[BR] Sandaconda VMAX (CRE 206). Galarian Slowking V (CRE 179). G

Sandaconda VMAX (CRE 206). Galarian Slowking V (CRE 179). Galarian Slowking's damage exceeded it's HP

Game starting
Game type: QuickPlay
Game format: Standard 2021
Battle started between sockka and ikochang!
Coin flip result: TAILS
ikochang will start
Game setup complete
Between turns
Turn 1 begins
ikochang drew 1 card
Put Sandaconda V onto bench
Attached a Fighting Energy (SSH 223) to Sandaconda V.
Between turns
Turn 2 begins
sockka drew 1 card
Attached a Hiding Darkness Energy (DAA 175) to Galarian Slowking V.
Pokémon Research Lab is now in play.
Galarian Slowking V used Concoction
sockka disconnected, waiting 15 seconds before ending game.
sockka reconnected.
Player is using Pokémon Research Lab.
Put Omanyte onto bench.
sockka has shuffled deck.
Between turns
Turn 3 begins
ikochang drew 1 card
Minccino evolved into Cinccino
Sandaconda V evolved into Sandaconda VMAX
Attached a Fighting Energy (SSH 223) to Sandaconda VMAX.
ikochang played Marnie.
sockka shuffled their hand of 5 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
sockka drew 4 cards
ikochang shuffled their hand of 2 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
ikochang drew 5 cards
Cinccino has used Make Do
Fighting Energy (SSH 223) was discarded
ikochang drew 2 cards
Telescopic Sight (VIV 203) is attached to Sandaconda VMAX
Between turns
Turn 4 begins
sockka drew 1 card
Put Galarian Slowking V onto bench
Attached a Darkness Energy (SSH 224) to Galarian Slowking V.
Between turns
Turn 5 begins
ikochang drew 1 card
ikochang played Evolution Incense.
Put [Sandaconda VMAX (CRE 90)] to Hand
ikochang has shuffled deck.
Attached a Stone F Energy (VIV 164) to Sandaconda VMAX.
U-Turn Board (UNM 255) is attached to Cinccino
Cinccino retreated.
Sandaconda VMAX is now active
ikochang played Pokémon Communication.
Put [Sandaconda VMAX (CRE 90)] to deck
Got [Crobat V (DAA 182)] from deck
ikochang has shuffled deck.
Crobat V has used Dark Asset
ikochang drew 4 cards
Put Crobat V onto bench
ikochang played Quick Ball.
Boss's Orders (SHF 58) was discarded
Put [Sandaconda V (RCL 184)] to Hand
ikochang has shuffled deck.
Put Sandaconda V onto bench
Sandaconda VMAX used G-Max Cyclone
Galarian Slowking V is weak to FIGHTING
Sandaconda VMAX did 360 damage to Galarian Slowking V
Between turns
Turn 6 begins
sockka drew 1 card
Cape of Toughness (DAA 160) is attached to Galarian Slowking V
sockka played Stadium Nav.
Coin flip result: HEADS HEADS
Put [Galar Mine (RCL 160)] to Hand
Put [Galar Mine (RCL 160)] to Hand
sockka has shuffled deck.
Pokémon Research Lab (UNM 205) will be discarded as Galar Mine (RCL 160) is played.
Pokémon Research Lab (UNM 205) was discarded
Galar Mine is now in play.
Attached a Darkness Energy (SSH 224) to Galarian Slowking V.
Galarian Slowking V used Word of Ruin
At the end of B's next turn, the Defending Sandaconda VMAX will be Knocked Out. (This effect can be removed by benching/evolving Sandaconda VMAX.)
Between turns
Turn 7 begins
ikochang drew 1 card
Attached a Fighting Energy (SSH 223) to Sandaconda V.
Sandaconda V evolved into Sandaconda VMAX
ikochang played Marnie.
sockka shuffled their hand of 2 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
sockka drew 4 cards
ikochang shuffled their hand of 2 cards, and put it at the bottom of their deck.
ikochang drew 5 cards
Put Minccino onto bench
Sandaconda VMAX used Sand Pulse
Telescopic Sight (VIV 203) +30
Galarian Slowking V is weak to FIGHTING
Sandaconda VMAX did 120 damage to Galarian Slowking V
Sandaconda VMAX did 20 damage to Omanyte
Sandaconda VMAX did 50 damage to Galarian Slowking V
Word of Ruin effect activates.
Sandaconda VMAX was knocked out
Fighting Energy (SSH 223) was discarded
Fighting Energy (SSH 223) was discarded
Stone F Energy (VIV 164) was discarded
Telescopic Sight (VIV 203) was discarded
sockka took one prize card.
sockka took one prize card.
sockka took one prize card.
Sandaconda VMAX is now active
Between turns
Turn 8 begins
sockka drew 1 card
sockka wins the game! Opponent has surrendered