[BR] Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105). Rare Candy (POP8 10). Cyrus's Conspiracy pulled rare candy

Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105). Rare Candy (POP8 10). Cyrus's Conspiracy clearly states it can only grab trainer cards that have team galactics invention in the name. Rare candy does not fit this stipulation yet was still able to be grabbed. This was not possible in previous versions. Issue is shown in this log here:

VLotus played Cyrus’s Conspiracy (PL 105).● VLotus has shuffled deck.● Put [Professor Oak’s New Theory (HS 101), [P] Energy, Rare Candy (POP8 10)] to Hand● VLotus has shuffled deck.

------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: 2010 (DP–UL)
Battle begins between Queenzz and VLotus!
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: HEADS
Queenzz will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Attached a Metal Energy (MD 95) to Onix
DEBUG: Onix’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Metal Energy (MD 95)]
Put Chansey (PL 69) onto bench.
Onix used Harden
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
Put Spiritomb (AR 32) onto bench.
VLotus played Pokémon Collector (HS 97).
mytemsux is now a spectator of the game
mytemsux has exited spectation.
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Put [Bronzong G (PL 41), Uxie (LA 43), Garchomp C (SV 60)] to Hand
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Put Garchomp C (SV 60) onto bench.
Put Bronzong G (PL 41) onto bench.
Attached a Rainbow Energy (PL 121) to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Rainbow Energy (PL 121)]
Garchomp C got 10 damage
Put Uxie (LA 43) onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
VLotus drew 3 cards
Put Mewtwo (MD 9) onto bench.
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Onix
DEBUG: Onix’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92), Metal Energy (MD 95)]
Queenzz played Professor Oak’s New Theory (HS 101).
Put 4 cards to Deck
Queenzz has shuffled deck.
Queenzz drew 6 cards
Put Unown G (GE 57) onto bench.
Unown G has used GUARD
DEBUG: Game Engine Warning: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Card not found anywhere (added to new location)! Unown G (GE 57),
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Card not found anywhere (added to new location)! Unown G (GE 57),
at tcgwars.logic.effect.basic.MoveCard.process(MoveCard.java:141)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.run2(EventManager.java:233)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.activateInnerEffect(EventManager.java:293)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.gm.AttachPokemonTool$1.process(AttachPokemonTool.java:37)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.run2(EventManager.java:233)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.run(EventManager.java:271)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.gm.AttachPokemonTool.process(AttachPokemonTool.java:34)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.run2(EventManager.java:233)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.activateEffect(EventManager.java:282)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.AbstractDirectTargetedEffect.run(AbstractDirectTargetedEffect.java:54)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.AbstractDirectTargetedEffect$run.call(Unknown Source)
at tcgwars.logic.groovy.TcgStatics.attachPokemonTool(TcgStatics.groovy:1029)
at tcgwars.logic.groovy.TcgStatics$attachPokemonTool$56.callStatic(Unknown Source)
at tcgwars.logic.impl.gen4.GreatEncounters$_getImplementation_closure55$_closure465$_closure467.doCall(GreatEncounters.groovy:1740)
at tcgwars.logic.impl.gen4.GreatEncounters$_getImplementation_closure55$_closure465$_closure467.doCall(GreatEncounters.groovy)
at tcgwars.logic.groovy.TcgBuilders$AbilityBuilder$2.process(TcgBuilders.groovy:788)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.run2(EventManager.java:233)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.activateEffect(EventManager.java:282)
at tcgwars.logic.effect.event.EventManager.runAction(EventManager.java:462)
at tcgwars.logic.GameManager.mainLoop(GameManager.java:122)
at tcgwars.logic.GameManager$ExternalFunctions$1.main(GameManager.java:96)
at tcgwars.logic.util.Future.run(Future.java:90)
Unown G (GE 57) is attached to Chansey
Onix evolved into Steelix (UL 87)
Steelix used Energy Stream
Steelix did 30 damage to Garchomp C
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (HS 103) to Garchomp C
DEBUG: Garchomp C’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (HS 103), Rainbow Energy (PL 121)]
Garchomp C used Earthquake
Metal Energy -10 damage
Garchomp C did 40 damage to Steelix
Garchomp C did 10 damage to Spiritomb
Garchomp C did 10 damage to Garchomp C
Garchomp C did 10 damage to Bronzong G
Garchomp C did 10 damage to Uxie
Garchomp C did 10 damage to Mewtwo
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Queenzz played Pokémon Communication (HS 98).
Put [Onix (SF 69)] to deck
Queenzz has shuffled deck.
Got [Blissey (PL 22)] from deck
Queenzz has shuffled deck.
Chansey evolved into Blissey (PL 22)
Expert Belt (AR 87) is attached to Steelix
Blissey has used Nurse Call
Metal Energy (MD 95) was discarded
Steelix was restored 20 health.
Steelix used Energy Stream
Expect Belt +20
Steelix did 50 damage to Garchomp C
Attached a Metal Energy (MD 95) to Steelix
DEBUG: Steelix’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Metal Energy (MD 95), Call Energy (MD 92), Metal Energy (MD 95)]
Garchomp C was knocked out
Queenzz took one prize card.
Spiritomb is now active
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
VLotus played Felicity’s Drawing (GE 98).
VLotus drew 4 cards
Bastiodon (MT 21) was discarded
Mewtwo (MD 9) was discarded
Put Trapinch (SW 115) onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Mewtwo
DEBUG: Mewtwo’s Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Spiritomb used Darkness Grace
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Trapinch evolved into Vibrava (SW 74)
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Spiritomb got 10 damage
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Blissey has used Nurse Call
Onix (SF 69) was discarded
Steelix was restored to full health.
Steelix used Energy Stream
Expect Belt +20
Steelix did 50 damage to Spiritomb
Spiritomb was knocked out
Queenzz took one prize card.
Garchomp C is now active
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
Vibrava evolved into Flygon (RR 5)
VLotus played Roseanne’s Research (POP8 11).
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Put [Regice (LA 36), Bronzong G (PL 41)] to Hand
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Put Regice (LA 36) onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Uxie
DEBUG: Uxie’s Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
Regice has used Regi Move
Bronzong G (PL 41) was discarded
Rainbow Energy (PL 121) was discarded
[VLotus]: Wth
[VLotus]: Ohhh
[Queenzz]: "and choose one of your opponents active pokemon that isnt evolved"
TURN TIMER: a Timeout Allowance was consumed to add 20 seconds to turn time
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Steelix used Energy Stream
Expect Belt +20
Steelix did 50 damage to Garchomp C
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (HS 103) to Flygon
DEBUG: Flygon’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (HS 103)]
VLotus played Professor Oak’s New Theory (HS 101).
Put 2 cards to Deck
VLotus has shuffled deck.
VLotus drew 6 cards
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Steelix used Energy Stream
Expect Belt +20
Steelix did 50 damage to Garchomp C
Garchomp C was knocked out
Queenzz took one prize card.
Flygon is now active
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
Put Trapinch (SW 115) onto bench.
VLotus played Pokémon Collector (HS 97).
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Put [Trapinch (SW 115)] to Hand
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Energy Gain (PL 116) is attached to Bronzong G
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (HS 103) to Flygon
DEBUG: Flygon’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (HS 103), Double Colorless Energy (HS 103)]
Flygon used Power Swing
Metal Energy -10 damage
Metal Energy -10 damage
Flygon did 40 damage to Steelix
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Attached a Double Colorless Energy (HS 103) to Steelix
DEBUG: Steelix’s Current_Energy_Cards: [Double Colorless Energy (HS 103), Metal Energy (MD 95), Call Energy (MD 92), Metal Energy (MD 95)]
Blissey has used Nurse Call
Chansey (PL 69) was discarded
Steelix was restored 20 health.
Queenzz played Moomoo Milk (HS 94).
Coin flip [Moomoo Milk]: TAILS HEADS
Steelix was restored to full health.
Steelix used Gaia Crush
Expect Belt +20
Steelix did 120 damage to Flygon
Flygon was knocked out
Queenzz took one prize card.
Uxie is now active
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
VLotus played Cyrus’s Conspiracy (PL 105).
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Put [Professor Oak’s New Theory (HS 101), [P] Energy, Rare Candy (POP8 10)] to Hand
VLotus has shuffled deck.
Attached a [P] Energy to Mewtwo
DEBUG: Mewtwo’s Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Put Trapinch (SW 115) onto bench.
Uxie used Psychic Restore
Steelix resists PSYCHIC
Uxie did 0 damage to Steelix
Put [Uxie (LA 43), [P] Energy] to Deck
[Queenzz]: idt thats coded right
Regice is now active
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
[Queenzz]: unless im missing something cyrus shouldnt normally be able to get rare candy?
Steelix used Gaia Crush
Expect Belt +20
Regice is weak to METAL
Steelix did 240 damage to Regice
Regice was knocked out
Queenzz took one prize card.
[VLotus]: Yea it says with galactic in name
[VLotus]: So ur right
Mewtwo is now active
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
VLotus drew 1 card
VLotus played Professor Oak’s New Theory (HS 101).
Put 5 cards to Deck
VLotus has shuffled deck.
VLotus drew 6 cards
Attached a [P] Energy to Mewtwo
DEBUG: Mewtwo’s Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy, [P] Energy, [P] Energy]
Mewtwo used Psyburn
Steelix resists PSYCHIC
Metal Energy -10 damage
Metal Energy -10 damage
Mewtwo did 20 damage to Steelix
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
Queenzz drew 1 card
Steelix used Gaia Crush
Expect Belt +20
Steelix did 120 damage to Mewtwo
Mewtwo was knocked out
Queenzz took one prize card.
Queenzz wins the game! All prizes taken
Game has ended
[Queenzz]: gg
[VLotus]: Gg