Colress (PLS 118). Game wouldn't let me Colress for 0.
------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: 2013 (BLW–PLF)
Battle begins between TeenTitans_Raven and JamesG!
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: TAILS
JamesG will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
JamesG drew 1 card
Ghazernado is now a spectator of the game
Attached a [W] Energy to Squirtle
DEBUG: Squirtle's Current_Energy_Cards: [[W] Energy]
Tropical Beach (BWP BW28) is now in play.
Used Tropical Beach effect
JamesG drew 2 cards
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
TeenTitans_Raven drew 1 card
Attached a Prism Energy (NXD 93) to Landorus-EX
DEBUG: Landorus-EX's Current_Energy_Cards: [Prism Energy (NXD 93)]
Put Terrakion (NVI 99) onto bench.
TeenTitans_Raven played Ultra Ball (DEX 102).
Colress (PLS 135) was discarded
Switch (BLW 104) was discarded
TeenTitans_Raven has shuffled deck.
Put Trubbish (DRX 53) to hand
TeenTitans_Raven has shuffled deck.
Put Trubbish (DRX 53) onto bench.
Float Stone (PLF 99) is attached to Trubbish
TeenTitans_Raven played Professor Juniper (PLF 116).
Professor Juniper (PLF 116) was discarded
TeenTitans_Raven drew 7 cards
Put Trubbish (DRX 53) onto bench.
Landorus-EX used Hammerhead
Landorus-EX did 30 damage to Squirtle
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
JamesG drew 1 card