[BR] Victini VMAX (BST 22). Victini VMAX (BST 165). damage does

Victini VMAX (BST 22). Victini VMAX (BST 165). damage does not do extra damage to vmax

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay
Game format: Standard 2021
Battle started between Shiqueira17 and FoxtailsButjin!
Coin flip result: TAILS
FoxtailsButjin will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
FoxtailsButjin drew 1 card
[FoxtailsButjin]: sorry" wkwkwk
FoxtailsButjin played Pokémon Communication.
Put [Dragapult VMAX (RCL 93)] to deck
Got [Dragapult V (RCL 92)] from deck
FoxtailsButjin has shuffled deck.
Put Dragapult V onto bench
Attached a Horror Psychic Energy (RCL 172) to Dragapult V.
Galarian Zigzagoon has used Headbutt Tantrum
Talonflame V got 10 damage
Put Galarian Zigzagoon onto bench
FoxtailsButjin played Escape Rope.
Dragapult V is now active
Dedenne-GX has used Dedechange
Rapid Strike Energy (BST 182) was discarded
FoxtailsButjin drew 6 cards
Put Dedenne-GX onto bench
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
Shiqueira17 drew 1 card
Shiqueira17 played Quick Ball.
Fire Energy (SSH 220) was discarded
Put [Victini V (SSH 25)] to Hand
Shiqueira17 has shuffled deck.
Put Victini V onto bench
Giant Hearth is now in play.
Used Giant Hearth.
Fire Energy (SSH 220) was discarded
Put [Fire Energy (SSH 220), Fire Energy (SSH 220)] to Hand
Shiqueira17 has shuffled deck.
Shiqueira17 played Pokégear 3.0.
Put [Welder (UNB 214)] to Hand
Shiqueira17 has shuffled deck.
Shiqueira17 played Welder.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Talonflame V.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Talonflame V.
Shiqueira17 drew 3 cards
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Talonflame V.
Dedenne-GX has used Dedechange
Switch (SSH 183) was discarded
Fire Energy (SSH 220) was discarded
Pokégear 3.0 (UNB 182) was discarded
Shiqueira17 drew 6 cards
Put Dedenne-GX onto bench
Talonflame V used Bright Wing
[FoxtailsButjin]: galak"
Talonflame V did 160 damage to Dragapult V
Fire Energy (SSH 220) was discarded
Horror [P] Energy activates.
Talonflame V got 20 damage
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
FoxtailsButjin drew 1 card
Attached a Horror Psychic Energy (RCL 172) to Dragapult V.
FoxtailsButjin played Evolution Incense.
Put [Dragapult VMAX (RCL 93)] to Hand
FoxtailsButjin has shuffled deck.
Dragapult V evolved into Dragapult VMAX
FoxtailsButjin played Pokémon Communication.
Put [Crobat V (SHF 44)] to deck
Got [Dedenne-GX (UNB 195)] from deck
FoxtailsButjin has shuffled deck.
FoxtailsButjin played Boss's Orders.
Dedenne-GX is now active
Dedenne-GX has used Dedechange
Escape Rope (BST 125) was discarded
Aurora Energy (SSH 186) was discarded
FoxtailsButjin drew 6 cards
Put Dedenne-GX onto bench
FoxtailsButjin played Pokémon Communication.
candya is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
candya has exited spectation.
Put [Rapid Strike Urshifu V (BST 87)] to deck
Got [Dragapult V (RCL 92)] from deck
FoxtailsButjin has shuffled deck.
Put Dragapult V onto bench
FoxtailsButjin played Scoop Up Net.
Scooped up [Galarian Zigzagoon (SSH 117)]
[Shiqueira17]: yaolooo di bully aku
Crobat V has used Dark Asset
FoxtailsButjin drew 3 cards
Put Crobat V onto bench
Air Balloon (SSH 213) is attached to Crobat V
Dragapult VMAX used Max Phantom
Dragapult VMAX did 130 damage to Dedenne-GX
Victini V got 10 damage
Dedenne-GX (UNB 195)'s ability is blocked.
Victini V got 10 damage
Victini V got 10 damage
Victini V got 10 damage
Dozamura is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Victini V got 10 damage
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
Shiqueira17 drew 1 card
Air Balloon (SSH 156) is attached to Dedenne-GX
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Talonflame V.
Dedenne-GX retreated.
Talonflame V is now active
[Dozamura]: ha loo
Shiqueira17 played Pokémon Communication.
Put [Cramorant V (SSH 198)] to deck
[FoxtailsButjin]: hai ngol
Got [Victini VMAX (BST 22)] from deck
Shiqueira17 has shuffled deck.
Victini V evolved into Victini VMAX
Used Giant Hearth.
Fire Energy (SSH 220) was discarded
Put [Fire Energy (SSH 220), Fire Energy (SSH 220)] to Hand
Shiqueira17 has shuffled deck.
Shiqueira17 played Welder.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Victini VMAX.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Victini VMAX.
Shiqueira17 drew 3 cards
Talonflame V used Bright Wing
Talonflame V did 160 damage to Dragapult VMAX
Fire Energy (SSH 220) was discarded
Horror [P] Energy activates.
Talonflame V got 20 damage
Horror [P] Energy activates.
Talonflame V got 20 damage
Dragapult VMAX was knocked out
Horror Psychic Energy (RCL 172) was discarded
Horror Psychic Energy (RCL 172) was discarded
Shiqueira17 took one prize card.
Shiqueira17 took one prize card.
Shiqueira17 took one prize card.
Crobat V is now active
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
FoxtailsButjin drew 1 card
Dragapult V evolved into Dragapult VMAX
Attached a Horror Psychic Energy (RCL 172) to Dragapult VMAX.
FoxtailsButjin played Reset Stamp.
Put 7 cards to Deck
Shiqueira17 has shuffled deck.
Shiqueira17 drew 3 cards
Galarian Zigzagoon has used Headbutt Tantrum
Talonflame V got 10 damage
Put Galarian Zigzagoon onto bench
Crobat V retreated.
Dragapult VMAX is now active
Dragapult VMAX used Shred
Dragapult VMAX did 60 damage to Talonflame V
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
Shiqueira17 drew 1 card
Shiqueira17 played Pokémon Communication.
Put [Volcanion (SMP SM179)] to deck
Got [Cramorant V (SSH 198)] from deck
Shiqueira17 has shuffled deck.
Put Cramorant V onto bench
Shiqueira17 played Fire Crystal.
Put [Fire Energy (SSH 220), Fire Energy (SSH 220), Fire Energy (SSH 220)] to Hand
Shiqueira17 played Boss's Orders.
Dedenne-GX is now active
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Cramorant V.
Talonflame V retreated.
Victini VMAX is now active
[Shiqueira17]: ngentot apaan sih
Victini VMAX used Spreading Flames
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Talonflame V.
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Cramorant V.
[FoxtailsButjin]: ha?
Attached a Fire Energy (SSH 220) to Cramorant V.
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
FoxtailsButjin drew 1 card
[FoxtailsButjin]: active oy
[FoxtailsButjin]: oleng
[Shiqueira17]: salah klik, hrusnya crobat
[FoxtailsButjin]: wkwkwk
Used Giant Hearth.
Rapid Strike Urshifu V (BST 87) was discarded
FoxtailsButjin has shuffled deck.
FoxtailsButjin played Marnie.
Shiqueira17 shuffled their hand of 2 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
Shiqueira17 drew 4 cards
FoxtailsButjin shuffled their hand of 1 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
FoxtailsButjin drew 5 cards
snubbull_lover_74 is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
snubbull_lover_74 has exited spectation.
Air Balloon (SSH 213) is attached to Dedenne-GX
Dedenne-GX retreated.
Dragapult VMAX is now active
FoxtailsButjin played Quick Ball.
Professor's Research (SHF 60) was discarded
Put [Mewtwo (UNB 75)] to Hand
FoxtailsButjin has shuffled deck.
Dragapult VMAX used Shred
Dragapult VMAX did 60 damage to Victini VMAX
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
Shiqueira17 drew 1 card
Big Charm (SSH 158) is attached to Victini VMAX
Victini VMAX used Max Victory
Victini VMAX did 100 damage to Dragapult VMAX
Horror [P] Energy activates.
Victini VMAX got 20 damage
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
FoxtailsButjin drew 1 card
[FoxtailsButjin]: bug wkwkwk
[Shiqueira17]: noh cacat anjir victininya wkwkwk
Attached a Aurora Energy (SSH 186) to Dragapult VMAX.
Mewtwo (UNB 75) was discarded
FoxtailsButjin played Tool Scrapper.
Air Balloon (SSH 156) was discarded
Big Charm (SSH 158) was discarded
FoxtailsButjin played Marnie.
Shiqueira17 shuffled their hand of 4 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
Shiqueira17 drew 4 cards
FoxtailsButjin doesn't have any cards in hand, only needs to draw.
FoxtailsButjin drew 5 cards
Giant Hearth (UNM 197) will be discarded as Chaotic Swell (CEC 187) is played.
Giant Hearth (UNM 197) was discarded
Chaotic Swell is now in play.
FoxtailsButjin played Scoop Up Net.
Scooped up [Galarian Zigzagoon (SSH 117)]
Galarian Zigzagoon has used Headbutt Tantrum
Dedenne-GX got 10 damage
Put Galarian Zigzagoon onto bench