Dark Wartortle (TR 46). Darkness Energy (N1 104). Mirror Shell doesn't work correctly with Darkness Energy. It should attack the opponent for 10 more damage.
------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: Rocket–on (2002)
Battle begins between General_A_S and oitogucho!
Coin flip result: HEADS
General_A_S will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Cleffa
Put Cleffa onto bench.
General_A_S played Professor Elm.
Put 4 cards to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Put Squirtle onto bench.
Put Squirtle onto bench.
Attached a [W] Energy to Cleffa
DEBUG: Cleffa's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy]
Baby Rule coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
oitogucho played Rocket's Sneak Attack.
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Gastly
Attached a [P] Energy to Cleffa
DEBUG: Cleffa's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 3 cards to Deck
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
oitogucho drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Attached a [W] Energy to Squirtle
DEBUG: Squirtle's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy]
Baby Rule coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
oitogucho played Professor Elm.
Put 6 cards to Deck
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
oitogucho drew 7 cards
Gastly evolved into Dark Haunter
Put Hoothoot onto bench.
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 5 cards to Deck
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
oitogucho drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Baby Rule coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Hoothoot evolved into Noctowl
Dark Haunter evolved into Dark Gengar
oitogucho played Professor Elm.
Put 5 cards to Deck
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
oitogucho drew 7 cards
Attached a [P] Energy to Dark Gengar
DEBUG: Dark Gengar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Put Hoothoot onto bench.
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Attached a [W] Energy to Squirtle
DEBUG: Squirtle's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy, [W] Energy]
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 4 cards to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Dark Gengar
DEBUG: Dark Gengar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy, [P] Energy]
oitogucho played Double Gust.
Hoothoot is now active
Squirtle is now active
Hoothoot evolved into Noctowl
Noctowl retreated.
Dark Gengar is now active
oitogucho played Professor Elm.
Put 2 cards to Deck
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
oitogucho drew 7 cards
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Focus Band (N1 86)] into deck.
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Misty's Tears (G2 118)] into deck.
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Squirtle
Squirtle is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Squirtle is still asleep.
Turn 9 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
General_A_S played Professor Elm.
Put 5 cards to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Attached a [W] Energy to Squirtle
DEBUG: Squirtle's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy]
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS TAILS
Squirtle is still asleep.
Turn 10 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
oitogucho played Pokemon Trader.
Put 1 card to Deck
Put [Gastly (FO 33)] to Hand
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
Put Gastly onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Squirtle
Squirtle (TR 68) is no longer asleep
Squirtle is now asleep
Squirtle was knocked out
Squirtle (TR 68) is no longer asleep
oitogucho took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
General_A_S played Pokémon Trader.
Put 1 card to Deck
Put [Dark Wartortle (TR 46)] to Hand
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Squirtle evolved into Dark Wartortle
Attached a Darkness Energy (N1 104) to Dark Wartortle
DEBUG: Dark Wartortle's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy, Darkness Energy (N1 104)]
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Gastly
DEBUG: Gastly's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
oitogucho played Double Gust.
Gastly is now active
Dark Wartortle is now active
Gastly retreated.
Dark Gengar is now active
oitogucho played Professor Elm.
Put 4 cards to Deck
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
oitogucho drew 7 cards
Gastly evolved into Dark Haunter
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Focus Band (N1 86)] into deck.
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Dark Wartortle
Dark Wartortle is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Dark Wartortle is still asleep.
Turn 13 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Dark Wartortle evolved into Dark Blastoise
Dark Wartortle (TR 46) is no longer asleep
Attached a Darkness Energy (N1 104) to Dark Blastoise
DEBUG: Dark Blastoise's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy, Darkness Energy (N1 104), Darkness Energy (N1 104)]
Rocket's Hideout is now in play.
Dark Blastoise used Rocket Tackle
Darkness Energy +10
Darkness Energy +10
Dark Blastoise did 60 damage to Dark Gengar
Dark Blastoise did 10 damage to itself
Coin flip result: HEADS
Dark Blastoise won't receive any damage next turn.
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Misty's Tears (G2 118)] into deck.
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 0 damage to Dark Blastoise
Dark Blastoise is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Dark Blastoise is still asleep.
Turn 15 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
General_A_S played Professor Elm.
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS TAILS
Dark Blastoise is still asleep.
Turn 16 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
oitogucho played Pokemon Trader.
Put 1 card to Deck
Put [Dark Gengar (N4 6)] to Hand
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
Dark Haunter evolved into Dark Gengar
oitogucho played Rocket's Sneak Attack.
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
oitogucho played Imposter Oaks Revenge.
Put 6 cards to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 4 cards
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Dark Blastoise
Dark Blastoise (TR 3) is no longer asleep
Dark Blastoise is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: HEADS HEADS
Dark Blastoise (TR 3) is no longer asleep
Turn 17 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Attached a Metal Energy (N1 19) to Dark Blastoise
DEBUG: Dark Blastoise's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy, Metal Energy (N1 19), Darkness Energy (N1 104), Darkness Energy (N1 104)]
Dark Blastoise used Rocket Tackle
Metal Energy -10 (because Dark Blastoise isn't [M])
Metal Energy -10 (because Dark Blastoise isn't [M])
Darkness Energy +10
Darkness Energy +10
Dark Blastoise did 50 damage to Dark Gengar
Dark Blastoise did 0 damage to itself
Coin flip result: HEADS
Dark Blastoise won't receive any damage next turn.
Focus Band coin flip result: TAILS
Dark Gengar was knocked out
General_A_S took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Attached a [P] Energy to Dark Gengar
DEBUG: Dark Gengar's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Focus Band (N1 86)] into deck.
Cleffa retreated.
Dark Gengar is now active
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 0 damage to Dark Blastoise
Dark Blastoise is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: HEADS TAILS
Dark Blastoise is still asleep.
Turn 19 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Dark Blastoise
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS TAILS
Dark Blastoise is still asleep.
Turn 20 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [The Boss's Way (TR 73)] into deck.
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Metal Energy -10
Dark Gengar did 20 damage to Dark Blastoise
Dark Blastoise (TR 3) is no longer asleep
Dark Blastoise is now asleep
Focus Band coin flip result: TAILS
Dark Blastoise was knocked out
Dark Blastoise (TR 3) is no longer asleep
oitogucho took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns
Turn 21 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 4 cards to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 22 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Professor Elm (N1 96)] into deck.
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Cleffa is now active
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Cleffa
Cleffa is now asleep
Cleffa was knocked out
Cleffa (N1 20) is no longer asleep
oitogucho took one prize card.
Cleffa is now active
Between turns
Turn 23 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
General_A_S played Energy Charge.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Shuffled [Metal Energy (N1 19), Darkness Energy (N1 104)] to deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Put Wooper onto bench.
Attached a [W] Energy to Wooper
DEBUG: Wooper's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy]
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 4 cards to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 24 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Gold Berry (N1 93) is attached to Dark Gengar
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Turn 25 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Put Cleffa onto bench.
Focus Band (N1 86) is attached to Cleffa
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 6 cards to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 26 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [The Boss's Way (TR 73)] into deck.
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Wooper is now active
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Wooper
Wooper is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Wooper is still asleep.
Turn 27 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
General_A_S played Pokémon Trader.
Put 1 card to Deck
Put [Squirtle (TR 68)] to Hand
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Put Squirtle onto bench.
Attached a [W] Energy to Squirtle
DEBUG: Squirtle's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy]
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: HEADS HEADS
Wooper (N1 82) is no longer asleep
Turn 28 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Energy Charge (N1 85)] into deck.
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Squirtle is now active
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Squirtle
Squirtle is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: HEADS TAILS
Squirtle is still asleep.
Turn 29 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
Squirtle evolved into Dark Wartortle
Squirtle (TR 68) is no longer asleep
Attached a Darkness Energy (N1 104) to Dark Wartortle
DEBUG: Dark Wartortle's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy, Darkness Energy (N1 104)]
Dark Wartortle used Mirror Shell
Mirror Shell is activated.
Between turns
Turn 30 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Rocket's Hideout (N3 63)] into deck.
Dark Gengar used Pull In
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Dark Wartortle
Dark Wartortle did 30 damage to Dark Gengar
Dark Wartortle is now asleep
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: HEADS HEADS
Dark Wartortle (TR 46) is no longer asleep
Turn 31 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
[General_A_S]: It should have been 40!
[W] Energy was discarded
Dark Wartortle retreated.
Cleffa is now active
Attached a Metal Energy (N1 19) to Dark Wartortle
DEBUG: Dark Wartortle's Current_Energy_Cards: [Metal Energy (N1 19), Darkness Energy (N1 104)]
Cleffa used Eeeeeeek
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
General_A_S drew 7 cards
Between turns
Turn 32 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
[oitogucho]: unless it has dark on the name
oitogucho played Pokemon Trader.
Put 1 card to Deck
Put [Misdreavus (N3 11)] to Hand
oitogucho has shuffled deck.
Put Misdreavus onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Misdreavus
DEBUG: Misdreavus's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Rocket's Hideout (N3 63) will be discarded as Resistance Gym (G2 109) is played.
Rocket's Hideout (N3 63) was discarded
Resistance Gym is now in play.
Dark Wartortle was knocked out
oitogucho took one prize card.
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put 1 card to Deck
General_A_S has shuffled deck.
Glaring Gaze shuffled [Focus Band (N1 86)] into deck.
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule coin flip result: HEADS
Dark Gengar used Pull In
[General_A_S]: No! That's the poison-like effect!
Cleffa is now active
Dark Gengar did 30 damage to Cleffa
Cleffa is now asleep
Focus Band coin flip result: HEADS
Focus Band saved Cleffa!
Focus Band (N1 86) was discarded
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: HEADS TAILS
Cleffa is still asleep.
Turn 33 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card
General_A_S played Energy Charge.
Coin flip result: TAILS
General_A_S played Energy Charge.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: TAILS TAILS
Cleffa is still asleep.
Turn 34 begins
oitogucho drew 1 card
[oitogucho]: ok
[oitogucho]: you have a point
Attached a [P] Energy to Misdreavus
DEBUG: Misdreavus's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Noctowl has used Glaring Gaze
Coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule coin flip result: TAILS
Baby Rule ends turn without attacking
Between turns
Asleep (Deep Sleep) coin flip result: HEADS HEADS
Cleffa (N1 20) is no longer asleep
Turn 35 begins
General_A_S drew 1 card