[BR] Solrock (DX 47). Lunatone (DX 36). Placing double solrock k

Solrock (DX 47). Lunatone (DX 36). Placing double solrock koes a lunatone with 20 hp remaining

Game starting
Game type: QUICKPLAY
Game format: EX Series
Battle started between high_flyer and ahoodedman!
Coin flip result: TAILS
ahoodedman will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
Attached a Holon Energy FF (DF 84) to Lunatone.
Lunatone used Foresight
Foresight rearranged Lunatone's opponent's deck
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
high_flyer drew 1 card
Put Pikachu onto bench
Put Cubone onto bench
Attached a δ Rainbow Energy (HP 98) to Pikachu.
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
ahoodedman played Holon Transceiver.
Put [Holon Mentor (DF 75)] to Hand
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
ahoodedman played Holon Mentor.
Holon Energy FF (DF 84) was discarded
Put [Solrock (LM 25), Solrock (DX 47), Lunatone (DX 36)] to Hand
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
Put [Holon Mentor (DF 75)] to Played Supporter
Put Solrock onto bench
Put Solrock onto bench
Put Lunatone onto bench
ahoodedman played Energy Removal 2.
Coin flip result: TAILS
Lunatone used Foresight
Foresight rearranged Lunatone's opponent's deck
Holon Mentor (DF 75) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
high_flyer drew 1 card
Attached a Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) to Stantler.
Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) is now a Special Energy Card
Stantler used Screechy Voice
Stantler did 10 damage to Lunatone
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
ahoodedman played Steven's Advice.
ahoodedman drew 3 cards
Put [Steven's Advice (PK 83)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Fighting Energy (PK 108) to Lunatone.
Lunatone used Target Beam
Stantler is weak to FIGHTING
Lunatone did 80 damage to Stantler
Stantler was knocked out
Holon's Magnemite (DS 70) was discarded
ahoodedman took one prize card.
Pikachu is now active
Steven's Advice (PK 83) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
high_flyer drew 1 card
high_flyer played Pokémon Retriever.
Put [Stantler (UF 32)] to Hand
pastospoke is now a spectator of the game from neutral POV
Put Stantler onto bench
pastospoke has exited spectation.
high_flyer played Pokémon Retriever.
Put [Holon's Magnemite (DS 70)] to Deck
high_flyer has shuffled deck.
Attached a Metal Energy (RS 94) to Cubone.
Pikachu used Tail Whap
Pikachu did 10 damage to Lunatone
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy (PK 108) to Lunatone.
ahoodedman played Holon Adventurer.
Psychic Energy (EM 105) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 3 cards
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Played Supporter
Lunatone (DX 36)'s ability is blocked.
Energy Root (UF 83) is attached to Lunatone
Put Lunatone onto bench
Lunatone used Foresight
Foresight rearranged Lunatone's opponent's deck
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
high_flyer drew 1 card
Attached a Metal Energy (RS 94) to Cubone.
Pikachu used Tail Whap
Pikachu did 10 damage to Lunatone
Between turns
Turn 9 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Attached a Multi Energy (PK 89) to Lunatone.
ahoodedman played Energy Removal 2.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Metal Energy (RS 94) was discarded
ahoodedman played Holon Transceiver.
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Hand
ahoodedman played Holon Adventurer.
Desert Ruins (HL 88) was discarded
ahoodedman drew 3 cards
Put [Holon Adventurer (HP 85)] to Played Supporter
Lunatone (DX 36)'s ability is blocked.
Energy Root (UF 83) is attached to Lunatone
ahoodedman played Pokémon Reversal.
Coin flip result: HEADS
Cubone is now active
Lunatone used Target Beam
Metal Energy -0 (because Cubone isn't [M])
Lunatone did 40 damage to Cubone
Holon Adventurer (HP 85) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 10 begins
high_flyer drew 1 card
Desert Ruins is now in play.
high_flyer played Rocket's Admin. .
Put 1 card to Deck
Put 3 cards to Deck
high_flyer has shuffled deck.
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
high_flyer drew 6 cards
ahoodedman drew 5 cards
Put [Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86)] to Played Supporter
Attached a Holon's Castform (HP 44) to Cubone.
Put [Metal Energy (RS 94)] to Hand
Holon's Castform (HP 44) is now a Special Energy Card
Cubone used Rage
Cubone did 50 damage to Lunatone
Rocket's Admin. (TRR 86) was discarded
Between turns
Turn 11 begins
ahoodedman drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy (PK 108) to Lunatone.
ahoodedman played Great Ball.
Lunatone was knocked out
Fighting Energy (PK 108) was discarded
Holon Energy FF (DF 84) was discarded
Energy Root (UF 83) was discarded
high_flyer took one prize card.
Lunatone is now active
Put Solrock onto bench.
ahoodedman has shuffled deck.
[ahoodedman]: what
[ahoodedman]: why
[high_flyer]: ? idk seems like a bug, weird
[high_flyer]: I was like wtf :p
[high_flyer]: u just played gb and it got KOed?