V74 Update: Diamond & Pearl/Platinum and 2010 (DP–UL) Formats!

v74.1 Update: Bug fixes

  • Fixed: in between-turn faint checks. Faint checks will now be delayed until all between turns effects take place. this solves some interactions including Nidoqueen RR Maternal Comfort vs special conditions
  • Fixed: Hyper Potion will discard correct energy
  • Fixed: Metronome and “can be used for (reduced cost)” attacks: Celesteela CES, Tapu Fini UNM, Boltund BST
  • Kakuna RR Exoskeleton will work on bench
  • R Energy will continue to work with swift-like attacks
  • Holon Fossil shall allow failing on tails
  • Eevee N2 Energy Evolution will not shut off with poison
  • Mass fix: All NEO powers have been fixed to work when poisoned or burned in respective formats
  • Generified Metagross vs Steven’s Resolve to make sure it runs fine with multiple instances
  • Fixed Solrock DX Sunbeam priority e.g. vs Energy Root
  • Charizard DR Collect Fire will attach 2 energies
  • Fixed Dusknoir LV.X Ectoplasm confirmation
  • Drag Off/Sleep Inducer-type attack fixes (#1369)
  • Allow decks to have multiple Arceus (AR)
  • Mamoswine RR Icy Aura shall not work on first turn
  • Fixed TM movement e.g. Porygon Z Install
  • Mass fix: When Metronome-like attacks copy an attack that does extra effects based on extra energy attached, they will now consider the attack cost of first (metronome-like) attack, instead of the copied one. e.g. Kingdra’s Genetic Memory vs Water Bomb.
  • Added HGSS Promos 1-18 to 2010 format
  • Added Victory Medal
  • Fixed Shockwave & Imprison: Markers should now be visible by other cards i.e a different Tyranitar EX should now be able to use Shock-wave on a Pokemon with Shockwave marker.
  • Fixed Magnezone Gyro Ball when no bench
  • Fixed Mewtwo LV.X vs Gyro Ball
  • Fixed Looker’s Investigation and Invisible Tentacles
  • Fixed Reimplemented Cynthia’s Feelings: should now work correctly with Gardevoir’s Telepass
  • Fixed Giratina LVX Invisible Tentacles to only block opponent’s attack
  • Fixed Deafen vs Power Spray
  • Fixed Unown G (experimental)