[BR] Dialga G (PL 7). Deafen item locks both players instead of just opponent

Dialga G (PL 7). Deafen item locks both players instead of just opponent.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: 2009 (DP–RR)
Battle begins between JamesG and zouriz!
[zouriz]: gl
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: HEADS
JamesG will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
JamesG drew 1 card
Put Azelf onto bench.
Azelf has used Time Walk
Put [Uxie (LA 43)] to Hand
Put 1 card to Prize
Prize cards were rearranged
Put Dialga G onto bench.
Put Lucario GL onto bench.
Put Uxie onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
JamesG drew 4 cards
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Dialga G
DEBUG: Dialga G's Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92)]
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
zouriz drew 1 card
Put Sableye onto bench.
zouriz played Roseanne's Research.
zouriz has shuffled deck.
Put [Unown Q (MD 49), Sableye (SF 48)] to Hand
zouriz has shuffled deck.
Put [Roseanne's Research (SW 125)] to Supporter
Put Unown Q onto bench.
Unown Q has used QUICK
Unown Q (MD 49) is attached to Magikarp
Magikarp retreated.
Sableye is now active
Sableye used Impersonate
zouriz has shuffled deck.
Roseanne's Research (SW 125) was discarded
zouriz played Roseanne's Research.
zouriz has shuffled deck.
Put [Magikarp (SF 65), Magikarp (SF 65)] to Hand
zouriz has shuffled deck.
zouriz has shuffled deck.
Roseanne's Research (SW 125) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
JamesG drew 1 card
JamesG played Cyrus's Conspiracy.
JamesG has shuffled deck.
Put [Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray (PL 117), [M] Energy, Roseanne's Research (SW 125)] to Hand
JamesG has shuffled deck.
Put [Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105)] to Supporter
JamesG played Team Galactic's Invention G-105 Poké Turn.
Scooped up [Honchkrow G (PL 77)]
Put [Honchkrow G (PL 77)] to Hand
Dialga G is now active
Attached a [M] Energy to Dialga G
DEBUG: Dialga G's Current_Energy_Cards: [[M] Energy, Call Energy (MD 92)]
Put Honchkrow G onto bench.
Dialga G used Deafen
Dialga G did 10 damage to Sableye
Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
zouriz drew 1 card
Magikarp evolved into Gyarados
zouriz played Felicity's Drawing.
zouriz drew 4 cards
Magikarp (SF 65) was discarded
Magikarp (SF 65) was discarded
Put [Felicity's Drawing (GE 98)] to Supporter
Put Azelf onto bench.
Azelf has used Time Walk
[JamesG]: lol
Put [Regice (LA 36)] to Hand
[JamesG]: i can't spray because of deafen
Put 1 card to Prize
[JamesG]: both players are item locked
Prize cards were rearranged

Fixed in v74.2

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