Welcome to the TCG ONE Forum!

Hello and welcome to our new forum!

From now on, we will use this place for updates and announcements, deck lists, feature suggestions, bug reports and general discussion on Pokemon TCG and TCG ONE. Please feel free to share your thoughts about this update.

We need moderators here! Please send me a PM if you are interested.

You will notice the login system is already integrated with your existing TCG ONE login, so you won’t need to create separate accounts for this. Just click ‘Login’ button on the top and you will be automatically recognized :slight_smile:

The messaging feature of this forum is superb, it will allow you to reach other players and me quickly than ever. I will be replacing and consolidating the other ways of communicating with this.

I’ll start importing existing bug reports, feature requests and deck lists here slowly. I am open to suggestions about structure, categories, tags and everything else.
