Buzzwole (CEC 21). URGENT ISSUE: Buzzwole’s Beast Boost does 20 extra damage for each Prize taken for ANY Pokemon in play.
Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: Standard
Player A: AggroFrag
Player B: nicoe88
Coin flip result: HEADS
Player A will start.
Game setup complete
Between turns. TC: 1
Player A drew 1 card
[AggroFrag]: hi thanks for helping
[nicoe88]: np
[AggroFrag]: need to test beastite
[nicoe88]: whats the bug?
Attached a Grass Energy to Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX.
[nicoe88]: ok
[AggroFrag]: i think it does too much extra damage
Player A played Order Pad.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Put [Dusk Stone (UNB 167)] to Hand
A has shuffled deck.
Player A played Dusk Stone.
Misdreavus evolved into Mismagius
A has shuffled deck.
[nicoe88]: lets see
Player A played Tag Call.
Put [Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX (UNB 1), Cynthia & Caitlin (CEC 189)] to Hand
A has shuffled deck.
Put Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX onto bench
Mismagius has used Mysterious Message
Player A drew 3 card
Mismagius was knocked out
Player B took one prize card.
Player A played Coach Trainer.
Player A drew 2 card
Player A drew 2 card
Ultra Space is now in play.
Used Ultra Space effect
Put [Buzzwole (CEC 21)] to Hand
A has shuffled deck.
Put Buzzwole onto bench
Between turns. TC: 2
Player B drew 1 card
Put Garchomp & Giratina-GX onto bench
Player B played Switch.
Garchomp & Giratina-GX is now active
Player B played Pokégear 3.0.
Put [Lt. Surge’s Strategy (UNB 178)] to Hand
B has shuffled deck.
Counter Gain is attached to Garchomp & Giratina-GX
Player B played Cherish Ball.
Put [Garchomp & Giratina-GX (UNM 146)] to Hand
B has shuffled deck.
Put Garchomp & Giratina-GX onto bench
Player B played Faba.
Put [Ultra Space (FLI 115)] to Lost Zone
Player B played Custom Catcher.
Player B drew 1 card
Player B played Energy Spinner.
Put [Psychic Energy (TEU 201), Fighting Energy (TEU 202), Psychic Energy (TEU 201)] to Hand
Attached a Fighting Energy to Garchomp & Giratina-GX.
Garchomp & Giratina-GX used Linear Attack
Garchomp & Giratina-GX did 60 damage to Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX
Between turns. TC: 3
Player A drew 1 card
Attached a Weakness Guard Energy to Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX.
Player A played Cynthia & Caitlin.
Put [Coach Trainer (UNM 192)] to Hand
Mallow & Lana (CEC 231) was discarded
Player A drew 3 card
[nicoe88]: why 60
Player A played Great Catcher.
[nicoe88]: o.O
Tag Call (CEC 206) was discarded
Coach Trainer (UNM 192) was discarded
Garchomp & Giratina-GX is now active
A has shuffled deck.
[AggroFrag]: oh yeah what
[nicoe88]: that is weird
[AggroFrag]: i think beasite may do 20 more for both active Pokemon
[AggroFrag]: per prize taken
[nicoe88]: but
Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX used Jet Punch
[nicoe88]: yo didnt played it yet
Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX did 30 damage to Garchomp & Giratina-GX
Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX did 30 damage to Garchomp & Giratina-GX
Between turns. TC: 4
Player B drew 1 card
[nicoe88]: haha
[AggroFrag]: ok but not for me i guess
[AggroFrag]: WAIT
[AggroFrag]: maybe its Buzzwole
[AggroFrag]: s Beast Boost
[AggroFrag]: oh my god thats what it is
[nicoe88]: yeah is working for both
[AggroFrag]: it affects BOTH players
[nicoe88]: thats wrong
[AggroFrag]: i was so confused why i did 340 damage with Buzzmosa last game
[nicoe88]: it should be only for him
[AggroFrag]: thats BUSTED
[nicoe88]: hahah OP
[AggroFrag]: alright thanks for helping me figure it out
Player B is the winner! Surrendered!
[nicoe88]: np
nicoe88 has closed game view.
[AggroFrag]: im reporting this
nicoe88 has closed game view.
Will be fixed in v68.3
i forgot to edit the report. Beast Boost’s damage modifier should kick in before applying Weakness and Resistance
● Buzzwole used Touchdown
● Buzzwole already has full health.
● Poliwag is weak to [G]
● Beast Boost +20
● Buzzwole did 140 damage to Poliwag
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to be fixed in next patch
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