[BR] Centiskorch V (DAA 33). Burning Energy (BKT 151). Radiating

Centiskorch V (DAA 33). Burning Energy (BKT 151). Radiating heat lets the opponent choose which energy card to discard instead of the user like the attack description says.

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Expanded
Battle started between Gavisus and ahoodedman!
Coin flip result: HEADS
ahoodedman will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Attached a Fire Energy (BLW 106) to Centiskorch V.
Chaotic Swell is now in play.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Cape of Toughness (DAA 160) is attached to Zacian
Gavisus played Faba.
Put [Chaotic Swell (CEC 187)] to Lost Zone
Attached a Metal Energy (SSH 218) to Zacian.
Zacian used Metal Armament
Zacian did 30 damage to Centiskorch V
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Put Centiskorch V onto bench
ahoodedman played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Metal Energy (SSH 218) was discarded
ahoodedman played Professor Sycamore.
Professor Sycamore (BKP 107) was discarded
Professor Sycamore (BKP 107) was discarded
Jirachi-EX (PLB 60) was discarded
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 7 cards
Put Minccino onto bench
Dedenne-GX has used Dedechange
Plumeria (BUS 120) was discarded
Enhanced Hammer (GRI 124) was discarded
AZ (PHF 91) was discarded
Cinccino (SSH 147) was discarded
Faba (LOT 173) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 6 cards
Put Dedenne-GX onto bench
Put Minccino onto bench
Put Bunnelby onto bench
Centiskorch V used Radiating Heat
Centiskorch V did 20 damage to Zacian
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Zacian was restored to full health.
Indeedee V has used Watch Over
Gavisus played Sonia.
Put [Eldegoss V (RCL 19), Zacian V (SWSHP SWSH018)] to Hand
Gavisus has shuffled deck.
Put Zacian V onto bench
Eldegoss V has used Happy Match
Put [Sonia (RCL 192)] to Hand
Put Eldegoss V onto bench
Attached a Metal Energy (SSH 218) to Zacian.
Zacian used Metal Armament
Attached a Metal Energy (SSH 218) to Zacian.
Zacian did 30 damage to Centiskorch V
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Minccino evolved into Cinccino
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
ahoodedman played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: TAILS
ahoodedman played Gladion.
Took a prize card and shuffled Gladion into prizes
ahoodedman played Crushing Hammer.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Metal Energy (SSH 218) was discarded
Centiskorch V used Radiating Heat
Centiskorch V did 20 damage to Zacian
Fire Energy (BLW 106) was discarded
Metal Energy (SSH 218) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Attached a Metal Energy (SSH 218) to Zacian V.
Gavisus played Energy Retrieval.
Put [Metal Energy (SSH 218), Metal Energy (SSH 218)] to Hand
Zacian was restored to full health.
Indeedee V has used Watch Over
Put 3 cards to Hand
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
ahoodedman played Quick Ball.
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
Put [Girafarig (LOT 94)] to Hand
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Minccino evolved into Cinccino
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
ahoodedman played VS Seeker.
Put AZ (PHF 91) to hand
ahoodedman played AZ.
Scooped up [Dedenne-GX (UNB 57)]
Put Minccino onto bench
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Attached a Metal Energy (SSH 218) to Zacian.
Zacian used Metal Armament
Zacian did 30 damage to Centiskorch V
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
ahoodedman played Level Ball.
Put [Cinccino (SSH 147)] to Hand
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
Minccino evolved into Cinccino
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Attached a Burning Energy (BKT 151) to Centiskorch V.
ahoodedman played Guzma.
Zacian V is now active
Centiskorch V is now active
Centiskorch V used Radiating Heat
Zacian V is weak to FIRE
Centiskorch V did 40 damage to Zacian V
Metal Energy (SSH 218) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Zacian V was restored 20 health.
Indeedee V has used Watch Over
Gavisus played Sonia.
Put [Metal Energy (SSH 218), Grass Energy (SSH 219)] to Hand
Gavisus has shuffled deck.
Attached a Grass Energy (SSH 219) to Zacian.
TURN TIMER: a Timeout Allowance was consumed to add 60 seconds to turn time
Metal Core Barrier (UNB 180) is attached to Zacian V
Mt. Coronet is now in play.
Used Mt. Coronet effect
Put [Metal Energy (SSH 218)] to Hand
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
ahoodedman played Team Rocket's Handiwork.
Coin flip result: TAILS HEADS
Aurora Energy (SSH 186) was discarded
Indeedee V (SSH 91) was discarded
Centiskorch V used Radiating Heat
Zacian V is weak to FIRE
Metal Core Barrier -70
Centiskorch V did 0 damage to Zacian V
Metal Core Barrier (UNB 180) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 12 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Put Zacian onto bench
Zacian V was restored to full health.
Indeedee V has used Watch Over
Attached a Metal Energy (SSH 218) to Zacian.
Put 3 cards to Hand
Between turns
Turn 13 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Float Stone (BKT 137) is attached to Centiskorch V
ahoodedman played VS Seeker.
Put AZ (PHF 91) to hand
ahoodedman played AZ.
Scooped up [Centiskorch V (DAA 33)]
Put Girafarig onto bench
Centiskorch V retreated.
Girafarig is now active
Attached a Fire Energy (BLW 106) to Girafarig.
Life Dew (PLF 107) is attached to Girafarig
Girafarig used Get Lost
Put [Sonia (RCL 192), Faba (LOT 208)] to Lost Zone
Between turns
Turn 14 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Attached a Aurora Energy (SSH 186) to Zacian.
Metal Energy (SSH 218) was discarded
Gavisus played Professor Kukui.
Gavisus drew 2 cards
TURN TIMER: a Timeout Allowance was consumed to add 60 seconds to turn time
Put 3 cards to Hand
Between turns
Turn 15 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
ahoodedman played Enhanced Hammer.
Aurora Energy (SSH 186) was discarded
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Attached a Fire Energy (BLW 106) to Bunnelby.
Fire Energy (BLW 106) was discarded
Girafarig retreated.
Bunnelby is now active
ahoodedman played VS Seeker.
Put AZ (PHF 91) to hand
ahoodedman played AZ.
Scooped up [Girafarig (LOT 94)]
Life Dew (PLF 107) was discarded
Put Bunnelby onto bench
ahoodedman played Lana's Fishing Rod.
Put [Life Dew (PLF 107)] to Deck
Put [Jirachi-EX (PLB 60)] to Deck
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Life Dew (PLF 107) is attached to Bunnelby
Bunnelby used Rototiller
Put [Lana's Fishing Rod (CEC 195)] to Deck
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
Ω Barrage second attack: Rototiller
Bunnelby used Rototiller
Put [VS Seeker (PHF 109)] to Deck
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 16 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Attached a Aurora Energy (SSH 186) to Zacian.
Metal Energy (SSH 218) was discarded
Used Mt. Coronet effect
Put [Metal Energy (SSH 218), Metal Energy (SSH 218)] to Hand
Gavisus played Switch.
Zacian is now active
Zacian used Amazing Sword
Zacian did 150 damage to Bunnelby
Bunnelby was knocked out
Life Dew reduces prizes taken from KOing Bunnelby by one.
Fire Energy (BLW 106) was discarded
Life Dew (PLF 107) was discarded
Centiskorch V is now active
Between turns
Turn 17 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
ahoodedman played Lana's Fishing Rod.
Put [Life Dew (PLF 107)] to Deck
Put [Bunnelby (PRC 121)] to Deck
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
ahoodedman played Team Flare Grunt.
Aurora Energy (SSH 186) was discarded
Exeggcute (PLF 4) used Propagation
Cinccino has used Make Do
Exeggcute (PLF 4) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 2 cards
Put Bunnelby onto bench
ahoodedman played Super Rod.
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
[Fire Energy (BLW 106), Fire Energy (BLW 106), Fire Energy (BLW 106)] shuffled to deck
Centiskorch V used Radiating Heat
Centiskorch V did 20 damage to Zacian
Metal Energy (SSH 218) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 18 begins
Gavisus drew 1 card
Put Zarude V onto bench
Attached a Grass Energy (SSH 219) to Zarude V.
Gavisus played Energy Switch.
Grass Energy moved from Zacian to Zarude V
Gavisus played Acerola.
Scooped up [Zacian (VIV 82), Cape of Toughness (DAA 160)]
Put [Cape of Toughness (DAA 160)] to Hand
Zarude V is now active
Zarude V used Jungle Rising
Zarude V did 100 damage to Centiskorch V
Attached a Metal Energy (SSH 218) to Zacian V.