch
Clefable did 40 damage to Kangaskhan
Between turns
Turn 19 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy to Blaine's Ponyta.
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Player A drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 20 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Clefable used Metronome
Metronome copies Comet Punch
Clefable used Comet Punch
Clefable did 40 damage to Kangaskhan
Between turns
Turn 21 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Player A played Pokémon Breeder Fields.
For Blaine's Ponyta coin flip result: HEADS
Got [Blaine's Rapidash (G2 33)] to hand
For Blaine's Ponyta coin flip result: HEADS
A has shuffled deck.
Blaine's Ponyta evolved into Blaine's Rapidash
Attached a Fire Energy to Blaine's Rapidash.
Kangaskhan used Fetch
Player A drew 1 card
Between turns
Turn 22 begins
Player B drew 1 card
Balloon Berry is attached to Clefable
Attached a Lightning Energy to Lickitung.
Balloon Berry (N3 60) was discarded
Clefable retreated.
Lickitung is now active
Lickitung used Tongue Wrap
Coin flip result: TAILS
Lickitung did 10 damage to Kangaskhan
Kangaskhan was knocked out
Fire Energy (EM 102) was discarded
Player B took one prize card.
Blaine's Rapidash is now active
Between turns
Turn 23 begins
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Double Colorless Energy to Ditto.
[ProfessorCFK]: latency
[SuperWooper]: latency test
[ChrisFulop]: Super is backwashing
[ProfessorCFK]: fucking KNEW IT
[ProfessorCFK]: i can't attack or retreat or anytyhing :-(
[SuperWooper]: 1337 appr skills
[ProfessorCFK]: i have no actions RIP
[SuperWooper]: CFK doesn't even have the option to attack/retreat/end turn etc.
[SuperWooper]: on his end
[ChrisFulop]: restart your Hamachi?
ProfessorCFK is out of turn time. Asking SuperWooper to extend turn time...
SuperWooper declined extra turn time. Turn ends.
ChrisFulop has exited spectation.

This issue doesn’t exist anymore