Ambipom G (RR 56). Unown G (GE 57). Tail code energy to benched baltoy with Unown G. The energy should get discarded.
------------------Begin Game Log------------------
The game is about to start
Type: QuickPlay
Format: 2010 (DP–UL)
Battle begins between JamesG and DanZ!
Coin flip [Opening Flip]: TAILS
DanZ will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
DanZ drew 1 card
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Unown G
DEBUG: Unown G's Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92)]
Used Call Energy effect
DanZ has shuffled deck.
Put Ralts (PL 89) onto bench.
Put Ralts (PL 89) onto bench.
DanZ has shuffled deck.
DanZ's turn ends due to using Call Energy (MD 92)'s effect.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
JamesG drew 1 card
JamesG played Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105).
JamesG has shuffled deck.
Put [[L] Energy, Bebe's Search (MT 109), Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar (RR 96)] to Hand
JamesG has shuffled deck.
JamesG played Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar (RR 96).
Put 1 card to Deck
JamesG has shuffled deck.
Put [Luxray GL Lv.X (RR 109)] to Hand
JamesG has shuffled deck.
Team Galactic's Invention G-101 Energy Gain (PL 116) is attached to Luxray GL
Attached a [L] Energy to Luxray GL
DEBUG: Luxray GL's Current_Energy_Cards: [[L] Energy]
Put Garchomp C (SV 60) onto bench.
Luxray GL used Bite
Luxray GL did 30 damage to Unown G
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
DanZ drew 1 card
Ralts evolved into Kirlia (PL 51)
DanZ played Rare Candy (GE 102).
Ralts evolved into Gardevoir (SW 7)
Put Baltoy (SV 89) onto bench.
Attached a [P] Energy to Gardevoir
DEBUG: Gardevoir's Current_Energy_Cards: [[P] Energy]
DanZ played Judge (UL 78).
Put 1 card to Deck
Put 5 cards to Deck
DanZ has shuffled deck.
JamesG has shuffled deck.
DanZ drew 4 cards
JamesG drew 4 cards
Call Energy (MD 92) was discarded
Unown G retreated.
Gardevoir is now active
Gardevoir has used Telepass
DanZ played Cyrus's Conspiracy (PL 105).
DanZ has shuffled deck.
Put [Bebe's Search (RR 89)] to Hand
DanZ has shuffled deck.
Unown G has used GUARD
Unown G (GE 57) is attached to Baltoy
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
JamesG drew 1 card
JamesG played Pokémon Collector (HS 97).
JamesG has shuffled deck.
Put [Uxie (LA 43), Unown Q (MD 49), Ambipom G (RR 56)] to Hand
JamesG has shuffled deck.
Put Ambipom G (RR 56) onto bench.
Put Garchomp C (SV 60) onto bench.
Put Lucario GL (RR 8) onto bench.
Attached a Call Energy (MD 92) to Ambipom G
DEBUG: Ambipom G's Current_Energy_Cards: [Call Energy (MD 92)]
Put Unown Q (MD 49) onto bench.
Unown Q has used QUICK
Unown Q (MD 49) is attached to Ambipom G
Put Uxie (LA 43) onto bench.
Uxie has used Set Up
JamesG drew 6 cards
[L] Energy was discarded
Luxray GL retreated.
Ambipom G is now active
Ambipom G used Tail Code
GUARD prevents effect CUSTOM_EFFECT
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
DanZ drew 1 card
DanZ wins the game! Opponent surrendered
[DanZ]: DanZ has exited game.