[BR] Dialga-GX (UPR 164). After using the GX attack, on the 2nd turn, I can't play a

Dialga-GX (UPR 164). After using the GX attack, on the 2nd turn, I can't play a supporter.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: Solo
Format: Expanded (unbanned)
Battle begins between UnlimitedProfessor and Opponent!
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: TAILS
Opponent will start
UnlimitedProfessor will take additional mulligan(s) after Opponent sets up to play.
Mulligan phase: UnlimitedProfessor took 1 additional mulligans
Opponent drew 1 extra cards.
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Opponent drew 1 card
Opponent played Hypnotoxic Laser.
Bronzor is now poisoned
Coin flip [Hypnotoxic Laser]: TAILS
Virbank City Gym is now in play.
Attached a Twin Energy (RCL 209) to Mew
DEBUG: Mew's Current_Energy_Cards: [Twin Energy (RCL 209)]
Opponent played Quick Ball.
Special Charge (STS 105) was discarded
Opponent has shuffled deck.
Put [Tapu Lele-GX (SMA SV94)] to Hand
Opponent has shuffled deck.
Mew retreated.
Dunsparce is now active
Between turns
Poison damage +20
Bronzor got 30 damage due to poison
Turn 2 begins
UnlimitedProfessor drew 1 card
Put Tapu Lele-GX onto bench.
Tapu Lele-GX has used Wonder Tag
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Put [Jasmine (TEU 177)] to Hand
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
UnlimitedProfessor played Nest Ball.
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Put Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX onto bench.
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
UnlimitedProfessor played Jasmine.
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Put [Bronzong (CRE 223), Bronzong (XYP XY21), Bronzor (TEU 100), Zacian V (SWSHP SWSH076), Dialga-GX (FLI 138)] to Hand
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Put Bronzor onto bench.
Put Zacian V onto bench.
Put Dialga-GX onto bench.
Bronzor has used Evolutionary Advantage
Bronzor evolved into Bronzong
Bronzor has used Evolutionary Advantage
Bronzor evolved into Bronzong
Bronzor (TEU 100) is no longer poisoned
Put 3 cards to Hand
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Opponent drew 1 card
Put Mew onto bench.
Put Tapu Lele-GX onto bench.
Tapu Lele-GX has used Wonder Tag
Opponent has shuffled deck.
Put [Marnie (SSH 208)] to Hand
Opponent has shuffled deck.
Opponent played Marnie.
UnlimitedProfessor shuffled their hand of 8 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
UnlimitedProfessor drew 4 cards
Opponent shuffled their hand of 1 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
Opponent drew 5 cards
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (GRI 166) to Mew
DEBUG: Mew's Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (GRI 166)]
Opponent played Nest Ball.
Opponent has shuffled deck.
Put Galarian Stunfisk V onto bench.
Opponent has shuffled deck.
Dunsparce retreated.
Mew is now active
Mew used Trapping Bite
Mew did 60 damage to Bronzong
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
UnlimitedProfessor drew 1 card
UnlimitedProfessor played Colress.
Put 4 cards to Deck
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
UnlimitedProfessor drew 10 cards
Float Stone (BKT 137) is attached to Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX
Virbank City Gym (PLS 126) will be discarded as Viridian Forest (UNM 256) is played.
Virbank City Gym (PLS 126) was discarded
Viridian Forest is now in play.
Used Viridian Forest effect
[M] Energy was discarded
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Put [[M] Energy] to Hand
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
UnlimitedProfessor played Ultra Ball.
[M] Energy was discarded
Nest Ball (SUM 158) was discarded
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Put Zacian V (SSH 211) to hand
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Attached a [M] Energy to Zacian V
DEBUG: Zacian V's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy]
UnlimitedProfessor played Metal Saucer.
Attached a [M] Energy to Zacian V
DEBUG: Zacian V's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy, [M] Energy]
Bronzong has used Metal Links
Attached a [M] Energy to Zacian V
DEBUG: Zacian V's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy, [M] Energy, [M] Energy]
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX has used Invasion
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX is now active
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX retreated.
Zacian V is now active
Zacian V used Brave Blade
Zacian V did 230 damage to Mew
Trap Bite activates
Zacian V got 120 damage
Mew was knocked out
UnlimitedProfessor took one prize card.
Dunsparce is now active
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Opponent drew 1 card
Opponent played Hypnotoxic Laser.
Zacian V is now poisoned
Coin flip [Hypnotoxic Laser]: TAILS
Viridian Forest (UNM 256) will be discarded as Virbank City Gym (PLS 126) is played.
Viridian Forest (UNM 256) was discarded
Virbank City Gym is now in play.
Put Clefairy onto bench.
Opponent played VS Seeker.
Put Marnie (SSH 208) to hand
Opponent played Marnie.
UnlimitedProfessor shuffled their hand of 5 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
UnlimitedProfessor drew 4 cards
Opponent doesn't have any cards in hand, only needs to draw.
Opponent drew 5 cards
Attached a Twin Energy (RCL 209) to Mew
DEBUG: Mew's Current_Energy_Cards: [Twin Energy (RCL 209), Double Colorless Energy (GRI 166)]
Dunsparce retreated.
Mew is now active
Mew used Metronome
Mew copied Brave Blade
Mew used Brave Blade
Mew did 230 damage to Zacian V
Zacian V was knocked out
Zacian V (SWSHP SWSH076) is no longer poisoned
Opponent took one prize card.
Opponent took one prize card.
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX is now active
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
UnlimitedProfessor drew 1 card
UnlimitedProfessor played Nest Ball.
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Put Zacian V onto bench.
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
Attached a [M] Energy to Zacian V
DEBUG: Zacian V's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy]
UnlimitedProfessor played Metal Saucer.
Attached a [M] Energy to Zacian V
DEBUG: Zacian V's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy, [M] Energy]
Bronzong has used Metal Links
Attached a [M] Energy to Zacian V
DEBUG: Zacian V's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy, [M] Energy, [M] Energy]
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX retreated.
Zacian V is now active
Zacian V used Brave Blade
Zacian V did 230 damage to Mew
Mew was knocked out
UnlimitedProfessor took one prize card.
Dunsparce is now active
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Opponent drew 1 card
Opponent played Hypnotoxic Laser.
Zacian V is now poisoned
Coin flip [Hypnotoxic Laser]: TAILS
Put Mew onto bench.
Opponent played Erika's Hospitality.
Opponent drew 6 cards
Opponent played Battle Compressor.
Brigette (BKT 161) was discarded
Galarian Rapidash V (CRE 168) was discarded
Dunsparce (CLS 110) was discarded
Opponent has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Poison damage +20
Zacian V got 30 damage due to poison
Turn 8 begins
UnlimitedProfessor drew 1 card
UnlimitedProfessor played VS Seeker.
Put Colress (PLS 135) to hand
UnlimitedProfessor played Colress.
Put 3 cards to Deck
UnlimitedProfessor has shuffled deck.
UnlimitedProfessor drew 10 cards
Virbank City Gym (PLS 126) will be discarded as Viridian Forest (UNM 256) is played.
Virbank City Gym (PLS 126) was discarded
Viridian Forest is now in play.
Attached a [M] Energy to Dialga-GX
DEBUG: Dialga-GX's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy]
Bronzong has used Metal Links
Attached a [M] Energy to Dialga-GX
DEBUG: Dialga-GX's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy, [M] Energy]
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX has used Invasion
Zacian V (SSH 211) is no longer poisoned
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX is now active
Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX retreated.
Dialga-GX is now active
Bronzong has used Metal Transfer
[M] Energy moved from Zacian V to Dialga-GX
Bronzong has used Metal Transfer
[M] Energy moved from Zacian V to Dialga-GX
Bronzong has used Metal Transfer
[M] Energy moved from Zacian V to Dialga-GX
Dialga-GX used Timeless GX
Dialga-GX did 150 damage to Dunsparce
Dunsparce was knocked out
UnlimitedProfessor took one prize card.
Clefairy is now active
UnlimitedProfessor drew 1 card
Timeless GX started a new turn!